abstract type extension (valid schema) Abstract complex types can be used as {base type definition}s. declaration of element of abstract type (valid schema) Complex types for which {abstract} is true must not be used as the {type definition} for the *validation* of element information items. human-targeted annotation for complex type definition (valid schema) Annotations provide for human- and machine-targeted annotations of schema components. machine-targeted annotation for complex type definition (valid schema) Annotations provide for human- and machine-targeted annotations of schema components. human-targeted annotation misplaced for complex type definition (invalid schema) Annotations provide for human- and machine-targeted annotations of schema components. machine-targeted annotation misplaced for complex type definition (invalid schema) Annotations provide for human- and machine-targeted annotations of schema components. type definition with any attributes (valid schema) any: [attributes] can include attributes with any qualified or unqualified name. <attribute> [children] (valid schema) The set of attribute uses corresponding to the <attribute> [children]. restriction of simple content (valid schema) The type definition resolved to by the actual value of the base [attribute]. extention of simple content (valid schema) The type definition resolved to by the actual value of the base [attribute]. extention of complex content (valid schema) The type definition resolved to by the actual value of the base [attribute]. restriction of complex content (valid schema) The type definition resolved to by the actual value of the base [attribute]. An empty content type (valid schema) A {content type} with the distinguished value empty *validates* elements with no character or element information item [children]. A simple content type (valid schema) A {content type} which is a Simple Type Definition ( *validates* elements with character-only [children]. An element-only content type (valid schema) An element-only {content type} *validates* elements with [children] that conform to the supplied *content model*. An mixed content type (valid schema) A mixed {content type} *validates* elements whose element [children] (i.e. specifically ignoring other [children] such as character information items) conform to the supplied *content model*. items: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4.1 (valid schema) Schema Component Constraint: Derivation Valid (Extension). The {base type definition} is a complex type definition. items: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3,, (valid schema) Schema Component Constraint: Derivation Valid (Extension). The {base type definition} is a complex type definition. extension of the type int (valid schema) Schema Component Constraint: Derivation Valid (Extension). If the {base type definition} is a simple type definition. extension of the type int by adding the attribute 't' of the type int (valid schema) Schema Component Constraint: Derivation Valid (Extension). If the {base type definition} is a simple type definition. the value is extension (invalid schema) The explicit values extension, and restriction prevent further derivations by extension and restriction respectively. If all values are specified, then the complex type is said to be final, because no further derivations are possible. the value is restriction (valid schema) The explicit values extension, and restriction prevent further derivations by extension and restriction respectively. If all values are specified, then the complex type is said to be final, because no further derivations are possible. the value is restriction (invalid schema) The explicit values extension, and restriction prevent further derivations by extension and restriction respectively. If all values are specified, then the complex type is said to be final, because no further derivations are possible. the value is #all (invalid schema) The explicit values extension, and restriction prevent further derivations by extension and restriction respectively. If all values are specified, then the complex type is said to be final, because no further derivations are possible. the value is #all (invalid schema) The explicit values extension, and restriction prevent further derivations by extension and restriction respectively. If all values are specified, then the complex type is said to be final, because no further derivations are possible. Simple types are identified by their {name} and {target namespace}. (valid schema) Simple types are identified by their {name} and {target namespace}. {prohibited substitutions} is empty (valid schema) If {prohibited substitutions} is empty, then all substitutions are allowed. {prohibited substitutions} is extension (valid schema) {prohibited substitutions} determine whether an element declaration appearing in a *content model* is prevented from additionally *validating* element items with an xsi:type (p.2.6.1) attribute. {prohibited substitutions} is restriction (valid schema) {prohibited substitutions} determine whether an element declaration appearing in a *content model* is prevented from additionally *validating* element items with an xsi:type (p.2.6.1) attribute. {prohibited substitutions} is #all (valid schema) {prohibited substitutions} determine whether an element declaration appearing in a *content model* is prevented from additionally *validating* element items with an xsi:type (p.2.6.1) attribute. Simple types are identified by their {name} and {target namespace}. (valid schema) Simple types are identified by their {name} and {target namespace}.