TEST :Primer Errata : E0-23 Clarification: test that facet fractionDigits can be added to all numeric datatypes as long as value is 0 (except for decimal which takes any value) TEST :Primer Errata : E0-10 Error, E1-11 Error: test that ##other namespace is any namespace other than the target namespace TEST :Primer Errata : E0-15 Error, E2-12 Error: test lexical representation of gMonth TEST :Primer Errata : E1-40 Clarification: test that anySimpleType whitespace normalization is set to preserve TEST :Primer Errata : E1-9 Error: version definition of 'schema' is now a normalizedString instead of token TEST :Primer Errata : E1-3 Error: change representation of Model Group Definition TEST :Primer Errata : E1-16 Error: public attribute is now optional and has a value space of token TEST :Primer Errata : E1-13 Error: local element must not have abstract attribute with value true TEST :Primer Errata : E1-13 Error: local element must not have abstract attribute with value true TEST :Primer Errata : E1-22 Error: R-117 Process contents for ur-type need to be lax TEST :Primer Errata : Errata E1-21 - processContents of restriction must be identical or stronger than that of base,xs:any TEST :Primer Errata : Errata E1-21 - processContents of restriction must be identical or stronger than that of base,xs:anyAttribute TEST :Primer Errata : E2-27 Error: test that nonPositiveIntegers support a '+' on zero TEST :Primer Errata : E2-27 Error: test that nonNegativeIntegers support a '-' on zero TEST :Primer Errata : E2-25 Error: test support for the new language pattern ([a-zA-Z]{1,8})-([a-zA-Z0-9]{1,8})* TEST :Primer Errata : E2-24 Error: test that absent 'T' is enforced when no time elements are present TEST :Primer Errata : E2-22 Clarification: test date, gYearMonth, gMonthDay, gDay, gMonth and gYear permit an optional, trailing time zone specification. TEST :Primer Errata : E2-17 Error: Do not allow carriage return in token values TEST :Primer Errata : Errata E2-35: length facet is now allowed with either minLength or maxLength if they are specified in different derivation steps