test test test test test test test test test test test test test idc001.nogen ID Constraints. idc002.e ID Constraints. Reference to an undeclared key idc002b.e ID Constraints. Reference to an undeclared key in an undeclared namespace. idc003.e ID Constraints. Reference to non-key constraint. idc004.nogen ID Constraints. idc004a.e ID Constraints. Key/keyref field size mismatch. idc005.nogen ID Constraints. very naive test of identity constraint. idc006.nogen ID Constaints. XPath engine test: ".//a/*/b" and use of "." for both selector and field. xsd001 - use of elementFormDefault="unqualified" - unusual minOccurs/maxOccurs (3 and 7 respectively) - complexType with simpleContent, and restriction. - simpleType within restriction. xsd002 - use of elementFormDefault="unqualified". - use of elementFormDefault and form attribute. - implicit use of "ur-type" as the content model of element. xsd003-1.e Element redefinition. Unable to redefine element. xsd003-2.e Element redefinition. Unable to redefine element. xsd003a Element redefinition. Test without redefinition. xsd003b.e Test with redefinition with self-reference. Undefined name. For some reason, this breaks MSV. xsd003b Element redefinition. Test with redefinition with self-reference. @add in xsd003b.n00.xml must be number. xsd004 Use of three different type of any element with different @namespace. xsd005 Complex type derivation. Missing content model. xsd006 minOccurs/maxOccurs. Various combinations. xsd007.e Cyclic complexType derivation. xsd008 Abstract element and element substitution group. xsd009.e Cyclic substitution group. xsd010.e Cyclic substitution group (3 hop cycle). xsd011 Nillable. xsd012 Mixed content model. xsd013.e Reference to undeclared element. xsd014.e Reference to undeclared element. xsd015.e Reference to undeclared type (it may be simple or complex). xsd016.e Reference to undeclared type (it may be simple or complex). xsd017.e Reference to undeclared complex type. xsd018.e Reference to undeclared complex type. xsd019.e Reference to undeclared simple type. xsd020-2.e Reference to undeclared attribute. xsd020-3.e Reference to undeclared model group. xsd020-4.e Reference to undeclared attribute group. xsd020.e Reference to undeclared simple type. xsd021 anyOtherAttribute. xsd022 Various forms of forward reference to the simple type. xsd023.e Simple type. Recursive definition. xsd024 Use of the chameleon schema and "smart reference reparing"