/* xsts.css: CSS styles for XML Schema test suite and test set documents. * * Copyright © 2010 World Wide Web Consortium, * (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, European Research Consortium for * Informatics and Mathematics, Keio University). All Rights Reserved. This * work is distributed under the W3C® Document License [1] in the hope that * it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * [1] http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/2002/copyright-documents-20021231 */ /* The red-green-blue colors here are a bit of a compromise: * I asked a color picker for a three-color scheme and rotated the * colors until the deuteranopy simulation showed three hues that looked * relatively distinct, and which the normal-vision display showed as * shades of green, red, and blue: BBFF6D, FF6DBB, and 6DFBBFF. * * I then used an HSL calculator to reduce the saturation to 50% for * the red and green, and to 25% for the blue (on the grounds that * notKnown is naturally less assertive than valid/invalid, and might as * well be less vivid). Works OK for deuteronapy and protanopy, but * the green and glue are too similar for tritanopy. That's very rare, * but let's try taking the brightnes of blue down to 90%. No, * hard to distinguish from the red, for deuteranopes. So take it * back up to 95%, and reduce the saturation to 15%. Now it's hard * to distinguish the blue from the gray. So take the gray back up to * #EEEEEE from #DDD. Seems to work, in the sense of providing * more or less distinguishable tones for normal vision and (as far as * I can tell from the simulations at vischeck.com [thanks, fellows!]) * for deuteranope, protanope, and tritanope vision. * * However, the green and pink were very intense, and attempts to * desaturate them failed (made it hard to distinguish other things). * So I started over with the color picker from colorjack, choosing * split-complentary set of three colors which worked reasonably well * with all vision types. This time, instead of assuming only hue * mattered, I pushed the selector points toward the center of the * color circle, where things desaturate to white, so as to get less * intense and ugly colors. (This experience also explained why the * earlier choose-hue-then-desaturate approach did not work: when * you're that close in to the center, it's easy to get tones which are * not distinct for all vision types.) */ /* v1: by hand .valid { background-color: #DFD; } .invalid { background-color: #FDD; } .notKnown { background-color: #DDF; } .indeterminate { background-color: #DDD; } */ /* v2: find a good set of three hues, then manually adjust * saturation, etc. * green hsl(90,50,100) * red hsl(330,50,100) * blue hsl(220,24,100) tried 90% value, too close to red for deut. .valid { background-color: #C1FF7F; } .invalid { background-color: #FF7FC1; } .notKnown { background-color: #BFE0FF; } */ /* v3 reduce saturation to 20% (and find some distinctions that work find at other saturations now collapse again) .valid { background-color: #EBFDCE; } .invalid { background-color: #F4CFE6; } .notKnown { background-color: #D2DBF0; } */ /* v4 try new color scheme: valid is now a greenish yellow .valid { background-color: #F1FFCB; } .invalid { background-color: #FFCBD9; } .notKnown { background-color: #E9CBFF; } */ /* v5 yet another color scheme. Abandon the green/red * metaphor and just look for three colors that don't * look too ugly together. * Not bad, but ... not great, either. .valid { background-color: #B3F7FF; } .invalid { background-color: #CAD3FF; } .notKnown { background-color: #FFE2B3; } .indeterminate { background-color: #EEEEEE; } */ /* v6 Reuse color scheme from XSD type hierarchy diagram. */ /* valid = other atomic types (light blue) * invalid = list types (intense blue) * notKnown = primitives (med blue) * indeterminate = specials (dark steel blue) */ .valid { background-color: #E6F4FF; } .invalid { background-color: #80C9FF; } .notKnown { background-color: #BFE4FF; } .indeterminate { background-color: #6096BF; color: white; } .indeterminate a:link { color: #E6F4FF; } .indeterminate a:visited { color: #BFE4FF; } p.instanceTest, p.schemaTest { margin-bottom: 0; padding: 0.2em 0.6em; } p.instanceTest + p.instanceTest { margin-top: 0; } .schema-name, .instance-test-name { font-style: italic; } div.testlist { margin: 1em 2em; } p.docref { margin-bottom: 0; } p.docref + p.docref { margin-top: 0; }