TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Empty Element TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with name='foo' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with name='_foo' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with name='name' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with name='_foo-2.5??' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Declare a dupe element with the same name TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Name the element with an existing non-element name TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with name='foo:bar' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with name=':bar' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with name='foo:' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with name='' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with name=' ' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with name='-2.5foo' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with name='xml' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with name='xmlns' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with name='xsd' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with abstract='true' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with abstract='false' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with abstract='True' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with abstract='False' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with abstract='' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with abstract='boolean' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with abstract='1' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with abstract='0' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with abstract='abstract' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with abstract='true false' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with block='#all' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with block='extension' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with block='restriction' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with block='substitution' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with block='extension restriction' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with block='restriction substitution' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with block='substitution extension' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with block='extension restriction substitution' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with block='foo' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with block='#All' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with block='Extension' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with block='Restriction' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with block='Subsitution' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with block='#all extension restriction substitution' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with block='extension foo' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with block='restriction foo' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with block='substitution foo' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with block='' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Clash with final="extension" and block="extension" TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with default='foo' and the content is textOnly TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with default='foo' and the content is simpleType TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Clash with fixed="foo" and default="foo" TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type is complexType and default is present TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with default='foo' and the content is not a textOnly TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with default='' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with substitutionGroup='foo' where foo is a pre-defined element Tests were not intended to test regex, so we fixed the instances TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with substitutionGroup='substitutionGroup' See 4010 message 2 -- schema repaired TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with substitutionGroup='_foo' See 4010 message 2 -- schema repaired TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with substitutionGroup='_foo-2.5??' See 4010 message 2 -- schema repaired TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with substitutionGroup='foo' where foo is derived from simpleType See 4010 message 2 -- schema repaired TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with substitutionGroup='-foo' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with substitutionGroup='' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with substitutionGroup='foo' where element foo doesn't exist TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with substitutionGroup='foo' where foo directly pointing to a simpleType TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with final='#all' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with final='extension' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with final='restriction' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with final='substitution' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with final='extension restriction' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with final='restriction substitution' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with final='substitution extension' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with final='extension restriction substitution' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with final='foo' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with final='#All' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with final='Extension' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with final='Restriction' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with final='Subsitution' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with final='#all extension restriction substitution' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with final='extension foo' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with final='restriction foo' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with final='substitution foo' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with final='' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with fixed='foo' and the content is textOnly TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with fixed='foo' and the content is simpleType TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type is complexType and fixed is present TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with fixed='foo' and the content is not a textOnly TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with fixed='' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with its schema elementFormDefault='qualified' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with its schema elementFormDefault='unqualified' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with its schema elementFormDefault='' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with its schema elementFormDefault='Qualified' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with its schema elementFormDefault='Unqualified' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with its schema elementFormDefault='qualified unqualified' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with id='foo25' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with id='_foo-2.5' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with id='25' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with id='' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Duplicate ID="foo25" where foo25 is already exists TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with maxOccurs='10' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with maxOccurs='32767' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with maxOccurs='unbounded' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with maxOccurs='010' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with maxOccurs='' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with maxOccurs='-1' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with maxOccurs='Unbounded' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with minOccurs='0' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with minOccurs='10' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with minOccurs='32767' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with minOccurs='unbounded' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with minOccurs='010' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with minOccurs='' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with minOccurs='-1' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with minOccurs='Unbounded' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="0" TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="2" TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with minOccurs="2" maxOccurs="1" TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with minOccurs="unbounded" maxOccurs="unbounded" TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9" TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with nillable='true' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with nillable='false' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with nillable='' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with nillable='True' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with nillable='False' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with nillable='true false' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element using nullable attribute, invalid cas. TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with ref='foo' with foo is a declared element TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with ref='foo' with foo is an attribute TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with ref='foo' refering to itself TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with ref='foo' 'foo' is circular referenced TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with ref='foo' , element and attribute both are declared as 'foo' TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with type="foo" with foo is a declared type TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with type="foo" with foo is an attribute TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with type="foo", foo is circular referenced TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with type="foo", type and attribute both are declared as foo TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Clash with ref="foo" and type="foo" TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with key element TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with keyref element TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with unique element TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with an attribute that has a non-schema namespace, a:b="c" where xmlns:a="foo" in xsd:schema TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with a non-schema namespace a:b=c TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with an attribute foo="bar" where foo is a random attribute TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Document with element's ref to an element with abstract=true TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Document with element with simpleType TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Document with element with anonymous simpleType, no type on element TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Document with element with complexType TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Document with element with anonymous complexType, no type on element TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Document with element with nillable = true in xsd andDocument's nil = true in xml TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Document with element with nillable = true and Document's null = true but element has content TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Document with element with nillable = true andDocument's null = false in xml TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Document with element with nillable = true TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Document with element with nillable = false andDocument's null = true in xml TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Document with element with nillable = false andDocument's null = false in xml TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Document with element with nillable = false TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with default and fixed present TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with complexType parent with default and fixed present TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with complexType parent and name TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with complexType parent and ref TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with complexType parent and nothing else TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with complexType parent, and ref and name TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with complexType parent, complexType child and ref TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with complexType parent, simpleType child and ref TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with complexType parent, type and ref TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with just annotation TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with annotation and type TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with annotation and simpleType TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with simpleType and annotation TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with annotation and complexType TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with complexType and annotation TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Document with default minOccurs and no occurences TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Document with default maxOccurs and 1 occurrence TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Document with default maxOccurs and 2 occurrences TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Document with minOccurs = 1 and no occurences TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Document with minOccurs = 1 and 1 occurrence TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Document with minOccurs = 1 and 2 occurrences TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Document with minOccurs = 1 and maxOccurs = 2 and 2 occurrences TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Document with minOccurs = 1 and maxOccurs = 2 and 3 occurrences TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Document with minOccurs = 1 and maxOccurs = unbounded and 3 occurrences TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Document with element with nillable = true and fixed=Hello TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Document with fixed=Hello andDocument contains Hello TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Document with fixed=Hello andDocument contains Hello World! TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Document with fixed=Hello andDocument contains nothing TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Document with default=Hello andDocument contains Hello TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Document with default=Hello andDocument contains Hello World! TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Document with default=Hello andDocument contains nothing TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Valid Document for Element with form=qualified and explicitly qualified elements TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Valid Document for Element with form=qualified and default qualified elements TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Valid Document for Element with form=qualified and unqualified elements TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Valid Document for Element with schema's elementFormDefault=qualified and explicitly qualified elements TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Valid Document for Element with schema's elementFormDefault=qualified and default qualified elements TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Valid Document for Element with schema's elementFormDefault=qualified and unqualified elements TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with final=restriction and an element affliation by restriction TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with final=restriction and an element affliation by extension TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with final=extension and an element affliation by restriction TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with final=extension and an element affliation by extension TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with final=#all and an element affliation by restriction TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with final=#all and an element affliation by extension TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with final='' and an element affliation by restriction TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with final='' and an element affliation by extension TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Document with Element with block=restriction and a subsitution of a derivation by restriction TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Document with Element with block=restriction and a subsitution of a derivation by extension TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Document with Element with block=extension and a subsitution of a derivation by restriction TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Document with Element with block=extension and a subsitution of a derivation by extension TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Document with Element with block="#all" and a subsitution of a derivation by restriction TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Document with Element with block="#all" and a subsitution of a derivation by extension TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Document with Element with block="" and a subsitution of a derivation by restriction TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Document with Element with block="" and a subsitution of a derivation by extension TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with block="list" TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with block="union" TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : schema with blockDefault="#all" and a list used in instant XML TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element with block="#all" and a union used in instant XML TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : schame with blockDefault="#all" and a union used in instant XML TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : schema with block="#all" and, element with block="", a union used in instant XML TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : schema with block="#all" and, element with block="", a list used in instant XML TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=simpleType A, block="restriction", and instant XMLhas xsi:type=A TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=simpleType A, block="restriction", and instant XMLhas xsi:type=B (a different type) TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=simpleType A, block="restriction", and instant XMLhas xsi:type=restriction of A TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=simpleType A, block="restriction", and instant XMLhas xsi:type=base of A TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=simpleType A, block="restriction", and instant XMLhas xsi:type=Union of A TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=simpleType A, block="restriction", and instant XMLhas xsi:type=Union of A and B TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=simpleType A, block="restriction", and instant XMLhas xsi:type=list of A TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=simpleType A, block="restriction", and instant XMLhas xsi:type=list of the Union A and B TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=complexType A, block="restriction", and instant XMLhas xsi:type=restriction of A TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=complexType A, block="restriction", and instant XMLhas xsi:type=extension of A TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=ur-Type, block="restriction", and instant XMLhas xsi:type=union of simpleType A TSTF observed that although the original bug report is mistaken, the instance is none-the-less invalid, because the controlling element declaration blocks derivation (from its implicit type AnyType) by restriction. TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=ur-Type, block="restriction", and instant XMLhas xsi:type=union of simpleType A and B TSTF observed that although the original bug report is mistaken, the instance is none-the-less invalid, because the controlling element declaration blocks derivation (from its implicit type AnyType) by restriction. TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=ur-Type, block="restriction", and instant XMLhas xsi:type=List of simpleType A TSTF observed that although the original bug report is mistaken, the instance is none-the-less invalid, because the controlling element declaration blocks derivation (from its implicit type AnyType) by restriction. TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=ur-Type, block="restriction", and instant XMLhas xsi:type=List of the Union of simpleType A and B TSTF observed that although the original bug report is mistaken, the instance is none-the-less invalid, because the controlling element declaration blocks derivation (from its implicit type AnyType) by restriction. TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=simpleType A, block="extension", and instant XMLhas xsi:type=A TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=simpleType A, block="extension", and instant XMLhas xsi:type=B (a different type) TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=simpleType A, block="extension", and instant XMLhas xsi:type=restriction of A TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=simpleType A, block="extension", and instant XMLhas xsi:type=base of A TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=simpleType A, block="extension", and instant XMLhas xsi:type=Union of A TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=simpleType A, block="extension", and instant XMLhas xsi:type=Union of A and B TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=simpleType A, block="extension", and instant XMLhas xsi:type=list of A TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=simpleType A, block="extension", and instant XMLhas xsi:type=list of the Union A and B TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=complexType A, block="extension", and instant XMLhas xsi:type=restriction of A TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=complexType A, block="extension", and instant XMLhas xsi:type=extension of A TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=ur-Type, block="extension", and instant XMLhas xsi:type=union of simpleType A TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=ur-Type, block="extension", and instant XMLhas xsi:type=union of simpleType A and B TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=ur-Type, block="extension", and instant XMLhas xsi:type=List of simpleType A TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=ur-Type, block="extension", and instant XMLhas xsi:type=List of the Union of simpleType A and B TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=simpleType A, block="#all", and instant XMLhas xsi:type=A TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=simpleType A, block="#all", and instant XMLhas xsi:type=B (a different type) TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=simpleType A, block="#all", and instant XMLhas xsi:type=restriction of A TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=simpleType A, block="#all", and instant XMLhas xsi:type=base of A TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=simpleType A, block="#all", and instant XMLhas xsi:type=Union of A TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=simpleType A, block="#all", and instant XMLhas xsi:type=Union of A and B TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=simpleType A, block="#all", and instant XMLhas xsi:type=list of A TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=simpleType A, block="#all", and instant XMLhas xsi:type=list of the Union A and B TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=complexType A, block="#all", and instant XMLhas xsi:type=restriction of A TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=complexType A, block="#all", and instant XMLhas xsi:type=extension of A TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=ur-Type, block="#all", and instant XMLhas xsi:type=union of simpleType A TSTF observed that although the original bug report is mistaken, the instance is none-the-less invalid, because the controlling element declaration blocks derivation (from its implicit type AnyType) by restriction. TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=ur-Type, block="#all", and instant XMLhas xsi:type=union of simpleType A and B TSTF observed that although the original bug report is mistaken, the instance is none-the-less invalid, because the controlling element declaration blocks derivation (from its implicit type AnyType) by restriction. TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=ur-Type, block="#all", and instant XMLhas xsi:type=List of simpleType A TSTF observed that although the original bug report is mistaken, the instance is none-the-less invalid, because the controlling element declaration blocks derivation (from its implicit type AnyType) by restriction. TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=ur-Type, block="#all", and instant XMLhas xsi:type=List of the Union of simpleType A and B TSTF observed that although the original bug report is mistaken, the instance is none-the-less invalid, because the controlling element declaration blocks derivation (from its implicit type AnyType) by restriction. TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : several elements with different blocks and valid instance TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=A, block="#all", and instant XMLhas xsi:type=a substitution group with type=extension of A TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=A, block="#all", and instant XMLhas xsi:type=a substitution group with type=restriction of A TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=A, block="#all", and instant XMLhas xsi:type=a substitution group with ur-type TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=A, block="restriction", and instant XMLhas xsi:type=a substitution group with type=extension of A TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=A, block="restriction", and instant XMLhas xsi:type=a substitution group with type=restriction of A (this is valid because block is not substitution) TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=A, block="restriction", and instant XMLhas xsi:type=a substitution group with ur-type TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=A, block="extension", and instant XMLhas xsi:type=a substitution group with type=extension of A (this is valid because block is not substitution) TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=A, block="extension", and instant XMLhas xsi:type=a substitution group with type=restriction of A TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=A, block="extension", and instant XMLhas xsi:type=a substitution group with ur-type TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=A, block="substitution", and instant XMLhas xsi:type=a substitution group with type=extension of A TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=A, block="substitution", and instant XMLhas xsi:type=a substitution group with type=restriction of A TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=A, block="substitution", and instant XMLhas xsi:type=a substitution group with ur-type TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=Union-A, block=absent, and instant XMLhas xsi:type=A type derived from a type in the Union TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=Union-AB, block=absent, and instant XMLhas xsi:type=A type derived from a type in the Union TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=Union-AB, block=extension, and instant XMLhas xsi:type=A type derived from a type in the Union TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Element type=Union-AB, block=restriction, and instant XMLhas xsi:type=A type derived from a type in the Union TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : regular expression: restriction on string "\d" TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : regular expression: restriction on string "\s\d" TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : regular expression: restriction on string "\s\w" TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : regular expression: restriction on string "Espanñola" TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : regular expression: restriction on string "\p{Lu}" TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : regular expression: restriction on string "\p{IsGreek}" TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : regular expression: restriction on string "\P{IsGreek}" TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : regular expression: restriction on string "a*x" TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : regular expression: restriction on string "a?x" TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : regular expression: restriction on string "a+x" TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : regular expression: restriction on string "(a|b)+x" TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : regular expression: restriction on string "[abcde]x" TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : regular expression: restriction on string "[a-e]x" TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : regular expression: restriction on string "[-ae]x" TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : regular expression: restriction on string "[ae-]x" TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : regular expression: restriction on string "[^0-9]x" TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : regular expression: restriction on string "\Dx" TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : regular expression: restriction on string ".x" TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : regular expression: restriction on string ".*abc.*" TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : regular expression: restriction on string "ab{2}x" TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : regular expression: restriction on string "ab{2,4}x" TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : regular expression: restriction on string "ab{2,}x" TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : regular expression: restriction on string "(ab){2}x" TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : regular expression: restriction on string "chapter \d" TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : 81682 - Element with xsi:nil value set to true and xsi:type value TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : 67493 - xsd: xsi:type should allowed predefined types as valid value. TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : 72898 - subsitutionGroup with deep chains TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : test maxOccurs to take values more than int (2147483647) TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : validation of number data types for top-level element declarations TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : xsd: [import] it is invalid to reference from a schema that is not directly imported. TSTF agreed that an un-imported NS used in a QName is a schema error TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : xsd: [include] it is invalid to reference from a schema that is not directly imported. TSTF agreed that an un-imported NS used in a QName is a schema error TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Components in A may be indirectly using components from C. Lets assume that a type declared in B derives from one in C (which is possible because B imports C). Document A can declare elements using that type because it includes B. Such use obviously involves information from the base type in C as will as the explicit reference in B. TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Components in A may be indirectly using components from C. Lets assume that a type declared in B derives from one in C (which is possible because B imports C). Document A can declare elements using that type because it includes B. Such use obviously involves information from the base type in C as will as the explicit reference in B. TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Components in A may be indirectly using components from C. Lets assume that a type declared in B derives from one in C (which is possible because B imports C). Document A can declare elements using that type because it includes B. Such use obviously involves information from the base type in C as will as the explicit reference in B. TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : XSD: Substitution group affects local element declarations TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : XSD: when element with invalid default value that has substitution group whose head also has invalid default TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : xsi:type references and namespace alias for parent element TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : 86614 xsd: uniqueness idendity constraint when using xsi:type to change the type of an element. TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : xsd: element with childNodes typed=ID, dupe ID should be invalid. Becomes valid in XSD 1.1 (two child elements of type xs:ID are permitted if the ID is the same) TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : empty element with xsi:type of xs:string TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Schema with deep nested nodes (>14 nested levels) TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : XSD: Namespace URIs should not be canonicalized if they are GUIDs, XDR uses this GUID for datatype declarations TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : xsd: when substitutionGroup exists, we shold not change content model as if it is a choice TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : XSD: member of substitutionGroup and local particle with the same qualified name (1) TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : XSD: member of substitutionGroup and local particle with the same qualified name (2) TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : XSD: member of substitutionGroup and local particle with the same qualified name (3) TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : XSD: member of substitutionGroup and local particle with the same qualified name (4) TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : XSD: member of substitutionGroup and local particle with the same qualified name (5) TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : XSD: member of substitutionGroup and local particle with the same qualified name (6) TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : XSD: member of substitutionGroup and local particle with the same qualified name (7) TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : XSD: Wildcard prohibited element through a substitutionGroup TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : XSD: Wildcard prohibited element through a substitutionGroup(2) TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : XSD: member of substitutionGroup and local particle with the same qualified name TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : A1:XmlValidation for xsi:nil="false" even though processContents="skip" TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : A2:XmlValidation for xsi:nil="false" even though processContents="skip" TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : A3:XmlValidation for xsi:nil="false" even though processContents="skip" TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : B1:XmlValidation for xsi:nil="false" even though processContents="skip" TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : B2:XmlValidation for xsi:nil="false" even though processContents="skip" TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : C1:XmlValidation for xsi:nil="false" even though processContents="skip" TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : C2:XmlValidation for xsi:nil="false" even though processContents="skip" TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : D1:XmlValidation for xsi:nil="false" even though processContents="skip" TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : E1:XmlValidation for xsi:nil="false" even though processContents="skip" TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : E2:XmlValidation for xsi:nil="false" even though processContents="skip" TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : E3:XmlValidation for xsi:nil="false" even though processContents="skip" TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : F1:XmlValidation for xsi:nil="false" even though processContents="skip" TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : F2:XmlValidation for xsi:nil="false" even though processContents="skip" TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : F3:XmlValidation for xsi:nil="false" even though processContents="skip" TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : G1:XmlValidation for xsi:nil="false" even though processContents="skip" TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : G2:XmlValidation for xsi:nil="false" even though processContents="skip" TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : XSD: derivaton by restriction when derived particle is a substitution group head TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : XSD: derivaton by restriction when base is a substitution group head TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : XSD: valid substitutionGroup restriction TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : XSD: valid substitutionGroup restriction TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : XSD: no substitutionGroup members should be added if head element has block="substitution" TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : XSD: Order independent checking for substitution group choice restrictions(1) TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : XSD: Order independent checking for substitution group choice restrictions(2) TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Derivation involving more than one substitution group head in a choice(1) TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Derivation involving more than one substitution group head in a choice(2) TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Derivation involving more than one substitution group head in a choice(3) TSTF ruled that all these schemas violate UPA, so marked invalid, and instance test, if any, disabled TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Derivation involving more than one substitution group head in a choice(4) TSTF ruled that all these schemas violate UPA, so marked invalid, and instance test, if any, disabled TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Derivation involving more than one substitution group head in a choice(5) TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Derivation involving more than one substitution group head in a choice(6) TSTF ruled that all these schemas violate UPA, so marked invalid, and instance test, if any, disabled TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Derivation involving more than one substitution group head in a choice(7) TSTF ruled that all these schemas violate UPA, so marked invalid, and instance test, if any, disabled TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : Derivation involving more than one substitution group head in a choice(8) TSTF ruled that all these schemas violate UPA, so marked invalid, and instance test, if any, disabled TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : XSD: an element can have a default value constraints and xsi:nil=true TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : XSD: empty value of the id attribute should not be allowed TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : XSD: minOccurs and maxOccurs should be stored as Decimal and not Int32 TSTF thinks WG needs to decide what to do in cases where minimum implementation requirements are exceeded in testsThis test depends on implementation-defined limits on support for large integers TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : XSD: attribute and element declarations can not have a value constraint if it type is ID Allowed in XSD 1.1 - MHK TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : XSD: attribute and element declarations can not have a value constraint if it type is derived from ID Allowed in XSD 1.1 - MHK TEST :3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration Schema Components : XSD: test laxly validate an element with no element declaration having xsi:nill(2)