wildcard Tests notQName="##defined" Tests notQName and notNamespace list Tests namespace attribute in wildcard Tests weakened wildcard (tests whether error occurs on violation of UPA) the keyword ##definedSibling can be used to exclude all elements explicitly mentioned in a content model the keyword ##definedSibling can be used to exclude all elements explicitly mentioned in a content model (and all elements substitutable for those elements) skip wildcards now excluded from EDC constraint invalid element in instance document as it does not match ns of wildcard invalid element in instance document as it does not match ns of wildcard invalid element in instance document as it does not match ns of wildcard invalid element in instance document as it does not match ns of wildcard invalid element in instance document as it matches the namespace in notNamespace list in wildcard Tests namespace attribute in wildcard the keyword ##definedSibling can be used to exclude all elements explicitly mentioned in a content model the keyword ##definedSibling can be used to exclude all elements explicitly mentioned in a content model (and all elements substitutable for those elements) Wildcard, schema invalid test case - The namespace of each QName in disallowed is allowed by the namespace constraint