TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration with optional attribute id='a' TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration with optional attribute id='0' TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration with optional attribute id='' TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration with attribute id=':a' TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroups: 2 global attributeGroups with same ID TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroups: 2 attributeGroups, one is global and one is from 'redefine', with same ID TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroups: 2 attributeGroup, one is from complexType and one is inside another attributeGroup of some extension, with same ID TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroups: 2 attributeGroup, one is from imported xsd, and one is from included xsd, with same ID TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroups: redefine an attributeGroup and give it an existing ID TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration with attribute name='a' TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration: cannot have name attribute if not global, parent is attributeGroup, name='a' TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration: cannot have name attribute if not global, parent is complexType, name='a' TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration: cannot have name attribute if not global, parent is extension, name='a' TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration: cannot have name attribute if not global (redefining global is ok), parent is redefine, name='a' TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration with attribute name='0' TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration with attribute name='' TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration with attribute name='msxml' TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration: 2 attributeGroups, one imported, one included with same name but different targetNamespace TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration: 2 global attributeGroups with same name TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration: 2 attributeGroups with same name both of them from different redefine, with same namespac. TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration: 2 attributeGroups with same name both of them from different import, with different namespac. TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration: 2 imported attributeGroups with same name and same targetNamespace TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration: 2 imported attributeGroups with same name but different targetNamespace TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration: 2 attributeGroups, one imported, one included with same name and same targetNamespace TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration: cannot have ref attribute on global, parent is schema, ref='name of a global attribute group ' TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration: parent is attributeGroup, ref='name of a global attribute group declared at the beginning of xsd' TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration: parent is attributeGroup, ref='name of a global attribute group from imported xsd' TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration: parent is attributeGroup, ref='name of a global attribute group from included xsd' TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration: can only reference global attributeGroup parent is attributeGroup, ref='name of global attribute group declared at the end of xsd' TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration: can only reference global attributeGroup parent is attributeGroup, ref='name of attribute group declared inside a redefine', and xml instant has value different what is defined as fixed in the redefined attributeGroup. TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration: can only reference global attributeGroup parent is attributeGroup, ref='name of attribute group declared inside a redefine', and xml instant has value same as what is defined as fixed in the redefined attributeGroup. TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration: can only reference global attributeGroup parent is attributeGroup, ref='foo (not a valid reference to an attributeGroup)' TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration: can only reference global attributeGroup parent is attributeGroup, ref='' TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration: self referencing, name="test", has child attributeGroup that also has, parent is attributeGroup, ref='test' TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration: can only reference global attributeGroup parent is attributeGroup, ref='foo (a name of a global attribute)' TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration: can only reference global attributeGroup parent is attributeGroup, ref='very very log string ( more than 9999 chars)' TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration: parent is complexType, ref='name of a global attribute group declared at the beginning of xsd' TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration: parent is complexType, ref='name of a global attribute group from imported xsd' TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration: parent is complexType, ref='name of a global attribute group from included xsd' TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration: can only reference global attributeGroup parent is complexType, ref='name of global attribute group declared at the end of xsd' TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration: can only reference global attributeGroup parent is complexType, ref='name of attribute group declared inside a redefine' TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration: can only reference global attributeGroup parent is complexType, ref='foo (not a valid reference to an attributeGroup)' TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration: can only reference global attributeGroup parent is complexType, ref='' TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration: self referencing, name="test", has child attributeGroup that also has, parent is complexType, ref='test' TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration: can only reference global attributeGroup parent is complexType, ref='foo (a name of a global attribute)' TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration: can only reference global attributeGroup parent is complexType, ref='very very log string ( more than 9999 chars)' TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration: parent is extension, ref='name of a global attribute group declared at the beginning of xsd' TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration: parent is extension, ref='name of a global attribute group from imported xsd' TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration: parent is extension, ref='name of a global attribute group from included xsd' TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration: parent is extension, ref='name of a global attribute group from included xsd' TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration: can only reference global attributeGroup parent is extension, ref='name of global attribute group declared at the end of xsd' TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration: can only reference global attributeGroup parent is extension, ref='name of attribute group declared inside a redefine' TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration: can only reference global attributeGroup parent is extension, ref='foo (not a valid reference to an attributeGroup)' TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration: can only reference global attributeGroup parent is extension, ref='' TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration: self referencing, name="test", has child attributeGroup that also has, parent is extension, ref='test' TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration: can only reference global attributeGroup parent is extension, ref='foo (a name of a global attribute)' TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration: can only reference global attributeGroup parent is extension, ref='very very log string ( more than 9999 chars)' TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration: parent is redefine, ref='name of a global attribute group declared at the beginning of xsd' TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration: parent is redefine, ref='name of a global attribute group from imported xsd' TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration: parent is redefine, ref='name of a global attribute group from included xsd' TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration: can only reference global attributeGroup parent is redefine, ref='name of global attribute group declared at the end of xsd' TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration: can only reference global attributeGroup parent is redefine, ref='name of attribute group declared inside a redefine' TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration: can only reference global attributeGroup parent is redefine, ref='foo (not a valid reference to an attributeGroup)' TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration: can only reference global attributeGroup parent is redefine, ref='' TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration: circular Ref is allow if parent is redefine, name="test", has child attributeGroup that also has, parent is redefine, ref='test' TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration: can only reference global attributeGroup parent is redefine, ref='foo (a name of a global attribute)' TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Test attributeGroup declaration: can only reference global attributeGroup parent is redefine, ref='very very log string ( more than 9999 chars)' TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : attributeGroup with two attributeGroup as children, both has ref="foo" TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : attributeGroup with name="foo", complexType with name='foo' TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : attributeGroup with annotation TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : attributeGroup with two annotation TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : attributeGroup with 2000 attribute decl as child, the xml has the 2000 attributes TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : attributeGroup with just another attributeGroup, the xml has the attributes TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : attributeGroup with child in the sequence of ( att, attg, att, attg, att), the xml has the attributes TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : attributeGroup with two attribute, same name, same namespace TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : attribute group with two attribute, where the name of one att is same as the ref value of the other TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : attributeGroup with two attribute, same name, same type TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : attributeGroup with two attribute, same name, different type TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : attributeGroup with child attribute and attributeGroup which intern reference to different attributeGroup containing attributes and attributeGroup TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : attributeGroup with child attributeGroup that reference to an element TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : attributeGroup with child element declaration TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : attributeGroup with child attributeGroup that reference to a simpleType TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : attributeGroup with child attributeGroup that reference to complexType TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Basic AttributeGroup ( w/ name = foo and containing an attributeGroup with ref = foobar) and attributeGroup (w/ name=foobar and containing an attributeGroup with ref=foo) TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : attributeGroup that has two attributeGroups, which reference to two different attributeGroups that reference the same attribute TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : attributeGroup that has two attributeGroups, parent is redefined, attG1 reference a global attributeGroup which define an attribute 'foo', attG2 reference the redefining xsd's attributeGroup 'foo' with same namespace TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Basic AttributeGroup with anyAttribute (w/ id) TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Basic AttributeGroup with anyAttribute (w/ annotation) TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Basic AttributeGroup with anyAttribute (w/ namespace=##any), the xml has the attribute instance with no namespace TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Basic AttributeGroup with anyAttribute (w/ namespace=##any), the xml has the attribute instance with "foo" as its namespace TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Basic AttributeGroup with anyAttribute (w/ namespace=##other), the xml has the attribute instance with namespace different from the targetNamdspace of the xsd TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Basic AttributeGroup with anyAttribute (w/ namespace=##other), the xml has the attribute instance with namespace same as the targetNamdspace of the xsd TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Basic AttributeGroup with anyAttribute (w/ namespace=##any), the xml has the attribute instance which fall under targetNS, but not defiled in the schema TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Basic AttributeGroup with anyAttribute (w/ namespace=##local), the xml has the attribute instance which is namespace UNqualified TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Basic AttributeGroup with anyAttribute (w/ namespace=##local), the xml has the attribute instance which is namespace qualified TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Basic AttributeGroup with anyAttribute (w/ namespace="foo"), the xml has the attribute instance which is of namespace "foo" TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Basic AttributeGroup with anyAttribute (w/ namespace="foo"), the xml has the attribute instance which is of namespace "bar" TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Basic AttributeGroup with anyAttribute (w/ namespace=##targetNamespace), the xml has the attribute instance which is of namespace targetNamespace TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : Basic AttributeGroup with anyAttribute (w/ namespace=##targetNamespace), the xml has the attribute instance which is of namespace other than targetNamespace TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : AttributeGroup (w/ namespace=other, processContents=##skip), the xml has the attribute instance which conatins attribute not declared in any schema TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : AttributeGroup (w/ namespace=other, processContents=##lax), the xml has the attribute instance which conatins valid elements and attribute against schema TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : AttributeGroup (w/ namespace=other, processContents=##lax), the xml has the attribute instance which conatins invalid attribute against schema TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : AttributeGroup (w/ namespace=other, processContents=##strict), the xml has the attribute instance which conatins valid elements and attribute against schema TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : complexType's AttributeGroup with reference to attributeGroup from 'redefine', where there is an attribute declared as int, with value="37", the xml has the attribute instance which "36" TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : complexType's AttributeGroup with reference to attributeGroup from 'redefine', where there is an attribute declared as int, with value="37", the xml has the attribute instance which "37" TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : AttributeGroup with ref="foo" and has attribute decl as child TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : AttributeGroup with ref="foo" and has attributeGroup decl as child TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : AttributeGroup with ref="foo" and has AnyAattribute decl as child TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : AttributeGroup with ref="foo" and has annotation as child TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : circular reference, attG A ref to B which ref C which ref back to A TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : AttributeGroup (w/ namespace=other, processContents=##strict), the xml has the attribute instance which conatins invalid attribute against schema TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : xsd: global attribute reference in attributeGroup should be invalid if not qualified in the instance. (attributeFormDefault is qualified). TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : XSD: test an attribute is eliminated from a redefined attribute group with no self reference,required TEST :Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) : XSD: test an attribute is eliminated from a redefined attribute group with no self reference,prohibited