dateTimeStamp Tests the simpleType dateTimeStamp and its facets and its use in elements Tests the simpleType decimal and its facets and its use in attributes Tests the simpleType dateTimeStamp and its facets pattern, used in lists Tests the simpleType decimal and its facets, used with unions Tests the simpleType decimal and its facets Tests the simpleType dateTimeStamp and its facets with (min|max) (Inclusive|Exclusive) constraint checks in derivations of simpleTypes Tests the simpleType decimal and its facets with (min|max) (Inclusive|Exclusive) constraint checks in derivations of simpleTypes Tests the simpleType dateTimeStamp and its facets with (min|max) (Inclusive|Exclusive) constraint checks in derivations of simpleTypes Tests the simpleType dateTimeStamp and its facets with (min|max) (Inclusive|Exclusive) constraint checks in derivations of simpleTypes Additional dateTimeStamp tests, for attributes invalid dateTimeStamp values;Invalid enumeration values Invalid decimal values for (min|max) (Inclusive|Exclusive) error: when minInclusive > maxInclusive and minExclusive > maxExclusive error: when minInclusive > maxExclusive and minExclusive > maxInclusive It is an error to specify both minInclusive and minExclusive or maxExclusive and maxInclusive for the same type definition It is an error if minInclusive less than base.minInclusive It is an error if minExclusive less than base.minExclusive It is an error if maxInclusive > base.maxInclusive It is an error if maxInclusive > base.maxInclusive) It is an error if maxExclusive > base.maxExclusive It is an error if maxInclusive = base.maxExclusive or minInclusive = base.minExclusive The value of explicitTimezone for dateTimeStamp can only be required This test case tests the fixed attribute on facets The enumeration contains values that are not of the base type The value of whiteSpace for precisionDecimal can only be collapse The pattern contains an invalid regular expression This test case tests the fixed attribute on facets This test case tests the fixed attribute on facets with multiple derivations