ID/IDREF tests xs:ID/IDREF with xs:anyAttribute xs:ID/IDREF with xs:anyAttribute xs:ID/IDREF with fixed value on attribute xs:ENTITIES with default value on attribute xs:ENTITY with default value on attribute xs:ID/IDREF with default value on attribute xs:ID/IDREF with fixed value on attribute xs:ID/IDREF with default value on attribute xs:ID/IDREF with fixed value on attribute lists of ID, naive test case on elements Unions involving ID Multiple attributes of type ID lists of ID on attributes lists of ID, naive test case on elements lists of ID, simpleContent Added new root element to make the ID effective, in response to bug #12143 lists of ID, simpleContent Unions involving ID in elements Unions involving ID in attributes Unions involving ID in elements, attributes Unions involving ID in elements, attributes lists of ID, simpleContent Added new root element to make the ID effective, in response to bug #12143 Multiple attributes of type ID Multiple attributes of type ID Multiple attributes of type ID Multiple attributes of type ID xs:ID with default value on attribute, and xs:IDREF on element xs:ID/IDREF with default value on attribute xs:ID/IDREF with default value on attribute Multiple attributes of type ID with default value equality of an atomic value with a singleton list in ID/IDREF Multiple attributes of type ID, with restriction on enum Multiple attributes of type ID Multiple attributes of type ID, invalid id value xs:ID/IDREF with fixed value on attribute xs:ID/IDREF with default value on attribute, invalid id value override the default value xs:ID/IDREF with default value on attribute lists of ID, naive test case on elements lists of ID, invalid ID value on list of ids lists of ID, invalid value on idref element Unions involving ID lists of ID on attributes, invalid idref value on attribute lists of ID, invalid idref value on attribute and element lists of ID, simpleContent, invalid idref value on attribute lists of ID, simpleContent, invalid idref value on element Unions involving ID in elements, invalid idref value on element Unions involving ID in attributes, invalid idref value on attribute Unions involving ID in elements, invalid idref value on attribute Unions involving ID in elements, invalid idref value on element Multiple attributes of type ID, complexContent, with invalid idref value on element Multiple attributes of type ID, invalid idref value on element Multiple attributes of type ID Multiple attributes of type ID xs:ID with default value on attribute, and xs:IDREF on element with invalid value xs:ID/IDREF with default value on attribute Multiple attributes of type ID with default value ID on root does not denote any element ID on root does not denote any element xs:ENTITIES, invalid default value with respect to enum xs:ENTITY, invalid default value with respect to enum xs:ID, invalid default value on an id type invalid fixed value on an id type invalid default value on an idref type invalid fixed value on an idref type invalid default value on a list of type id Unions involving ID in elements, with invalid default value Multiple attributes of type ID invalid default value on a list of type id xs:ENTITIES, invalid default value xs:ENTITY, invalid default value xs:ID, invalid default value on an id type invalid fixed value on an id type invalid default value on an idref type invalid fixed value on an idref type invalid default value on a list of type id Unions involving ID in elements, with invalid default value Multiple attributes of type ID invalid default value on a list of type id