TEST :Adhoc XSD: : include same schema twice with unique Ids TEST :Adhoc XSD: : include two schemas with same Ids TEST :Adhoc XSD: : XSD has element pointing to nonexistant type, XML uses xsi:type to access the same nonexistant type TEST :Adhoc XSD: : substitution group usage in the same XSD file with instance XML TEST :Adhoc XSD: : xsd: when both the imported and importing XSDs are added to schema collection, the instance XML uses substitution Element from the importing XSD to a root element declared in imported XSD. TEST :Adhoc XSD: : uses substitution Element from the importing XSD TEST :Adhoc XSD: : uses substitution Element from the importing XSD(2) TEST :Adhoc XSD: : use of xml:base TEST :Adhoc XSD: : xml prefix in path TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="63972" title="XSD: element decls of simple types" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="63569" title="test restrictions of simple types" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="63389" title="loading invalid XML with empty content" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="64817" title="xsd: notation with no attribute should give error." TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="60998" title="xsd: E is drived by extention from B, and E should not allow 'all' as part of the extension" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="65809" title="xsd: simpleType should also be allowed for xsi:type" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="67023" title="xsd: Should allow to redefine a redefined complexType" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="65472" title="xsd: when namespace is absent on an import, the enclosing xsd document must have a targetNamespace" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="66059" title="xsd: test when referencing without namespace to a global type declaration with targeNamespace" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="66531" title="xsd: notation without a name attribute should give error" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="66541" title="xsd: Regular Expression" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="67500" title="xsd: checking QName datatype correctly for the namespace declared on the same element" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="67514" title="xsd: when processContents is strict, test for element that are not defined in a specified schema." TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="65699" description="xsd: test not having blockDefault attribute set in the included xsd, with invalid partical derivation by restriction." TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="67279" description="xsd: Cannot import the same xsd file from different imported XSDs. Test for importing an element twice from different imported xsd." TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="67339" description="xsd:xsd:can not specify abstract complexType to type attribute of element declaration." TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="68871" description="xsd: test xsd type references with default namespace" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="68938" description="xsd: fractional digit and total digit are not checking correcting in XSD datatypes" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="68014" description="XSD: final attribute not supported on simpleType" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="68502" description="XSD: on the most basic complexType" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="68019" description="XSD: Test if minInclusive >= maxExclusive" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="68019" description="XSD: Test if minInclusive >= maxExclusive" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="69283" description="XSD: Test using xsd:element including default attribute." TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="69275" Test when pattern facet has value='\p{IsCJKRadicalsSupplement}' or '\p{IsCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionA}'. TEST :Adhoc XSD: : XSD: NMTOKENS and restriction by pattern TEST :Adhoc XSD: : XSD: IDREFS and restriction by pattern TEST :Adhoc XSD: : XSD: ENTITIES and restriction by pattern TEST :Adhoc XSD: : XSD: xsi:type when derived from xsi:type TEST :Adhoc XSD: : XSD: element block support TEST :Adhoc XSD: : XSD: order of redefine in schema TEST :Adhoc XSD: : another test TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="67764" description="xsd: we do not check for welformness of imported schema from schemaLocation" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="71774" description="xsd: a complexType should not be able to drive by extension from a complexType with simpleContent or simpleType" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="71818" description="xsd: when an attribute is prohibited, it should not be allowed in instant XML even if there is anyAttriubte declaration." TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="71395" description="Test import with empty namespace." TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="71847" description="xsd: a complexType should not be able to drive by extension from a complexType with simpleContent or simpleType" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="70130" description="XSD:text is not allowed when using xsd:any elements." TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="72049" description="xsd: schemaLocation with more than one pair of namespace+schemalocation " TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="72405" description="Test invalid default value against a pattern" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="72481" description="'choice/' is unsatisfiable" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="72530" description="'XSD - Duplicate IDs with one of them is in simpleContent extension" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="72793" description="xsd: top level attribute should prohibig 'form' attribute" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="72794" description="XSD - ref and form attributes appear in xs:element" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="72097" description="xsd: when there is no targetNamespace, the XSD file should be allowed to add to any namespace" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="72597" description="xsd: valid xml and xsd" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="72232" description="xsd: keyref should be able to refer to a key defined on the parent element." TSTF concluded the narrower scope of the keyref means it's invalidOops, 2010-01-22 change was mistaken, should have been instance invalid, schema restored to validity, instance made invalid TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="72232" description="xsd: keyref should be able to refer to a key defined on the parent element." TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="72070" description="xsd: test setting finalDefault to 'list'" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="72070" description="test setting finalDefault to 'list'" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="72233" description="test invalid idendity constraint?" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="73457" description="xsd: should not allow minOccurs and maxOccurs in particle under top level group" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="70948" description="xsd:invalid facets on simpleContent restriction with simpleType child should work" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="734028" description="xsd: test empty choice " TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="73715" description="xsd: Regular Expression: preprocess pattern '\\c' should match '\c'" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="73715" description="xsd: Regular Expression: preprocess pattern '\\c' should match '\c'" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="73665" description="xsd: Regular Expression: test checking for '\C' non-character correctly, test with value='?'" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="73666" description="xsd: Regular Expression: test pattern '(\n|\s)+b' and value ' b'" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : 72685 - XmlSchema: IDREFS are not allowed to have pattern facet TEST :Adhoc XSD: : 72685 - XmlSchema: NMTOKENS are not allowed to have pattern facet TEST :Adhoc XSD: : 72685 - XmlSchema: ENTITIES are not allowed to have pattern facet TEST :Adhoc XSD: : 72702 - test using or validating a not-wellformed XSD TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="73722" description="xsd: cannot fild attribute from attribute group in particle derivation. (xsd.xsd)" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="73826" description="xsd: element, when nillable is true, there must be no fixed value" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="73850" description="xsd: test duplicated ID (one is attribute one is element) in instance xml" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="73986" description="xsd: length of QName" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="73986" description="xsd: length of QName" TSTF ruled that 1.0 says all QNames satisfy all length-related tests TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="63950" description="Validating instance document against schema with an integer restriction" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="64982" description="xsd: when there is invalid fomr=qualified declared on a top level element." TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="64756" description="xsd: attribute from Schema (xsd:) namespace on schema" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="65026" description="xsd: test to import the xml namespace from http://www.w3.org/2001/xml.xsd (xsd for xsd)" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="74789" description="xsd: type referenced from included xsd file that use namespace from targetNamespace." TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="74789" description="xsd: type referenced from included xsd file that use namespace from targetNamespace." TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="75564" description="xsd: we do not check for absolute string in fixed attribute value, when there are invalid char follow the valud value." TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="75028" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="75028" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : when attribute has use='required' fixed='123', the attribute must be specified with the fixed valued in the document. Instance has the attribute with correct fixed value. TSTF concluded the 'fixed' ID attribute invalidates the schema TEST :Adhoc XSD: : when attribute has use='required' fixed='123', the attribute must be specified with the fixed valued in the document. Instance has the attribute with incorrect fixed value. TSTF concluded the 'fixed' ID attribute invalidates the schema TEST :Adhoc XSD: : when attribute has use='required' fixed='123', the attribute must be specified with the fixed valued in the document. Instance has the attribute with missing fixed value. TSTF concluded the 'fixed' ID attribute invalidates the schema TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="71892" description="XSD: on derived complexType with empty particle" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="72554" description="XSD: should disallow duplicate ID attributes like DTD and XDR" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="59812" description="xsd: both type and simpleType are present in an attribute decl." TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="62925" description="xsd: xsd:type attribute on a complexType element should give error" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="61316" description="test 'group' with more than one particle (choice | sequence| all) as child" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="61599" description="xsd:particle: all, test only one element declaration, and that element is used in xml instant." TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="61608" description="xsd: sequence: when minOccurs=0, maxOccurs=1, test particles with min=max=0 as children" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="61692" description="xsd: elementFormDefault=qualified, test elements from imported xsd that are not qualified in the instant XML." TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="61692" description="xsd: elementFormDefault=qualified, test elements from imported xsd that are not qualified in the instant XML." TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="61896" description="xsd: extension with 'all' as a base type" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="61911" description="xsd: extension: when 'choice' is extented from 'any', the one of the item in 'choice' should satisfy the content model." TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="61964" description="xsd: point less occurance should be ignored, the particle containing sequence is min=max=1, and 'sequence' has only one child" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="62136" description="xsd: in an 'all' group, when element is declared as minOccurs=0, maxOccurs=0, it should not be able to appear in instant XML." TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="62160" description="xsd: derived by restriction: (Choice:Choice -- RecurseLax) all particles in Base choice need not be appeared in the drived choice." TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="62483" description="xsd: test redefine, a simply redefined of a complex type with no targetNamespace" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="60947" description="xsd: particle(s) under model group 'all' cannot have maxOccurs > 1, this is not enforced when there are other sibling in the same group" In XSD 1.1 this schema become legal: a particle within xs:all can now have maxOccurs gt 1 - MHK TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="61053" description="xsd: test 'group' reference is used, and content model is explicitly declared using 'sequence'." TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="61104" description="test minOccur=absent, maxOccur='0' on a 'group' decl is incorrect" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="61115" description="test when the content is incomplete." TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="61126" description="xsd: value range of minOccurs and maxOccurs should allow big NonNegativeInteger, such as 12678967543233" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="61604" description="xsd: test there are 2 elements with same name but different type." TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="60467" description="XSD: extension whose base is the same ncName as its parent's ncName when outside of redefine" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="60941" description="xsd: particle validation rules: test when group's minOccurs=2 and the instant XML has only one sequence of group" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="60941" description="xsd: global attribute" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : test attribute normalization of fixed value of an attribute value TEST :Adhoc XSD: : test element's fixed value is not normalized TEST :Adhoc XSD: : xsd: QName of types should be pass to appliaction after normalization, we should discard leading and trailing spaces. TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="76303" description="xsd: fixed value of an element should take default type as build-in string, if type is not specified." TEST :Adhoc XSD: : check that the local fixed value must be the same as the global fixed value TEST :Adhoc XSD: : check that the local fixed value must be the same as the global fixed value TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="65911" description="xsd: anySimpleType as a build in base type" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="65911" description="xsd: anySimpleType as a build in base type (2)" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="65911" description="xsd: anySimpleType as a build in base type (3)" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="76251" description="xsd: test non-deterministic content of a sequence with same elements (a{2}, a)" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="75808" description="xsd testing" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="75564" description="xsd: absolute string in fixed attribute value, when there are invalid char follow the valud value." TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="75092" description="xsd: 'any' with processContents=strict: should allow valid content item which has xsi:type." TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="75083" description="xsd: self referencing of model group should be allowed in redefine" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="74966" description="xsd: particle derivation by restrrction of 'choice' {1,1} to {0,1} should be invalid" Invalid restriction which becomes valid in XSD 1.1 - MHK TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="73456" description="xsd: test validating an XML with invalid XSD." TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="76070" description="xsd: test non-deterministic xsd with sequence (A, ##other{2}, A)" Ambiguity between wildcard particle and element particle: invalid in XSD 1.0, valid in XSD 1.1 - MHK TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="78910" description="xsd: wildcard: content type with namespace=##any and processContent=skip" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="79416" description="xsd: test violation of uniqueness in xsd" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="79253" description="XSD: validating an XML with a not welform XSD?" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="78898" description="xsd: wildcard: content type with namespace=##any and processContent=skip" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="78456" description="XSD with pattern value=\p{IsLatin-1Supplement}, \p{IsLatinExtended-A}, or \p{IsLatinExtended-B}" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="78456" description="XSD with pattern value=\p{IsLatin-1Supplement}, \p{IsLatinExtended-A}, or \p{IsLatinExtended-B}" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="78456" description="XSD with pattern value=\p{IsLatin-1Supplement}, \p{IsLatinExtended-A}, or \p{IsLatinExtended-B}" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="74834" description="validate xml data when it has a decimal digit of .0" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="78162" description="attribute on xsd:any processContents=skip" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="76423" description="test validation of keys when default namespace is '' and more than one key is defined" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="66745" description="xsd validation:xsd substitutionGroup " TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="72131" description="XSD: test xml includes xsd in the attribute xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="81662" description="xsd: test element matching global declaration via xsd:any." TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="84188" description="XSD: Attribute with use=prohibited and wildcard" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="84517" description="xsd: simpleType should not be able to restrict anyType *(or) attribute should not allow type='xsd:anyType'" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="84002" description="validating an XSD with empty value in a nsmespace declaration, xmlns=''" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="84002" description="validating an XSD with empty value in a nsmespace declaration, xmlns=''" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="78000" description="any and processContents='skip'" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : Base types of list and union types should be anySimpleType TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="84613" description="validation xml with inline schema" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="83452" description="Invalid lexical hexBinary value of 'abcde' should be rejected, hexBinary should be even in length." TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="82731" description="Repeated valid values in block or final attribute in element declarations cause error." TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="87395" description="validateElement on XSD with ID enumeration .." Added a wrapper element in response to bug 10100 because ID-valued elements are not allowed at the outermost level - MHK 2010-07-10 TEST :Adhoc XSD: : Whitespace is collapsed for element with type xs:anySimpleType TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="94188" description="test the w3c xml.xsd schema url" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="93276" description="XSD: should not overwrite the default namespace with the included targetNamespace for xsd:include" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="97822" description="complexContent element with fixed value that has the same name as base element does not validate against invalid data" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="93568" description="XSD: Restriction should allow member types of a union as valid restrictions of a union type" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="99762" description="totalDigit calculation in restriction of decimal is wrong. Should ignore non-significant zeros." TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="86490" description="test non-deterministic content of a sequence with same element included via wildcard" Ambiguity between element particle and wildcard particle. Illegal in XSD 1.0, legal in XSD 1.1 - MHK TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="93490" description="test schema location or inline schema seen after item from schema target namespace seen" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="93490" description="test schema location or inline schema seen after item from schema target namespace seen" Looks like the WG needs to review this TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="93490" description="test schema location or inline schema seen after item from schema target namespace seen" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="93490" description="test schema location or inline schema seen after item from schema target namespace seen" Looks like the WG needs to review this TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="93490" description="test schema location or inline schema seen after item from schema target namespace seen" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="93490" description="test schema location or inline schema seen after item from schema target namespace seen" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="93490" description="test schema location or inline schema seen after item from schema target namespace seen" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="93490" description="test schema location or inline schema seen after item from schema target namespace seen" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="93490" description="test schema location or inline schema seen after item from schema target namespace seen" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="93490" description="test schema location or inline schema seen after item from schema target namespace seen" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="93490" description="test schema location or inline schema seen after item from schema target namespace seen" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="93490" description="test schema location or inline schema seen after item from schema target namespace seen" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="93490" description="test schema location or inline schema seen after item from schema target namespace seen" WG decided that although perhaps misleading, this test is OK TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="93490" description="test schema location or inline schema seen after item from schema target namespace seen" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="93490" description="test schema location or inline schema seen after item from schema target namespace seen" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="243307" description="test valid document with inline schema" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="102433" description="Validation of xml instances should be namespace strict" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="102433" description="Validation of xml instances should be namespace strict" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="102433" description="Validation of xml instances should be namespace strict" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="102433" description="Validation of xml instances should be namespace strict" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="102433" description="Validation of xml instances should be namespace strict" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="102433" description="Validation of xml instances should be namespace strict" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="102850" description="valid but ambigous schema" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="102850" description="non deterministic complex schema declaration." TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="102850" description="test non deterministic complex schema declaration(2)" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : Circualr substitutionGroup declarations TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="validating an invalid xsd type" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : id="schemaLocation for schema whose targetNamespace is the XSD namespace" TEST :Adhoc XSD: : XSD: fixed/default values should not be compared as strings to determine valid derivations TEST :Adhoc XSD: : mixed addition of schemas into SchemaCache. TEST :Adhoc XSD: : XSD: Support user specified schema for http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace namespace TEST :Adhoc XSD: : XSD: Support user specified schema for http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace namespace TEST :Adhoc XSD: : XSD: During validation of an element schemas in schemaLocation and noNamespaceSchemaLocation hints should be compiled together TSTF agreed that an un-imported NS used in a QName is a schema error TEST :Adhoc XSD: : XSD: whitespace facet should be applied while parsing the name attribute in the schema TEST :Adhoc XSD: : XSD: test unique id in the document Fixed schema doc so namespace URIs and sys/pub ids are all alphanum TEST :Adhoc XSD: : zero width unicode characeter test with fixed value(1) TEST :Adhoc XSD: : zero width unicode characeter test with fixed value(2) TEST :Adhoc XSD: : zero width unicode characeter test with fixed value(3) TEST :Adhoc XSD: : zero width unicode characeter test with fixed value(4) TEST :Adhoc XSD: : zero width unicode characeter test with fixed value(5) TEST :Adhoc XSD: : zero width unicode characeter test with fixed value(6) TEST :Adhoc XSD: : zero width unicode characeter test with fixed value(7) TEST :Adhoc XSD: : zero width unicode characeter test with fixed value(8) TEST :Adhoc XSD: : zero width unicode characeter test with fixed value(9) TEST :Adhoc XSD: : zero width unicode characeter test with fixed value(10) TEST :Adhoc XSD: : zero width unicode characeter test with fixed value(11) TEST :Adhoc XSD: : zero width unicode characeter test with fixed value(12) TEST :Adhoc XSD: : zero width unicode characeter test with enumeration value(1) TEST :Adhoc XSD: : zero width unicode characeter test with enumeration value(2) TEST :Adhoc XSD: : zero width unicode characeter test with enumeration value(3) TEST :Adhoc XSD: : zero width unicode characeter test with enumeration value(4) TEST :Adhoc XSD: : zero width unicode characeter test with enumeration value(5) TEST :Adhoc XSD: : zero width unicode characeter test with enumeration value(6) TEST :Adhoc XSD: : zero width unicode characeter test with maxLength facet(1) TEST :Adhoc XSD: : zero width unicode characeter test with maxLength facet(2) TEST :Adhoc XSD: : zero width unicode characeter test with minLength facet(1) TEST :Adhoc XSD: : zero width unicode characeter test with minLength facet(2) TEST :Adhoc XSD: : zero width unicode characeter test with xsi type TEST :Adhoc XSD: : zero width unicode characeter test identity constraints(1) TEST :Adhoc XSD: : zero width unicode characeter test identity constraints(2) TEST :Adhoc XSD: : zero width unicode characeter test identity constraints(3) TEST :Adhoc XSD: : zero width unicode characeter test namespace decl TEST :Adhoc XSD: : zero width unicode characeter test datatype parsing - hexbin TEST :Adhoc XSD: : zero width unicode characeter test datatype parsing -datetime TEST :Adhoc XSD: : xsd 1.0 Prima: the po.xml and po.xsd without targetNamespace TEST :Adhoc XSD: : xsd 1.0 Prima: the po.xml and po.xsd declared as targetNamespace 'foo' TEST :Adhoc XSD: : xsd 1.0 Structure: the XSD for XSD at the end of the spec, modify to load - striped the DTD, change any Entity Reference to 'foo' - added some simpleType for missing types - removed some invalid partical derication of 'group', 'any' and 'anyAttribute' TEST :Adhoc XSD: : SAMPLE: xsd 1.0 Sturcture spec : the ipo.xsd with a simplify version of ipo.xml without the xsi:type TEST :Adhoc XSD: : SAMPLE: xsd 1.0 Sturcture spec : the ipo.xsd with a simplify version of ipo.xml with the xsi:type TEST :Adhoc XSD: : Check IsDefault(fixed) for Empty Element with no end tag TEST :Adhoc XSD: : Check IsDefault(fixed) for Empty Element with start and end tag TEST :Adhoc XSD: : Check IsDefault(fixed) for Empty Element with fixed value already present TEST :Adhoc XSD: : Check IsDefault(fixed) for Element with invalid value TEST :Adhoc XSD: : Check IsDefault(fixed) a sequence with elements with no end tags TEST :Adhoc XSD: : Check IsDefault(fixed) a sequence with elements with start and end tags TEST :Adhoc XSD: : Check IsDefault(fixed) a sequence with elements with fixed values present TEST :Adhoc XSD: : Check IsDefault(fixed) a sequence with elements with invalid values TEST :Adhoc XSD: : Check IsDefault(fixed) a sequence with elements with one invalid value(1) TEST :Adhoc XSD: : Check IsDefault(fixed) a sequence with elements with one invalid value (2) TEST :Adhoc XSD: : Check IsDefault(fixed) a sequence with elements with one invalid value(3) TEST :Adhoc XSD: : Check IsDefault(default) for Empty Element with no end tag TEST :Adhoc XSD: : Check IsDefault(default) for Empty Element with start and end tag TEST :Adhoc XSD: : Check IsDefault(default) for Empty Element with fixed value already present TEST :Adhoc XSD: : Check IsDefault(default) for Element with invalid value TEST :Adhoc XSD: : Check IsDefault(default) a sequence with elements with no end tags TEST :Adhoc XSD: : Check IsDefault(default) a sequence with elements with start and end tags TEST :Adhoc XSD: : Check IsDefault(default) a sequence with elements with fixed values present TEST :Adhoc XSD: : Check IsDefault(default) a sequence with elements with invalid values TEST :Adhoc XSD: : Attributes: IsDefault(fixed) attributes on root element, schema has no targetNamespace TEST :Adhoc XSD: : Attributes: IsDefault(fixed) attributes on root element, schema has no targetNamespace, one invalid(1) TEST :Adhoc XSD: : Attributes: IsDefault(fixed) attributes on root element, schema has no targetNamespace, one invalid(2) TEST :Adhoc XSD: : Attributes: IsDefault(fixed) attributes on root element, schema has no targetNamespace, one invalid(3) TEST :Adhoc XSD: : Attributes: IsDefault(fixed) No attributes on root element(empty element no end tag), schema has no targetNamespace TEST :Adhoc XSD: : Attributes: IsDefault(fixed) no attributes on root element (empty element WITH end tag), schema has no targetNamespace TEST :Adhoc XSD: : Attributes: IsDefault(fixed) Local Element with all attributes, schema has no targetNamespace TEST :Adhoc XSD: : Attributes: IsDefault(fixed) Local Element with no attributes, schema has no targetNamespace TEST :Adhoc XSD: : Attributes: IsDefault(fixed) attributes on root element, schema HAS targetNamespace TEST :Adhoc XSD: : Attributes: IsDefault(fixed) attributes on root element, schema HAS targetNamespace, one invalid(1) TEST :Adhoc XSD: : Attributes: IsDefault(fixed) attributes on root element, schema HAS targetNamespace, one invalid(2) TEST :Adhoc XSD: : Attributes: IsDefault(fixed) attributes on root element, schema HAS targetNamespace, one invalid(3) TEST :Adhoc XSD: : Attributes: IsDefault(fixed) No attributes on root element(empty element no end tag), schema HAS targetNamespace TEST :Adhoc XSD: : Attributes: IsDefault(fixed) no attributes on root element (empty element WITH end tag), schema HAS targetNamespace TEST :Adhoc XSD: : Attributes: IsDefault(fixed) Local Element with all attributes, schema HAS targetNamespace TEST :Adhoc XSD: : Attributes: IsDefault(fixed) Local Element with no attributes, schema HAS targetNamespace TEST :Adhoc XSD: : test empty element typed as xsd:int with default value set in schema. TEST :Adhoc XSD: : test empty element typed as xsd:int with default value set in schema(2). TSTF concluded the 'fixed' ID attribute invalidates the schema TEST :Adhoc XSD: : test empty element typed as xsd:int with default value set in schema(3). TSTF concluded the 'fixed' ID attribute invalidates the schema TEST :Adhoc XSD: : element of type xs:anyType with value not matching the fixed value in the schema should error(invalid) TEST :Adhoc XSD: : element of type xs:anyType with value not matching the fixed value in the schema should error(valid) TEST :Adhoc XSD: : While adding default attributes with form="qualified", should lookup all prefixes for its namespace TEST :Adhoc XSD: : element of type xs:anyType with a default and fixed value TEST :Adhoc XSD: : attribute of type xs:anySimpleType with a default and fixed value TEST :Adhoc XSD: : default value on mixed content TEST :Adhoc XSD: : fixed value on mixed content TEST :Adhoc XSD: : fixed value on mixed content with invalid value in XML TEST :Adhoc XSD: : map xml namespace in the instance to be able to insert default attributes from xml namespace TEST :Adhoc XSD: : multiple 'fixed' constraints TEST :Adhoc XSD: : Element : membertype of union(bool,int,string) TEST :Adhoc XSD: : Element: membertype of union(bool,int,string) TEST :Adhoc XSD: : Attribute: membertype of union(bool,int,string) TEST :Adhoc XSD: : Element with default value: membertype of union(bool,int,string) TEST :Adhoc XSD: : Attribute with default value: membertype of union(bool,int,string) TEST :Adhoc XSD: : Element with xsi:type: membertype of union(bool,int,string) TEST :Adhoc XSD: : Element with xsi:type: membertype of union(bool,int,string) TEST :Adhoc XSD: : Element with default value and xsi:type: membertype of union(bool,int,string) TEST :Adhoc XSD: : Element of union of user defined typees(mybool,myint,mystring) TEST :Adhoc XSD: : Element of union of user defined typees(mybool,myint,mystring) with default value TEST :Adhoc XSD: : Attribute of union of user defined typees(mybool,myint,mystring) TEST :Adhoc XSD: : Attribute of union of user defined typees(mybool,myint,mystring) with default value