Attribute of type precisionDecimal Simple precisionDecimal value Valid attributes of type precision decimal. Valid attributes of type precision decimal with leading and trailing whitespace. Invalid precisionDecimal attribute. Invalid precisionDecimal attribute. Invalid precisionDecimal attribute. Invalid precisionDecimal attribute. Invalid precisionDecimal attribute. Attribute of type precisionDecimal - invalid in XSD 1.0 Simple precisionDecimal attribute: valid in XSD 1.1, but not in XSD 1.0 Restriction of type precisionDecimal using the minInclusive facet Restriction of type precisionDecimal using the minInclusive facet Valid attributes of type precision decimal. Invalid attribute of type precision decimal (violates the facet). Invalid attribute of type precision decimal (violates the facet). Invalid attribute of type precision decimal (violates the facet). Restriction of type precisionDecimal using the minExclusive facet Restriction of type precisionDecimal using the minExclusive facet Valid attributes of type precision decimal. Invalid attribute of type precision decimal (violates the facet). Invalid attribute of type precision decimal (violates the facet). Invalid attribute of type precision decimal (violates the facet). Invalid attribute of type precision decimal (violates the facet). Restriction of type precisionDecimal using the maxInclusive facet Restriction of type precisionDecimal using the maxInclusive facet Valid attributes of type precision decimal. Invalid attribute of type precision decimal (violates the facet). Invalid attribute of type precision decimal (violates the facet). Invalid attribute of type precision decimal (violates the facet). Restriction of type precisionDecimal using the maxExclusive facet Restriction of type precisionDecimal using the maxExclusive facet Valid attributes of type precision decimal. Invalid attribute of type precision decimal (violates the facet). Invalid attribute of type precision decimal (violates the facet). Invalid attribute of type precision decimal (violates the facet). Restriction of type precisionDecimal using the enumeration facet Restriction of type precisionDecimal using the enumeration facet Valid attributes of type precision decimal. Invalid attribute of type precision decimal (violates the facet). Invalid attribute of type precision decimal (violates the facet). Restriction of type precisionDecimal using the pattern facet with value NaN Restriction of type precisionDecimal using the pattern facet with value NaN Valid attributes of type precision decimal. Invalid attribute of type precision decimal (violates the facet). Restriction of type precisionDecimal using the totalDigits facet with value 4 Restriction of type precisionDecimal using the totalDigits facet with value 4 Valid attributes of type precision decimal. Invalid attribute of type precision decimal (violates the facet). Invalid attribute of type precision decimal (violates the facet). Invalid attribute of type precision decimal (violates the facet). Invalid attribute of type precision decimal (violates the facet). Invalid attribute of type precision decimal (violates the facet). Restriction of type precisionDecimal using the fractionDigits facet Restriction of type precisionDecimal using the fractionDigits facet (not allowed) Restriction of type precisionDecimal using the minScale and maxScale facets Restriction of type precisionDecimal using the minScale and maxScale facets Valid attributes of type precision decimal. Invalid attribute of type precision decimal (violates the facet). Invalid attribute of type precision decimal (violates the facet). Invalid attribute of type precision decimal (violates the facet). Invalid attribute of type precision decimal (violates the facet). Invalid attribute of type precision decimal (violates the facet). Restriction of type precisionDecimal: error, minScale > maxScale Restriction of type precisionDecimal: error, minScale > maxScale Restriction of type precisionDecimal: error, minScale lt minScale of base type Restriction of type precisionDecimal: error, minScale lt minScale of base type Restriction of type precisionDecimal: error, maxScale lt maxScale of base type Restriction of type precisionDecimal: error, maxScale lt maxScale of base type Restriction of type precisionDecimal: error, maxScale lt minScale of base type Restriction of type precisionDecimal: error, maxScale lt minScale of base type Restriction of type precisionDecimal: error, minScale > maxScale of base type Restriction of type precisionDecimal: error, minScale > maxScale of base type Restriction of type precisionDecimal using negative minScale and maxScale facets Restriction of type precisionDecimal using negative minScale and maxScale facets Valid attributes of type precision decimal. Invalid attribute of type precision decimal (violates the facet). Invalid attribute of type precision decimal (violates the facet). Invalid attribute of type precision decimal (violates the facet). Invalid attribute of type precision decimal (violates the facet). Cannot use length facet with precisionDecimal Cannot use length facet with precisionDecimal Cannot use length facet with precisionDecimal Cannot use length facet with precisionDecimal List of type precisionDecimal List of type precisionDecimal Valid attributes of type precision decimal. Invalid attribute of type precision decimal (violates the facet). Union of type precisionDecimal Union of type precisionDecimal Valid attributes of type precision decimal. Invalid attribute of type precision decimal (violates the facet).