TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: id, id="foo" TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: id, id="" TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: id, id="0" TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: id, id="-999" TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: id, id="a:b" TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: id, two 'all' with same id, one from complexType, one from restriction TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: id, two 'all' with same id, one from complexType, one from extension TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: id, two 'all' with same id, one from complexType, one from group TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: id, two 'all' with same id, one from restriction, one from extension TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: id, two 'all' with same id, one from restriction, one from group TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: id, two 'all' with same id, one from extension, one from group TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: id, two 'all' with same id, both in complexType ( complextype, has an 'all', and a 'group'), the 'group' has an 'all' TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: with name as attribute TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: with parent complexType TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: with parent restriction TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: with parent extension Extending types with an xs:all content model becomes legal in XSD 1.1 - MHK TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: with parent group TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: with parent choice TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: with parent sequence TEST :model groups (ALL) : all can only be root TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: minOccurs = empty TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: minOccurs = -1 TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: minOccurs = 0 TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: minOccurs = 2 TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: minOccurs = * TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: minOccurs = 9999999999 TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: minOccurs = unbounded TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: minOccurs = a TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: minOccurs = ? TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: maxOccurs = empty TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: maxOccurs = -1 TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: maxOccurs = 0 TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: maxOccurs = 2 TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: maxOccurs = * TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: maxOccurs = 9999999999 TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: maxOccurs = unbounded TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: maxOccurs = a TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: maxOccurs = ? TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: with no child node TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: with one annotation only TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: with two annotation TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: with annotation follow by 1 element TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: with one element only TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: with element follow by annotation TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: with childNode other than annotation or element, child node is simpletype TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: with childNode other than annotation or element, child node is group TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: with childNode other than annotation or element, child node is complexType TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: check that minOccurs default is 1, elements in instant XML = 0, minOccurs=absent, maxOccurs=absent TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: check that minOccurs default is 1, elements in instant XML = 1, minOccurs=absent, maxOccurs=absent TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: check that maxOccurs default is 1, elements in instant XML = 2, minOccurs=absent, maxOccurs=absent TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: minOccurs can have value of 0 or 1 max occurs can only have 1 as value, minOccurs=0, maxOccurs=absent TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: elements in instant XML=0, minOccurs=1, maxOccurs=absent TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: elements in instant XML=1, minOccurs=1, maxOccurs=absent TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: elements in instant XML=2, minOccurs=1, maxOccurs=absent TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: minOccurs can have value of 0 or 1 max occurs can only have 1 as value, minOccurs=2, maxOccurs=absent TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: minOccurs can have value of 0 or 1 max occurs can only have 1 as value, minOccurs=absent, maxOccurs=0 TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: elements in instant XML=0, minOccurs=absent, maxOccurs=1 TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: elements in instant XML=1, minOccurs=absent, maxOccurs=1 TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: elements in instant XML=2, minOccurs=absent, maxOccurs=1 TEST :model groups (ALL) : , minOccurs=absent, maxOccurs=2 TEST :model groups (ALL) : all with default minOccurs and maxOccurs with optional element children TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: with any attribute with no schema namespace TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: with any attribute with no schema namespace TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: with any attribute with no schema namespace TEST :model groups (ALL) : test using of minOccurs=0 and allowing elements to not exists TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: id, id="foo" TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: id, id="" TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: id, id="0" TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: id, id="-1" TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: id, id="a:b" TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: id, two 'sequence' with same id, one from complexType, one from restriction TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: id, two 'sequence' with same id, one from complexType, one from extension TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: id, two 'sequence' with same id, one from complexType, one from group TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: id, two 'sequence' with same id, one from restriction, one from extension TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: id, two 'sequence' with same id, one from restriction, one from group TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: id, two 'sequence' with same id, one from extension, one from group TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: id, two 'sequence' with same id, both in complexType ( complextype, has an 'all', and a 'group'), the 'group' has an 'all' TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: with parent complexType TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: with parent restriction TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: with parent extension TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: with parent group TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: with parent choice TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: with parent sequence TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: minOccurs = empty TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: minOccurs = -1 TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: minOccurs = * TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: minOccurs = unbounded TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: minOccurs = 9999999999 TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: minOccurs = a TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: minOccurs = ? TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: minOccurs = & TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: maxOccurs = empty TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: maxOccurs = -1 TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: maxOccurs = * TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: maxOccurs = unbounded TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: maxOccurs = 8 TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: maxOccurs = a TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: maxOccurs = ? TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: maxOccurs = & TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: with no child node TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: with one annotation only TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: with two annotation TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: with children annotation, element TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: with children annotation, group TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: with children annotation, choice TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: with children annotation, sequence TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: with children annotation, any TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: with children annotation, element, group, choice, sequence, any TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: with children element, any, sequence, choice, group TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: with children group, any, choice, element, sequence TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: with children choice, any, group, sequence, element TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: with children sequence, group, choice, element, any TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: with children any, sequence, group, element, choice TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: with children 4 elements, 4 groups TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: with children 4 groups, 4 choice TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: with children 4 choice, 4 sequence TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: with children 4 sequence, 4 any TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: with children 4 any, 4 elements TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: with children element, annotation TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: with children group, annotation TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: with children choice, annotation TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: with children sequence, annotation TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: check that maxOccurs default is 1, minOccurs=2, maxOccurs=absent TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: check that minOccurs default is 1, elements in instant XML = 0, minOccurs=absent, maxOccurs=absent TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: check that minOccurs default is 1, elements in instant XML = 1, minOccurs=absent, maxOccurs=absent TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: check that maxOccurs default is 1, elements in instant XML = 2, minOccurs=absent, maxOccurs=absent TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: elements in instant XML=0, minOccurs=0, maxOccurs=absent TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: elements in instant XML=1, minOccurs=0, maxOccurs=absent TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: elements in instant XML=2, minOccurs=0, maxOccurs=absent TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: elements in instant XML=0, minOccurs=0, maxOccurs=1 TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: elements in instant XML=1, minOccurs=0, maxOccurs=1 TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: elements in instant XML=2, minOccurs=0, maxOccurs=1 TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: elements in instant XML=0, minOccurs=0, maxOccurs=0 TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: elements in instant XML=1, minOccurs=0, maxOccurs=0 TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: elements in instant XML=0, minOccurs=0, maxOccurs=999999999 TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: elements in instant XML=0, minOccurs=1, maxOccurs=absent TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: elements in instant XML=1, minOccurs=1, maxOccurs=absent TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: elements in instant XML=2, minOccurs=1, maxOccurs=absent TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: elements in instant XML=0, minOccurs=1, maxOccurs=1 TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: elements in instant XML=1, minOccurs=1, maxOccurs=1 TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: elements in instant XML=2, minOccurs=1, maxOccurs=1 TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: elements in instant XML=0, minOccurs=1, maxOccurs=2 TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: elements in instant XML=1, minOccurs=1, maxOccurs=2 TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: elements in instant XML=2, minOccurs=1, maxOccurs=2 TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: elements in instant XML=3, minOccurs=1, maxOccurs=2 TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: unbounded is not allowed as minOccurs, minOccurs=unbounded TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: elements in instant XML=3, maxOccurs=unbounded TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: minOccurs=2, maxOccurs=1 TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: minOccurs=1, maxOccurs=0 TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: minOccurs=-1 TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: maxOccurs=-1 TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: id, id="foo" TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: id, id="" TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: id, id="0" TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: id, id="-1" TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: id, id="a:b" TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: id, two 'choice' with same id, one from complexType, one from restriction TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: id, two 'choice' with same id, one from complexType, one from extension TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: id, two 'choice' with same id, one from complexType, one from group TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: id, two 'choice' with same id, one from restriction, one from extension TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: id, two 'choice' with same id, one from restriction, one from group TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: id, two 'choice' with same id, one from extension, one from group TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: id, two 'choice' with same id, both in complexType ( complextype, has an 'all', and a 'group'), the 'group' has an 'all' TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: with parent complexType TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: with parent restriction TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: with parent extension TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: with parent group TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: with parent choice TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: with parent sequence TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: minOccurs = empty TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: minOccurs = -1 TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: minOccurs = * TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: minOccurs = unbounded TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: minOccurs = 9999999999 TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: minOccurs = a TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: minOccurs = ? TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: minOccurs = & TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: maxOccurs = empty TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: maxOccurs = -1 TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: maxOccurs = * TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: maxOccurs = unbounded TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: maxOccurs = 5 TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: maxOccurs = a TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: maxOccurs = ? TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: maxOccurs = & TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: with no child node TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: with one annotation only TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: with two annotation TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: with children annotation, element TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: with children annotation, group TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: with children annotation, choice TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: with children annotation, sequence TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: with children annotation, any TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: with children annotation, element, group, choice, sequence, any TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: with children element, any, sequence, choice, group TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: with children group, any, choice, element, sequence TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: with children choice, any, group, sequence, element TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: with children sequence, group, choice, element, any TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: with children any, sequence, group, element, choice TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: with children 4 elements, 4 groups TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: with children 4 groups, 4 choice TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: with children 4 choice, 4 sequence TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: with children 4 sequence, 4 any TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: with children 4 any, 4 elements TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: with children element, annotation TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: with children group, annotation TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: with children choice, annotation TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: with children sequence, annotation TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: check that maxOccurs default is 1, minOccurs=2, maxOccurs=absent TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: check that minOccurs default is 1, elements in instant XML = 0, minOccurs=absent, maxOccurs=absent TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: check that minOccurs default is 1, elements in instant XML = 1, minOccurs=absent, maxOccurs=absent TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: check that maxOccurs default is 1, elements in instant XML = 2, minOccurs=absent, maxOccurs=absent TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: elements in instant XML=0, minOccurs=0, maxOccurs=absent TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: elements in instant XML=1, minOccurs=0, maxOccurs=absent TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: elements in instant XML=2, minOccurs=0, maxOccurs=absent TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: elements in instant XML=0, minOccurs=0, maxOccurs=1 TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: elements in instant XML=1, minOccurs=0, maxOccurs=1 TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: elements in instant XML=2, minOccurs=0, maxOccurs=1 TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: elements in instant XML=0, minOccurs=0, maxOccurs=0 TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: elements in instant XML=1, minOccurs=0, maxOccurs=0 TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: elements in instant XML=0, minOccurs=0, maxOccurs=999999999 TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: elements in instant XML=0, minOccurs=1, maxOccurs=absent TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: elements in instant XML=1, minOccurs=1, maxOccurs=absent TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: elements in instant XML=2, minOccurs=1, maxOccurs=absent TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: elements in instant XML=0, minOccurs=1, maxOccurs=1 TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: elements in instant XML=1, minOccurs=1, maxOccurs=1 TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: elements in instant XML=2, minOccurs=1, maxOccurs=1 TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: elements in instant XML=0, minOccurs=1, maxOccurs=2 TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: elements in instant XML=1, minOccurs=1, maxOccurs=2 TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: elements in instant XML=2, minOccurs=1, maxOccurs=2 TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: elements in instant XML=3, minOccurs=1, maxOccurs=2 TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: unbounded is not allowed as minOccurs, minOccurs=unbounded TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: elements in instant XML=3, maxOccurs=unbounded TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: minOccurs=2, maxOccurs=1 TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: minOccurs=1, maxOccurs=0 TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: minOccurs=-1 TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: maxOccurs=-1 TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: with NO elements (max=min=absent), 0 element is in the instant XML doc TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: with NO elements, 1 element is in the instant XML doc TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: with 1 elements, 0 element is in the instant XML doc TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: with 1 elements, 1 element is in the instant XML doc TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: with 1 elements, 2 element is in the instant XML doc TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: with 2 elements, only the 1st element is specified in the instant XML doc TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: with 2 elements, the elements are not in the defined order TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: with 2 elements, 3 elements is specified in the instant XML doc TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: with 5 elements, all elements appeared and are in defined order TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence: with 5 elements, the last 2 elements are not in the defined order TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: with NO elements (max=min=absent), 0 element is in the instant XML doc TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: with NO elements, 1 element is in the instant XML doc TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: with 1 elements, 0 element is in the instant XML doc TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: with 1 elements, 1 element is in the instant XML doc TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: with 1 elements, 2 element is in the instant XML doc TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: with 2 elements, 1 element in the instant XML doc TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: with 2 elements, 2 element in the instant XML doc TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: with 5 elements, 0 element in the instant XML doc TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: with 5 elements, 1 element in the instant XML doc TEST :model groups (ALL) : choice: with 5 elements, an undefined element in the instant XML doc TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: with no elements 1 element is in the instant XML doc TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: with 1 elements 0 element is in the instant XML doc TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: with 1 elements 1 element is in the instant XML doc TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: with 1 elements 2 element is in the instant XML doc TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: with 2 elements 0 element is in the instant XML doc TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: with 2 elements 1 element is in the instant XML doc TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: with 2 elements 2 element is in the instant XML doc TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: with 2 elements 2 element in different order is in the instant XML doc TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: with 2 elements instant doc has all the element plus some other element from other namespace TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: with 5 elements instant doc has all the element in reverse order TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: with 2 elements instant doc has an element that is not local or global to the declaring element TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: with 2 elements instant doc has a global element TEST :model groups (ALL) : all: with 2 elements instant doc has the same element twice. TEST :model groups (ALL) : parent is sequence, more than one child sequences, each of them again have more than one sequence child node, instant XML conform to the declaration TEST :model groups (ALL) : parent is sequence, more than one child sequences, each of them again have more than one sequence child node, instant XML doesn't conform to the declaration TEST :model groups (ALL) : parent is sequence, the instant XML has element that are of same local name but different namespace URI than in the element decl TEST :model groups (ALL) : parent is sequence, has 2 sequence as child ( no elements ), in the instant XML document, the sequence appear as (F1, E1, E2, F2) TEST :model groups (ALL) : parent is sequence, has 2 sequence as child (E1,E2) (F1,F2), in the instant XML document, there is no element specified TEST :model groups (ALL) : parent is sequence, has 2 sequence as child (E1,E2) (F1,F2), in the instant XML document, the sequence appear as (E1) TEST :model groups (ALL) : parent is sequence, has 2 sequence as child (E1,E2) (F1,F2), in the instant XML document, the sequence appear as (E1, F1, E2, F2) TEST :model groups (ALL) : parent is sequence, has 2 sequence as child (E1,E2) (F1,F2), in the instant XML document, the sequence appear as (E1, F2, F1) TEST :model groups (ALL) : parent is sequence, has 2 sequence as child (E1,E2) (F1,F2), in the instant XML document, the sequence appear as (F1, F2, E1, E2) TEST :model groups (ALL) : parent is sequence, has 2 sequence as child (E1,E2) (F1,F2), in the instant XML document, the sequence appear as (F1, E1, E2, F2) TEST :model groups (ALL) : parent is sequence, has 2 sequence (E1, E2) (F1,F2), and 2 choice (C1 | C2) (C1 | C2), in the instant XML document ( E1, F2, C2, D2) TEST :model groups (ALL) : parent is sequence, has 2 sequence (E1, E2) (F1,F2), and 2 choice (C1 | C2) (D1 | D2), in the instant XML document ( E1, E2, F1, F2, C1, D1) TEST :model groups (ALL) : parent is sequence, has 2 sequence (E1, E2) (F1,F2), and 2 choice (C1 | C2) (D1 | D2), in the instant XML document ( C1, D1) TEST :model groups (ALL) : parent is sequence, has 2 sequence (E1, E2) (F1,F2), and 2 choice (C1 | C2) (D1 | D2), in the instant XML document ( C1, F1, D1) TEST :model groups (ALL) : parent is sequence, has 2 sequence (E1, E2) (F1,F2), and 2 choice (C1 | C2) (D1 | D2), in the instant XML document (D1) TEST :model groups (ALL) : parent is sequence, has 2 sequence (E1, E2) (F1,F2), and 2 choice (C1 | C2) (D1 | D2), in the instant XML document ( no element ) TEST :model groups (ALL) : all has particle with minOccurs=maxOccur = 0 TEST :model groups (ALL) : all has particle with minOccurs=maxOccur = 1 TEST :model groups (ALL) : all has particle with minOccurs=0, maxOccur = 2 TEST :model groups (ALL) : all appear under 'complexType', which is part of a complexType, and particles in all has maxOccurs=minOccurs (0 | 1) TEST :model groups (ALL) : group' with 'all', appear under 'schema', which is part of a complexType and has maxOccurs=minOccurs (0 | 1) TEST :model groups (ALL) : group' with 'all', appear under 'redefine', which is part of a complexType TEST :model groups (ALL) : group' with 'all', appear under 'extension', whiche is part of a complexType TEST :model groups (ALL) : group' with 'all', appear under 'restriction', which is part of a complexType TEST :model groups (ALL) : group' with 'all', appear under 'sequence' which is part of a complexType TEST :model groups (ALL) : group' with 'all', appear under 'choice' which is part of a complexType TEST :model groups (ALL) : group' with 'all', appear under 'complexType', whiche is part of a complexType, and particles in all has maxOccurs=minOccurs (absent) TEST :model groups (ALL) : group' with 'all', appear under 'schema', whiche is part of a complexType, and particles in all has maxOccurs=minOccurs (absent) TEST :model groups (ALL) : group' with 'all', appear under 'redefine', whiche is part of a complexType, and particles in all has maxOccurs=minOccurs (absent) The WG concluded the original metadata was accidently mistaken TEST :model groups (ALL) : group' with 'all', appear under 'extension', whiche is part of a complexType, and particles in all has maxOccurs=minOccurs (absent) TEST :model groups (ALL) : group' with 'all', appear under 'restriction', whiche is part of a complexType, and particles in all has maxOccurs=minOccurs (absent) TEST :model groups (ALL) : group' with 'all', appear under 'sequence' with maxOccurs=minOccurs=1, , whiche is part of a complexType, and particles in all has maxOccurs=minOccurs (absent) TEST :model groups (ALL) : group' with 'all', appear under 'choice' with maxOccurs=minOccurs=1 , whiche is part of a complexType, and particles in all has maxOccurs=minOccurs (absent) TEST :model groups (ALL) : 'all', appear under 'complexType' has minOccurs=0, maxOccurs=0 TEST :model groups (ALL) : group' with 'all', appear under 'schema', all has minOccurs=0, maxOccurs=0 TEST :model groups (ALL) : group' with 'all', appear under 'redefine', whiche is part of a complexType, and particles in all has minOccurs=0, maxOccurs=0 TEST :model groups (ALL) : 'all', appear under 'extension', which is part of a complexType, and has minOccurs=0, maxOccurs=0 TEST :model groups (ALL) : 'all', appear under 'restriction', which is part of a complexType, and has minOccurs=0, maxOccurs=0 TEST :model groups (ALL) : group' with 'all', appear under 'sequence' with maxOccurs=minOccurs=1, , whiche is part of a complexType, and particles in all has minOccurs=0, maxOccurs=0 TEST :model groups (ALL) : group' with 'all', appear under 'choice' with maxOccurs=minOccurs=1 , whiche is part of a complexType, and particles in all has minOccurs=0, maxOccurs=0 TEST :model groups (ALL) : group' with 'all', appear under 'complexType', whiche is part of a complexType, and particles in all has minOccurs=0, maxOccurs=1 TEST :model groups (ALL) : group' with 'all', appear under 'schema', whiche is part of a complexType, and particles in all has minOccurs=0, maxOccurs=1 TEST :model groups (ALL) : group' with 'all', appear under 'redefine', which is part of a complexType, and particles in all has minOccurs=0, maxOccurs=1 TEST :model groups (ALL) : 'all', appear under 'extension', which is part of a complexType, and has minOccurs=0, maxOccurs=1 TEST :model groups (ALL) : 'all', appear under 'restriction', which is part of a complexType, and has minOccurs=0, maxOccurs=1 TEST :model groups (ALL) : 'all', and has minOccurs=0, maxOccurs=1 TEST :model groups (ALL) : group' with 'all', appear under 'choice' with maxOccurs=minOccurs=1 , which is part of a complexType, and group ref has minOccurs=0, maxOccurs=1 TEST :model groups (ALL) : group' with 'all', appear under 'complexType', whiche is part of a complexType, and particles in all has minOccurs=1, maxOccurs=1 TEST :model groups (ALL) : group' with 'all', appear under 'schema', whiche is part of a complexType, and particles in all has minOccurs=1, maxOccurs=1 TEST :model groups (ALL) : group' with 'all', appear under 'redefine', which is part of a complexType TEST :model groups (ALL) : group' with 'all', appear under 'extension', which is part of a complexType TEST :model groups (ALL) : group' with 'all', appear under 'restriction', whiche is part of a complexType TEST :model groups (ALL) : group' with 'all', appear under 'sequence' with maxOccurs=minOccurs=1, which is part of a complexType TEST :model groups (ALL) : group' with 'all', appear under 'choice' with maxOccurs=minOccurs=1 , which is part of a complexType TEST :model groups (ALL) : 'all', appear under 'complexType', and has minOccurs=1, maxOccurs=2 TEST :model groups (ALL) : group' with 'all', appear under 'schema', whiche is part of a complexType, and particles in all has minOccurs=1, maxOccurs=2 TEST :model groups (ALL) : group' with 'all', appear under 'redefine', whiche is part of a complexType, and particles in all has minOccurs=1, maxOccurs=2 TEST :model groups (ALL) : 'all', appear under 'extension', which is part of a complexType, and has minOccurs=1, maxOccurs=2 TEST :model groups (ALL) : group' with 'all', appear under 'restriction', whiche is part of a complexType, and particles in all has minOccurs=1, maxOccurs=2 TEST :model groups (ALL) : group' with 'all', appear under 'schema', whiche is part of a complexType, and particles in all has minOccurs=2, maxOccurs=2 TEST :model groups (ALL) : group' with 'all', appear under 'redefine', whiche is part of a complexType, and particles in all has minOccurs=2, maxOccurs=2 TEST :model groups (ALL) : group' with 'all', appear under 'sequence' with maxOccurs=0, minOccurs=1, TEST :model groups (ALL) : group' with 'all', appear under 'choice' with maxOccurs=0, minOccurs=1 TEST :model groups (ALL) : group' with 'all', appear under 'schema', whiche is NOT part of a complexType TEST :model groups (ALL) : group' with 'all', appear under 'redefine', whiche is NOT part of a complexType TEST :model groups (ALL) : group' with 'all', appear under 'extension', whiche is NOT part of a complexType TEST :model groups (ALL) : group' with 'all', appear under 'restriction', whiche is NOT part of a complexType TEST :model groups (ALL) : group' with 'all', appear under 'sequence' with maxOccurs=minOccurs=1 , whiche is NOT part of a complexType TEST :model groups (ALL) : group' with 'all', appear under 'choice' with maxOccurs=minOccurs=1 , whiche is NOT part of a complexType TEST :model groups (ALL) : 2 particles with idendical element declarations (same type), both under all TEST :model groups (ALL) : 2 particles with idendical element declarations (same type), both under sequence TEST :model groups (ALL) : 2 particles with idendical element declarations (same type), both under choice TEST :model groups (ALL) : 2 particles with idendical element declarations (same type), one under 'all', one under 'sequence' inside 'all' TEST :model groups (ALL) : 2 particles with idendical element declarations (same type), one under 'all', one under 'choice' inside 'all' TEST :model groups (ALL) : 2 particles with idendical element declarations (same type), one under 'sequence', one under 'choice' inside 'sequence' TEST :model groups (ALL) : 2 particles with idendical element declarations (same type), one under 'sequence', one under 'sequence' inside 'sequence' TEST :model groups (ALL) : 2 particles with idendical element declarations (same type), one under 'choice', one under 'choice' inside 'choice' TEST :model groups (ALL) : 2 particles with idendical element declarations (same type), one under 'choice', one under 'sequence' inside 'choice' TEST :model groups (ALL) : 2 particles with idendical element declarations (same type), one under 'all', one under 'sequence' inside 'sequence' of 'all' TEST :model groups (ALL) : 2 particles with idendical element declarations (same type), one under 'all', one under 'choice' inside 'sequence' of 'all' TEST :model groups (ALL) : 2 particles with idendical element declarations (same type), one under 'all', one under 'sequence' inside 'choice' of 'all' TEST :model groups (ALL) : 2 particles with idendical element declarations (same type), one under 'all', one under 'choice' inside 'choice' of 'all' TEST :model groups (ALL) : 2 particles with idendical element declarations (same type), one under 'sequence', one under 'sequence' inside 'sequence' of 'sequence' TEST :model groups (ALL) : 2 particles with idendical element declarations (same type), one under 'sequence', one under 'choice' inside 'sequence' of 'sequence' TEST :model groups (ALL) : 2 particles with idendical element declarations (same type), one under 'sequence', one under 'sequence' inside 'choice' of 'sequence' TEST :model groups (ALL) : 2 particles with idendical element declarations (same type), one under 'sequence', one under 'choice' inside 'choice' of 'sequence' TEST :model groups (ALL) : 2 particles with idendical element declarations (same type), one under 'choice', one under 'sequence' inside 'sequence' of 'choice' TEST :model groups (ALL) : 2 particles with idendical element declarations (same type), one under 'choice', one under 'choice' inside 'sequence' of 'choice' TEST :model groups (ALL) : 2 particles with idendical element declarations (same type), one under 'choice', one under 'sequence' inside 'choice' of 'choice' TEST :model groups (ALL) : 2 particles with idendical element declarations (same type), one under 'choice', one is from sequence, model is non-deterministic TEST :model groups (ALL) : 2 particles with idendical element declarations (different type), both under all TEST :model groups (ALL) : 2 particles with idendical element declarations (different type), both under sequence TEST :model groups (ALL) : 2 particles with idendical element declarations (different type), both under choice TEST :model groups (ALL) : 2 particles with idendical element declarations (different type), one under 'all', one under 'sequence' inside 'all' TEST :model groups (ALL) : 2 particles with idendical element declarations (different type), one under 'all', one under 'choice' inside 'all' TEST :model groups (ALL) : 2 particles with idendical element declarations (different type), one under 'sequence', one under 'choice' inside 'sequence' TEST :model groups (ALL) : 2 particles with idendical element declarations (different type), one under 'sequence', one under 'sequence' inside 'sequence' TEST :model groups (ALL) : 2 particles with idendical element declarations (different type), one under 'choice', one under 'choice' inside 'choice' TEST :model groups (ALL) : 2 particles with idendical element declarations (different type), one under 'choice', one under 'sequence' inside 'choice' TEST :model groups (ALL) : 2 particles with idendical element declarations (different type), one under 'all', one under 'sequence' inside 'sequence' of 'all' TEST :model groups (ALL) : 2 particles with idendical element declarations (different type), one under 'all', one under 'choice' inside 'sequence' of 'all' TEST :model groups (ALL) : 2 particles with idendical element declarations (different type), one under 'all', one under 'sequence' inside 'choice' of 'all' TEST :model groups (ALL) : 2 particles with idendical element declarations (different type), one under 'all', one under 'choice' inside 'choice' of 'all' TEST :model groups (ALL) : 2 particles with idendical element declarations (different type), one under 'sequence', one under 'sequence' inside 'sequence' of 'sequence' TEST :model groups (ALL) : 2 particles with idendical element declarations (different type), one under 'sequence', one under 'choice' inside 'sequence' of 'sequence' TEST :model groups (ALL) : 2 particles with idendical element declarations (different type), one under 'sequence', one under 'sequence' inside 'choice' of 'sequence' TEST :model groups (ALL) : 2 particles with idendical element declarations (different type), one under 'sequence', one under 'choice' inside 'choice' of 'sequence' TEST :model groups (ALL) : 2 particles with idendical element declarations (different type), one under 'choice', one under 'sequence' inside 'sequence' of 'choice' TEST :model groups (ALL) : 2 particles with idendical element declarations (different type), one under 'choice', one under 'choice' inside 'sequence' of 'choice' TEST :model groups (ALL) : 2 particles with idendical element declarations (different type), one under 'choice', one under 'sequence' inside 'choice' of 'choice' TEST :model groups (ALL) : 2 particles with idendical element declarations (different type), one under 'choice', one under 'choice' inside 'sequence' of 'choice' TEST :model groups (ALL) : 2 particles with idendical element declarations (different type), one under 'choice', one is from substitution group TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence must be deterministic:(a (bc | bd)) TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence must be deterministic:(a | ab) TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence must be deterministic:((ab) | ( a | b)) TEST :model groups (ALL) : sequence must be deterministic:((a, b) | ( ab | b)) TEST :model groups (ALL) : XSD: handling of ALL schema element when ALL has minOccurs=0 TEST :model groups (ALL) : xs:all in an extended particle should be allowed if the contentType of the base complexType is EMPTY TEST :model groups (ALL) : test derivation by ext. with all with base=empty content TEST :model groups (ALL) : test occurence range of xs:choice TEST :model groups (ALL) : XSD: valid schema with ambigous schema