human-targeted annotation for a wildcard schema component (anyAttribute) (valid schema) Annotations provide for human- and machine-targeted annotations of schema components. In the test the human-targeted annotation is provided for a wildcard schema component (anyAttribute). human-targeted double annotation for a wildcard schema component (anyAttribute) (invalid schema) Annotations provide for human- and machine-targeted annotations of schema components. In the test the human-targeted annotation is provided for a wildcard schema component (anyAttribute). The annotation is specified twice. machine-targeted annotation for a wildcard schema component (anyAttribute) (valid schema) Annotations provide for human- and machine-targeted annotations of schema components. In the test the machine-targeted annotation is provided for a wildcard schema component (anyAttribute). machine-targeted double annotation for a wildcard schema component (anyAttribute) (invalid schema) Annotations provide for human- and machine-targeted annotations of schema components. In the test the machine-targeted annotation is provided for a wildcard schema component (anyAttribute). The annotation is specified twice. human-targeted annotation for a wildcard schema component (any) (valid schema) Annotations provide for human- and machine-targeted annotations of schema components. In the test the human-targeted annotation is provided for a wildcard schema component (any). human-targeted double annotation for a wildcard schema component (any) (invalid schema) Annotations provide for human- and machine-targeted annotations of schema components. In the test the human-targeted annotation is provided for a wildcard schema component (any). The annotation is specified twice. machine-targeted annotation for a wildcard schema component (any) (valid schema) Annotations provide for human- and machine-targeted annotations of schema components. In the test the machine-targeted annotation is provided for a wildcard schema component (any). machine-targeted double annotation for a wildcard schema component (any) (invalid schema) Annotations provide for human- and machine-targeted annotations of schema components. In the test the machine-targeted annotation is provided for a wildcard schema component (any). The annotation is specified twice. namespace='##any' (valid schema) {namespace constraint} provides for *validation* of attribute and element items that: 1. (any) have any namespace or are not namespace qualified; default value of 'namespace' is '##any' (valid schema) {namespace constraint} provides for *validation* of attribute and element items that: 1. (any) have any namespace or are not namespace qualified; namespace='##any' (valid schema) {namespace constraint} provides for *validation* of attribute and element items that: 1. (any) have any namespace or are not namespace qualified; default value of 'namespace' is '##any' (valid schema) {namespace constraint} provides for *validation* of attribute and element items that: 1. (any) have any namespace or are not namespace qualified; namespace='##other' (valid schema) {namespace constraint} provides for *validation* of attribute and element items that: 2. (not and a namespace name) have any namespace other than the specified namespace name; namespace='##other' (valid schema) {namespace constraint} provides for *validation* of attribute and element items that: 2. (not and a namespace name) have any namespace other than the specified namespace name; namespace='ns_test1 ns_test2' (valid schema) {namespace constraint} provides for *validation* of attribute and element items that: 4. (a set whose members are either namespace names or *absent*) have any of the specified namespaces and/or, if *absent* is included in the set, are unqualified. namespace='ns_test1 ns_test2' (valid schema) {namespace constraint} provides for *validation* of attribute and element items that: 4. (a set whose members are either namespace names or *absent*) have any of the specified namespaces and/or, if *absent* is included in the set, are unqualified. processContents='strict' and the declaration is available (valid schema) {process contents} controls the impact on *assessment* of the information items allowed by wildcards, as follows: strict There must be a top-level declaration for the item available, or the item must have an xsi:type, and the item must be *valid* as appropriate. processContents='strict' and the declaration is not available (valid schema) {process contents} controls the impact on *assessment* of the information items allowed by wildcards, as follows: strict There must be a top-level declaration for the item available, or the item must have an xsi:type, and the item must be *valid* as appropriate. processContents='strict' and the declaration is available (valid schema) {process contents} controls the impact on *assessment* of the information items allowed by wildcards, as follows: strict There must be a top-level declaration for the item available, or the item must have an xsi:type, and the item must be *valid* as appropriate. processContents='strict' and the declaration is not available (valid schema) {process contents} controls the impact on *assessment* of the information items allowed by wildcards, as follows: strict There must be a top-level declaration for the item available, or the item must have an xsi:type, and the item must be *valid* as appropriate. processContents='skip' (valid schema) {process contents} controls the impact on *assessment* of the information items allowed by wildcards, as follows: skip No constraints at all: the item must simply be well-formed XML. processContents='skip' (valid schema) {process contents} controls the impact on *assessment* of the information items allowed by wildcards, as follows: skip No constraints at all: the item must simply be well-formed XML. processContents='lax' and the declaration is available (valid schema) {process contents} controls the impact on *assessment* of the information items allowed by wildcards, as follows: lax If the item, or any items among its [children] if it's an element information item, has a uniquely determined declaration available, it must be *valid* with respect to that definition, that is, *validate* where you can, don't worry when you can't. processContents='lax' and the declaration is not available (valid schema) {process contents} controls the impact on *assessment* of the information items allowed by wildcards, as follows: lax If the item, or any items among its [children] if it's an element information item, has a uniquely determined declaration available, it must be *valid* with respect to that definition, that is, *validate* where you can, don't worry when you can't. processContents='lax' and the declaration is available (valid schema) {process contents} controls the impact on *assessment* of the information items allowed by wildcards, as follows: lax If the item, or any items among its [children] if it's an element information item, has a uniquely determined declaration available, it must be *valid* with respect to that definition, that is, *validate* where you can, don't worry when you can't. processContents='lax' and the declaration is not available (valid schema) {process contents} controls the impact on *assessment* of the information items allowed by wildcards, as follows: lax If the item, or any items among its [children] if it's an element information item, has a uniquely determined declaration available, it must be *valid* with respect to that definition, that is, *validate* where you can, don't worry when you can't.