dayTimeDuration. Tests the simpleType dayTimeDuration and its facets Tests the simpleType dayTimeDuration and its facets and its use in attributes Tests dayTimeDuration used in unions Tests the simpleType dayTimeDuration and its facets with (min|max) (Inclusive|Exclusive) constraint checks in derivations of simpleTypes Additional tests for dayTimeDuration and its facets with (min|max) (Inclusive|Exclusive) constraint checks in derivations of simpleTypes Invalid dayTimeDuration values Invalid dayTimeDuration enumeration values Invalid dayTimeDuration Min/Max Inclusive Invalid dayTimeDuration Min/Max Exclusive Invalid values of dayTimeDuration and invalid instance of its facets used in attributes Invalid dayTimeDuration values used in unions Invalid dayTimeDuration values used with (min|max) (Inclusive|Exclusive) constraint checks in derivations of simpleTypes length is an invalid facet for dayTimeDuration (min|max)? (Inclusive|Exclusive) are not of the base type specification min(Inclusive|Exclusive) cannot be greater max(Inclusive|Exclusive) Both min(Inclusive|Exclusive) or max(Inclusive|Exclusive) cannot be specified for the same simpleType The value of minInclusive in base type is greater than the values of minInclusive, minExclusive, maxInclusive, maxExclusive in the base type The value of minExclusive in base type is greater than the values of minInclusive, minExclusive, maxInclusive, maxExclusive in the base type The value of maxInclusive in base type is lesser than the values of minInclusive, minExclusive, maxInclusive, maxExclusive in the base type The value of maxExclusive in base type is lesser than the values of minInclusive, minExclusive, maxInclusive, maxExclusive in the base type Enumeration values are incorrect dayTimeDuration values The value of whiteSpace facet can only be collapse Tests if fixed=true then the derived type cannot specify a value for the facet other than the base type Tests negative boundary values and equality. (min)(Inclusive|Exclusive) > (max)(Inclusive|Exclusive)