Simple assertion on an attribute value, ignored under XSD 1.0 Simple assertion on an attribute value, ignored under XSD 1.0 Valid, satisfies the assertion. Invalid under 1.1, does not satisfy the assertion. Equivalent schemas with different formulations under XSD 1.0 and XSD 1.1 Equivalent schemas with different formulations under XSD 1.0 and XSD 1.1 Valid, satisfies the assertion and the pattern. Invalid, does not satisfy the assertion or the pattern. Test a hypothetical 5.0 feature ignored under XSD 1.1 Test a hypothetical 5.0 feature ignored under XSD 1.1 Valid (the 5.0 restriction is ignored) Use of version conditionals in an included schema document Use of version conditionals in an included schema document Valid (the 5.0 restriction is ignored) Use of version conditionals to ignore an (otherwise invalid) xs:include Use of version conditionals to ignore an (otherwise invalid) xs:include Valid (the 5.0 restriction is ignored) Use of version conditionals to make a schema document empty Use of version conditionals to make a schema document empty Invalid (no element declaration present) Include a schema document made empty by version control attributes Include a schema document made empty by version control attributes Valid Invalid (assert not satisfied) Empty vc:xx[un]available attributes have no effect Empty vc:xx[un]available attributes have no effect Valid, satisfies the assertion. Invalid, does not satisfy the assertion. Misspelt vc: attribute has no effect Misspelt vc: attribute has no effect Valid, satisfies the assertion. Invalid, does not satisfy the assertion. vc:typeAvailable with a known type vc:typeAvailable with a known type Valid, attribute is allowed. vc:typeUnavailable with a known type vc:typeUnavailable with a known type Invalid, attribute is not allowed. vc:typeAvailable with a mix of known and unknown types vc:typeAvailable with a mix of known and unknown types Invalid, attribute is not allowed. vc:typeUnavailable with a mix of known and unknown types vc:typeUnavailable with a mix of known and unknown types Valid, attribute is allowed. Conditional use of xs:error controlled by vc:typeAvailable Conditional use of xs:error controlled by vc:typeAvailable Valid, the impossible attribute is absent. Invalid, the impossible attribute is present vc:facetAvailable with a known facet vc:facetAvailable with a known facet Valid, attribute is allowed. vc:facetUnavailable with a known facet vc:facetUnavailable with a known facet Invalid, attribute is not allowed. vc:facetAvailable with a mix of known and unknown facets vc:facetAvailable with a mix of known and unknown facets Inalid, attribute is not allowed. vc:facetUnavailable with a mix of known and unknown facet vc:facetUnavailable with a mix of known and unknown facets valid, attribute is allowed. Simple assertion on an attribute value, ignored under XSD 1.0 Simple assertion on an attribute value, ignored under XSD 1.0 Valid, satisfies the assertion. Invalid, does not satisfy the assertion. Bad schema, invalid vc:minVersion Bad schema, invalid vc:minVersion Invalid vc:maxVersion, not detected in XSD 1.0 Invalid vc:maxVersion, not detected in XSD 1.0 See bug 13906 Bad schema, invalid vc:maxVersion Bad schema, invalid vc:maxVersion See bug 13906. This test is a variant of the previous vc902. Bad schema, invalid QName in vc:typeAvailable Bad schema, invalid QName in vc:typeAvailable Bad schema, invalid QName in vc:typeUnavailable Bad schema, invalid QName in vc:typeUnavailable