Test timezone facet with value="required" Allows an xs:time value provided it has a timezone Valid, timezone present. Valid, timezone present. Invalid, no timezone present. Test timezone facet with value="prohibited" Allows an xs:time value provided it has a timezone Invalid, timezone present. Invalid, timezone present. Valid, no timezone present. Test timezone facet with value="optional" Allows an xs:time value provided it has a timezone valid, timezone present. valid, timezone present. Valid, no timezone present. Test timezone facet with value="optional" derived from value="required" Invalid restriction Test timezone facet with value="optional" derived from value="prohibited" Invalid restriction Test timezone facet Invalid facet value Test timezone facet Used on inapplicable data type Test timezone facet Used on inapplicable data type (union type) Test built-in type xs:dateTimeStamp A dateTime value with a required timezone valid, timezone present. valid, timezone present. invalid, no timezone present. Test built-in type xs:dateTimeStamp restriction from xs:dateTimeStamp valid, timezone present. valid, timezone present. invalid, no timezone present. invalid, value out of range. Test year zero allowed in type xs:dateTimeStamp use year zero in minInclusive facet valid, year zero date after minInclusive. valid, year zero in proleptic Gregorian calendar was a leap year. invalid, year zero date before minInclusive. Test year zero allowed in type xs:gYearMonth use year zero in enumeration facet valid, year zero gYearmonth. valid, year zero gYearmonth. valid, year zero gYearmonth. invalid, year zero date before minInclusive. invalid, year zero date before minInclusive. invalid, year zero date before minInclusive. Test leap years in proleptic Gregorian calendar 0, -4, ... are a leap years; but not -100 valid, leap year. valid, leap year. valid, leap year. invalid, not a leap year. invalid, not a leap year. Leap seconds are not permitted 31 Dec 2008 included a leap second, but xs:dateTime ignores it invalid, leap seconds not allowed. Test equality of xs:dateTime values appearing in an enumeration For example, 00:00:00 is equal to 24:00:00 on the previous day valid, 00:00 = 24:00. valid, fraction digits equivalent. valid, same instant in different timezones. invalid, different timezone. invalid, 24:00:00 is the highest time value allowed. Test equality of xs:time values appearing in integrity constraints For example, 00:00:00 is equal to 24:00:00 valid, all values equivalent. valid, all values equivalent. invalid, values not equivalent. invalid, values not equivalent. Test xs:dayTimeDuration including equality rules For example, P1D is equal to P24H valid, all values equivalent. invalid, values not equivalent. Test xs:yearMonthDuration including equality rules For example, P1Y is equal to P12M valid, all values equivalent. invalid, values not equivalent. Test xs:dayTimeDuration min/max rules For example, P1Y is equal to P12M valid, all values valid. valid, all values valid. valid, all values valid. invalid, values out of range. invalid, values out of range. Test xs:yearMonthDuration min/max rules For example, P1Y is equal to P12M valid, all values valid. valid, all values valid. valid, all values valid. invalid, values out of range. invalid, values out of range.