+INF allowed in xs:double lexical space +INF allowed in xs:double lexical space in XSD 1.1 Valid, +INF used legitimately. Invalid, -INF conflicts with fixed value. Invalid, NaN conflicts with fixed value. +INF allowed in xs:float lexical space +INF allowed in xs:float lexical space in XSD 1.1 Valid, +INF used legitimately. Invalid, -INF conflicts with fixed value. Invalid, NaN conflicts with fixed value. Type X is substitutable for union(X,Y) Union is substitutable by one of the member types Valid Invalid Invalid Union(X,Y) is not validly derived from Union(X,Y,Z) Doesn't make much sense, but that's what the spec says. Type X is substitutable for union(X,Y) when X is itself a union type Union is substitutable by one of the member types when that member type is a union Valid Valid use of xsi:type here Invalid Invalid Type D is substitutable for union(X,DT) when DT is union (D,T) Tests substitutability of transitive membership of the union Valid Invalid Invalid Member of a union is not substitutable if the union is derived by restriction Tests substitutability of transitive membership of the union Member of a union is not substitutable if the union is derived by restriction Tests substitutability of transitive membership of the union xsi:type OK to select a member of a union only if there are no restriction facets xsi:type OK to select a member of a union only if there are no restriction facets Valid, xsi:type is OK here as the union is unrestricted Invalid, xsi:type cannot be used here as the union is restricted. The transitive membership of a union type must not contain the union itself The transitive membership of a union type must not contain the union itself invalid, cyclic union definition The transitive membership of a union type must not contain a type derived from the union The transitive membership of a union type must not contain a type derived from the union invalid, cyclic union definition The transitive membership of a union type must not contain a type constructed from the union The transitive membership of a union type must not contain a type constructed from the union invalid, cyclic union definition The transitive membership of a union type must not contain a type constructed from the union The transitive membership of a union type must not contain a type constructed from the union invalid, cyclic union definition The string "[^]" is not a valid regex The string "[^]" is not a valid regex invalid regular expression in pattern facet Enumeration value OK if "equal or identical", so NaN is accepted. See bug 9196 Enumeration value OK if "equal or identical", so NaN is accepted. See bug 9196 Valid, Enumeration value OK if "equal or identical" Valid, Enumeration value OK if "equal or identical" Valid, Enumeration value OK if "equal or identical" Invalid, Enumeration value OK only if "equal or identical". Hyphens in regular expressions Tests use of hyphens in regular expressions Valid, Invalid, Invalid, Hyphens in regular expressions Tests use of hyphens in regular expressions invalid, cyclic union definition Hyphens in regular expressions Tests use of hyphens in regular expressions invalid, cyclic union definition Hyphens in regular expressions Tests use of hyphens in regular expressions this regex becomes legal by a decision of the WG in Nov 2010. See bug 13922. Hyphens in regular expressions Tests use of hyphens in regular expressions valid regex Valid, Invalid, Hyphens in regular expressions Tests use of hyphens in regular expressions valid regex Valid, Invalid, Hyphens in regular expressions Tests use of hyphens in regular expressions valid regex Valid, Invalid, Use of xs:anyAtomicType Tests use of xs:anyAtomicType as the type of an element declaration valid schema using anyAtomicType Valid, anyAtomicType allows anything Valid xsi:type restricting to a date Invalid, if restricting to a date the date must be valid Invalid, restricting to an unknown type Invalid, restricting to untypedAtomic Use of xs:anyAtomicType Cannot use xs:anyAtomicType as the base type of a restriction invalid schema using anyAtomicType Use of xs:anyAtomicType Tests use of xs:anyAtomicType as the item type of a list. This has been disallowed in consequence of the resolution of bug 11103 invalid schema using anyAtomicType as the item type of a list Use of xs:anyAtomicType Tests use of xs:anyAtomicType as the member type of a union. Union of xs:anyAtomicType is not allowed, as a consequence of the resolution of bug 11103 invalid schema using anyAtomicType as a member type in a union xsi:type must resolve xsi:type isn't one of the member type of a union, in fact it doesn't exist valid schema using a union Invalid, unknown xsi:type Facet must not appear more than once Facet must not appear more than once invalid schema, facet is repeated violating clause 1 of Simple Type Definition Representation OK Facet must not appear more than once Facet must not appear more than once invalid schema, facet is repeated violating clause 1 of Simple Type Definition Representation OK Facet must not appear more than once Facet must not appear more than once invalid schema, facet is repeated violating clause 1 of Simple Type Definition Representation OK Facet must not appear more than once Facet must not appear more than once invalid schema, facet is repeated violating clause 1 of Simple Type Definition Representation OK Facet must not appear more than once Facet must not appear more than once invalid schema, facet is repeated violating clause 1 of Simple Type Definition Representation OK Facet must not appear more than once Facet must not appear more than once invalid schema, facet is repeated violating clause 1 of Simple Type Definition Representation OK Facet must not appear more than once Facet must not appear more than once invalid schema, facet is repeated violating clause 1 of Simple Type Definition Representation OK Facet must not appear more than once Facet must not appear more than once invalid schema, facet is repeated violating clause 1 of Simple Type Definition Representation OK Facet must not appear more than once Facet must not appear more than once invalid schema, facet is repeated violating clause 1 of Simple Type Definition Representation OK Facet must not appear more than once Facet must not appear more than once invalid schema, facet is repeated violating clause 1 of Simple Type Definition Representation OK Facet must not appear more than once Facet must not appear more than once invalid schema, facet is repeated violating clause 1 of Simple Type Definition Representation OK Facet must not appear more than once Facet must not appear more than once invalid schema, facet is repeated violating clause 1 of Simple Type Definition Representation OK Facet must not appear more than once Facet must not appear more than once invalid schema, facet is repeated violating clause 1 of Simple Type Definition Representation OK Facet must not appear more than once Facet must not appear more than once invalid schema, facet is repeated violating clause 1 of Simple Type Definition Representation OK Facet must not appear more than once Facet must not appear more than once invalid schema, facet is repeated violating clause 1 of Simple Type Definition Representation OK Facet must not appear more than once Facet must not appear more than once invalid schema, facet is repeated violating clause 1 of Simple Type Definition Representation OK Facet must not appear more than once Facet must not appear more than once invalid schema, facet is repeated violating clause 1 of Simple Type Definition Representation OK Facet must not appear more than once Facet must not appear more than once invalid schema, facet is repeated violating clause 1 of Simple Type Definition Representation OK Facet must not appear more than once Facet must not appear more than once invalid schema, facet is repeated violating clause 1 of Simple Type Definition Representation OK Facet must not appear more than once Facet must not appear more than once invalid schema, facet is repeated violating clause 1 of Simple Type Definition Representation OK Facet must not appear more than once Facet must not appear more than once invalid schema, facet is repeated violating clause 1 of Simple Type Definition Representation OK Facet must not appear more than once Facet must not appear more than once invalid schema, facet is repeated violating clause 1 of Simple Type Definition Representation OK Facet must not appear more than once Facet must not appear more than once invalid schema, facet is repeated violating clause 1 of Simple Type Definition Representation OK Facet must not appear more than once Facet must not appear more than once invalid schema, facet is repeated violating clause 1 of Simple Type Definition Representation OK Facet must not appear more than once Facet must not appear more than once invalid schema, facet is repeated violating clause 1 of Simple Type Definition Representation OK