TEST :Notations : Basic Case on Notation TEST :Notations : Empty notation under schema TEST :Notations : Notation with ID="foo25" TEST :Notations : Notation with ID="_foo-2.5" TEST :Notations : Notation with ID="25" TEST :Notations : Notation with ID="" TEST :Notations : Duplicate ID="foo25" where foo25 is already exists TEST :Notations : Notation with name="foo" TEST :Notations : Notation with name="_foo" TEST :Notations : Notation with name="name" TEST :Notations : Notation with name="_foo-2.5??" TEST :Notations : Declare a dupe Notation with the same name TEST :Notations : Name the Notation with an existing non-Notation name TEST :Notations : Notation with name="foo:bar" TEST :Notations : Notation with name=":bar" TEST :Notations : Notation with name="foo:" TEST :Notations : Notation with name="" TEST :Notations : Notation with name=" " TEST :Notations : Notation with name="-2.5foo" TEST :Notations : Notation with name="xml" TEST :Notations : Notation with name="xmlns" TEST :Notations : Notation with name="xsd" TEST :Notations : Notation with system="" TEST :Notations : Notation with system="http://www.w3.org/TR/Schema-0/" TEST :Notations : Notation with system = file://c/foo TEST :Notations : Notation with system = mailto:someone@microsoft.com TEST :Notations : Notation with system = foo?123 TEST :Notations : Notation with public="" TEST :Notations : Notation with public="~`^&{}[]|\<>" TEST :Notations : Notation with name=jpeg public=image/jpeg and system=viewer.exe TEST :Notations : Notation with name=gif public=image/gif and sytem=foobar.exe TEST :Notations : Notation with name=xml public=text/xml and system=iexplorer.exe TEST :Notations : Notation with an attribute that has a non-schema namespace, a:b="c" where xmlns:a="foo" in xsd:schema TEST :Notations : Notation with an attribute a:b="c" where a doesn't have a non-schema namespace TEST :Notations : Notation with an attribute foo="bar" where foo is a random attribute TEST :Notations : Notation appearing more than once under schema TEST :Notations : Notation with all as its parent TEST :Notations : Notation with all as its content TEST :Notations : Notation with annotation as its parent TEST :Notations : Notation with annotation as its content TEST :Notations : Notation with any as its parent TEST :Notations : Notation with any as its content TEST :Notations : Notation with anyAttribute as its parent TEST :Notations : Notation with anyAttribute as its content TEST :Notations : Notation with appInfo as its parent TEST :Notations : Notation with appInfo as its content TEST :Notations : Notation with attribute as its parent TEST :Notations : Notation with attribute as its content TEST :Notations : Notation with attributeGroup as its parent TEST :Notations : Notation with attributeGroup as its content TEST :Notations : Notation with choice as its parent TEST :Notations : Notation with choice as its content TEST :Notations : Notation with complexContent as its parent TEST :Notations : Notation with complexContent as its content TEST :Notations : Notation with complexType as its parent TEST :Notations : Notation with complexType as its content TEST :Notations : Notation with documentation as its parent TEST :Notations : Notation with documentation as its content TEST :Notations : Notation with element as its parent TEST :Notations : Notation with element as its content TEST :Notations : Notation with enumeration as its parent TEST :Notations : Notation with enumeration as its content TEST :Notations : Notation with extension as its parent TEST :Notations : Notation with extension as its content TEST :Notations : Notation with field as its parent TEST :Notations : Notation with field as its content TEST :Notations : Notation with group as its parent TEST :Notations : Notation with group as its content TEST :Notations : Notation with import as its parent TEST :Notations : Notation with import as its content TEST :Notations : Notation with include as its parent TEST :Notations : Notation with include as its content TEST :Notations : Notation with key as its parent TEST :Notations : Notation with key as its content TEST :Notations : Notation with keyRef as its parent TEST :Notations : Notation with keyRef as its content TEST :Notations : Notation with length as its parent TEST :Notations : Notation with length as its content TEST :Notations : Notation with list as its parent TEST :Notations : Notation with list as its content TEST :Notations : Notation with maxInclusive as its parent TEST :Notations : Notation with maxInclusive as its content TEST :Notations : Notation with maxLength as its parent TEST :Notations : Notation with maxLength as its content TEST :Notations : Notation with minInclusive as its parent TEST :Notations : Notation with minInclusive as its content TEST :Notations : Notation with minLength as its parent TEST :Notations : Notation with minLength as its content TEST :Notations : Notation with pattern as its parent TEST :Notations : Notation with pattern as its content TEST :Notations : Notation with redefine as its parent TEST :Notations : Notation with redefine as its content TEST :Notations : Notation with restriction as its parent TEST :Notations : Notation with restriction as its content TEST :Notations : Notation with schema as its parent TEST :Notations : Notation with schema as its content TEST :Notations : Notation with selector as its parent TEST :Notations : Notation with selector as its content TEST :Notations : Notation with sequence as its parent TEST :Notations : Notation with sequence as its content TEST :Notations : Notation with simpleContent as its parent TEST :Notations : Notation with simpleContent as its content TEST :Notations : Notation with simpleType as its parent TEST :Notations : Notation with simpleType as its content TEST :Notations : Notation with union as its parent TEST :Notations : Notation with union as its content TEST :Notations : Notation with unique as its parent TEST :Notations : Notation with unique as its content TEST :Notations : Notation with some text as its content TEST :Notations : Notation with some well formed XML TEST :Notations : Notation with known entities & " ' TEST :Notations : Notation with comment nodes as its content TEST :Notations : Schema with 3 three Notations and an attribute with type=NOTATION TEST :Notations : Instance document declares a notation type TEST :Notations : Instance document doesn't declare a notation type TEST :Notations : Instance document with (Schema with 3 Notations and an attribute with type=NOTATION) and attribute contains two notation names