# # The Apache Software License, Version 1.1 # # Copyright (c) 1999-2000 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights # reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in # the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # # 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, # if any, must include the following acknowledgment: # "This product includes software developed by the # Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/)." # Alternately, this acknowledgment may appear in the software itself, # if and wherever such third-party acknowledgments normally appear. # # 4. The names "Xerces" and "Apache Software Foundation" must # not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this # software without prior written permission. For written # permission, please contact apache\@apache.org. # # 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "Apache", # nor may "Apache" appear in their name, without prior written # permission of the Apache Software Foundation. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED # WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES # OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE APACHE SOFTWARE FOUNDATION OR # ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF # USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND # ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, # OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT # OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # SUCH DAMAGE. # ==================================================================== # # This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many # individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation, and was # originally based on software copyright (c) 1999, International # Business Machines, Inc., http://www.ibm.com . For more information # on the Apache Software Foundation, please see # . # # # $Log$ # Revision 1.25 2000/07/25 22:28:15 aruna1 # Char definitions in XMLUni moved to XMLUniDefs # # Revision 1.24 2000/06/27 22:11:41 jpolast # added HashBase, HashXMLCh, HashPtr # # Revision 1.23 2000/05/02 19:22:55 aruna1 # Unix related changes in. # # Revision 1.22 2000/03/20 23:48:50 rahulj # Added Socket based NetAccessor. This will enable one to # use HTTP URL's for system id's. Default build options do # not use this NetAccessor. Specify the '-n socket' option # to 'runConfigure' to configure Xerces-C to use this new # feature. The code works under Solaris 2.6, Linux, AIX # and HPUX 11 with aCC. # Todo's: enable proper error handling. # # Revision 1.21 2000/03/20 19:17:00 abagchi # Added XML256TableTranscoder # # Revision 1.20 2000/03/02 20:33:44 abagchi # Changed XML4CDefs to XercesDefs # # Revision 1.19 2000/03/01 22:30:03 abagchi # Object files are now created directly under obj directory # # Revision 1.18 2000/02/22 01:06:28 aruna1 # Added XMLChTranscoder # # Revision 1.17 2000/02/18 20:17:15 abagchi # Added XMLWin1252Transcoder # # Revision 1.16 2000/02/17 00:58:07 abagchi # Replaced IBM1047 with IBM1140 # # Revision 1.15 2000/02/08 02:28:34 abagchi # Added IBM 1047 Transcoder # # Revision 1.14 2000/02/08 02:03:44 aruna1 # Added changes for IBM1047 transcoder # # Revision 1.13 2000/02/06 07:48:02 rahulj # Year 2K copyright swat. # # Revision 1.12 2000/02/04 23:48:45 abagchi # Made sure all targets are appended with :: not single : # # Revision 1.11 2000/02/01 23:43:25 abagchi # AS/400 related change # # Revision 1.10 2000/01/19 17:37:24 abagchi # Removed the streaming classes # # Revision 1.9 2000/01/15 01:26:17 rahulj # Added support for HTTP to the parser using libWWW 5.2.8. # Renamed URL.[ch]pp to XMLURL.[ch]pp and like wise for the class name. # Only tested under NT 4.0 SP 5. # Removed URL.hpp from files where it was not used. # # Revision 1.8 2000/01/12 22:54:22 abagchi # Added additional transcoding object files and headers # # Revision 1.7 2000/01/12 20:10:12 aruna1 # Modified for new file # # Revision 1.5 2000/01/05 22:06:11 aruna1 # MsgCatalog support for AIX introduced # # Revision 1.4 1999/12/23 01:43:17 aruna1 # MsgCatalog support added for solaris # # Revision 1.3 1999/12/14 23:53:24 rahulj # Removed the offending Ctrl-M's from the commit message # logs which was giving packaging problems. # # PR: # Obtained from: # Submitted by: # Reviewed by: # # Revision 1.2 1999/11/23 02:00:05 rahulj # Code now works under HPUX 11. Tested inmemory message loader. # Revamped makefiles. Builds with both DCE threads as well as pthread libraries. # # Revision 1999/11/09 01:04:40 twl # Initial checkin # # Revision 1.4 1999/11/08 20:45:09 rahul # Swat for adding in Product name and CVS comment log variable. # # PLATFORM = @platform@ CC = @cc@ CXX = @cxx@ CXXFLAGS = @cxxflags@ CFLAGS = @cflags@ PREFIX = @prefix@ LDFLAGS = @ldflags@ LIBS = @libs@ OSVER = @osver@ USELIBWWW = @uselibwww@ MESSAGELOADER = @messageloader@ TRANSCODER = @transcoder@ NETACCESSOR = @netaccessor@ MODULE = util ifeq (${TRANSCODER},ICU) TRANSCODERMODULE=ICU else ifeq (${TRANSCODER},Iconv400) TRANSCODERMODULE=Iconv400 else ifeq (${TRANSCODER},Iconv390) TRANSCODERMODULE=Iconv390 else TRANSCODERMODULE=Iconv endif endif endif ifeq (${MESSAGELOADER},ICU) MESSAGELOADERMODULE=ICU else ifeq (${MESSAGELOADER},MSGFILE) MESSAGELOADERMODULE=MsgFile else ifeq (${MESSAGELOADER},ICONV) MESSAGELOADERMODULE=MsgCatalog MSG_DIR=${XERCESCROOT}/lib/msg else MESSAGELOADERMODULE=InMemory endif endif endif ifeq (${NETACCESSOR},Socket) NETACCESSORMODULE=Socket endif include ../Makefile.incl UTIL_CPP_PUBHEADERS = \ ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.hpp \ AutoSense.hpp \ BinFileInputStream.hpp \ BinInputStream.hpp \ BinMemInputStream.hpp \ BitOps.hpp \ BitSet.hpp \ CountedPointer.hpp \ EmptyStackException.hpp \ FlagJanitor.hpp \ HashBase.hpp \ HashXMLCh.hpp \ HashPtr.hpp \ IOException.hpp \ IllegalArgumentException.hpp \ InvalidCastException.hpp \ Janitor.hpp \ KVStringPair.hpp \ KeyValuePair.hpp \ Mutexes.hpp \ NameIdPool.hpp \ NoDefTranscoderException.hpp \ NoSuchElementException.hpp \ NullPointerException.hpp \ PlatformUtils.hpp \ RefArrayOf.hpp \ RefHashTableOf.hpp \ RefStackOf.hpp \ RefVectorOf.hpp \ RuntimeException.hpp \ StringPool.hpp \ TransENameMap.hpp \ TransService.hpp \ TranscodingException.hpp \ UTFDataFormatException.hpp \ UnexpectedEOFException.hpp \ UnsupportedEncodingException.hpp \ ValueArrayOf.hpp \ ValueStackOf.hpp \ ValueVectorOf.hpp \ XercesDefs.hpp \ XML256TableTranscoder.hpp \ XML88591Transcoder.hpp \ XMLASCIITranscoder.hpp \ XMLChTranscoder.hpp \ XMLIBM1140Transcoder.hpp \ XMLDeleterFor.hpp \ XMLEBCDICTranscoder.hpp \ XMLEnumerator.hpp \ XMLExceptMsgs.hpp \ XMLException.hpp \ XMLMsgLoader.hpp \ XMLNetAccessor.hpp \ XMLString.hpp \ XMLUCS4Transcoder.hpp \ XMLURL.hpp \ XMLUTF16Transcoder.hpp \ XMLUTF8Transcoder.hpp \ XMLUniDefs.hpp \ XMLUni.hpp \ XMLWin1252Transcoder.hpp UTIL_CPP_PRIVHEADERS = C_FILES = \ CountedPointer.c \ FlagJanitor.c \ Janitor.c \ KeyValuePair.c \ NameIdPool.c \ RefArrayOf.c \ RefHashTableOf.c \ RefStackOf.c \ RefVectorOf.c \ TransENameMap.c \ ValueArrayOf.c \ ValueStackOf.c \ ValueVectorOf.c \ XMLDeleterFor.c UTIL_CPP_OBJECTS = \ BinFileInputStream.$(TO) \ BinInputStream.$(TO) \ BinMemInputStream.$(TO) \ BitSet.$(TO) \ HashXMLCh.$(TO) \ HashPtr.$(TO) \ HeaderDummy.$(TO) \ KVStringPair.$(TO) \ Mutexes.$(TO) \ PlatformUtils.$(TO) \ StringPool.$(TO) \ XMLURL.$(TO) \ TransService.$(TO) \ XML256TableTranscoder.$(TO) \ XML88591Transcoder.$(TO) \ XMLASCIITranscoder.$(TO) \ XMLChTranscoder.$(TO) \ XMLIBM1140Transcoder.$(TO) \ XMLEBCDICTranscoder.$(TO) \ XMLException.$(TO) \ XMLString.$(TO) \ XMLUCSTranscoder.$(TO) \ XMLUTF16Transcoder.$(TO) \ XMLUTF8Transcoder.$(TO) \ XMLUni.$(TO) \ XMLWin1252Transcoder.$(TO) all:: includes $(UTIL_CPP_OBJECTS) platforms transcoders \ messageloaders compilers netaccessors includes:: pubheaders $(C_FILES) cd Platforms ; $(MAKE) $@ ; cd .. cd Transcoders/$(TRANSCODERMODULE) ; $(MAKE) $@ ; cd ../.. cd MsgLoaders/$(MESSAGELOADERMODULE) ; $(MAKE) $@ ; cd ../.. ifeq ($(NETACCESSORMODULE),Socket) cd NetAccessors/$(NETACCESSORMODULE) ; $(MAKE) $@ ; cd ../.. endif cd Compilers ; $(MAKE) $@ ; cd .. platforms:: cd Platforms ; $(MAKE) ; cd .. transcoders:: cd Transcoders/$(TRANSCODERMODULE) ; $(MAKE) ; cd ../.. messageloaders:: ifeq (${MESSAGELOADER},ICONV) ifeq (${PLATFORM},SOLARIS) mkdir -p ${MSG_DIR} gencat ${MSG_DIR}/XMLMessages.cat MsgLoaders/${MESSAGELOADERMODULE}/XMLMsgCat_EN_US.Msg endif ifeq (${PLATFORM},AIX) mkdir -p ${MSG_DIR} gencat ${MSG_DIR}/XMLMessages.cat MsgLoaders/${MESSAGELOADERMODULE}/XMLMsgCat_EN_US.Msg endif endif cd MsgLoaders/$(MESSAGELOADERMODULE) ; $(MAKE) ; cd ../.. compilers:: cd Compilers ; $(MAKE) ; cd .. netaccessors:: cd NetAccessors/$(NETACCESSORMODULE) ; $(MAKE) ; cd ../.. pubheaders:: -mkdir -p $(XML_INC_DIR)/$(MODULE) $(CP) $(UTIL_CPP_PUBHEADERS) $(C_FILES) $(XML_INC_DIR)/$(MODULE) # this may generate unnecessary dependencies, but it makes life easier depend:: includes $(MAKE_DEPEND) $(XML_INCL) *.cpp > $(DEPFILE) clean:: @echo "Making clean in $(MODULE) ..." $(RM2) $(addprefix $(XML_OBJ_DIR)/,$(UTIL_CPP_OBJECTS)) cd Platforms ; $(MAKE) $@ ; cd .. cd Transcoders/$(TRANSCODERMODULE) ; $(MAKE) $@ ; cd ../.. cd MsgLoaders/$(MESSAGELOADERMODULE) ; $(MAKE) $@ ; cd ../.. ifeq ($(NETACCESSORMODULE),Socket) cd NetAccessors/$(NETACCESSORMODULE) ; $(MAKE) $@ ; cd ../.. endif cd Compilers ; $(MAKE) $@ ; cd .. distclean:: clean $(RM) Makefile $(DEPFILE) @echo "Removing all $(MODULE) header files ..." $(RM2) $(addprefix $(XML_INC_DIR)/$(MODULE)/,$(UTIL_CPP_PUBHEADERS)) $(RM2) $(addprefix $(XML_INC_DIR)/$(MODULE)/,$(C_FILES)) cd Platforms ; $(MAKE) $@ ; cd .. cd Transcoders/$(TRANSCODERMODULE) ; $(MAKE) $@ ; cd ../.. cd MsgLoaders/$(MESSAGELOADERMODULE) ; $(MAKE) $@ ; cd ../.. ifeq ($(NETACCESSORMODULE),Socket) cd NetAccessors/$(NETACCESSORMODULE) ; $(MAKE) $@ ; cd ../.. endif cd Compilers ; $(MAKE) $@ ; cd .. install:: -mkdir -p $(PREFIX)/$(MODULE) $(CP) $(UTIL_CPP_PUBHEADERS) $(C_FILES) $(PREFIX)/$(MODULE) cd Platforms ; $(MAKE) $@ ; cd .. cd Transcoders/$(TRANSCODERMODULE) ; $(MAKE) $@ ; cd ../.. cd MsgLoaders/$(MESSAGELOADERMODULE) ; $(MAKE) $@ ; cd ../.. cd Compilers ; $(MAKE) $@ ; cd ..