No input XML file specified on command line. usage: ThreadTest [-v] [-threads nnn] [-time nnn] [-quiet] [-verbose] xmlfile... -v=xxx Validation scheme [always | never | auto]. Default is AUTO. -n Enable namespace processing. Defaults to off. -s Enable schema processing. Defaults to off. -f Enable full schema constraint checking. Defaults to off. -parser=xxx Parser Type [dom | sax | sax2]. Default is SAX (SAX1). -p Enable namespace prefixes. Defaults to off. (Only used with -parser=sax2, ignored otherwise.) -quiet Suppress periodic status display. -verbose Display extra messages. -reuse Retain and reuse parser. Default creates new for each parse. -threads nnn Number of threads. Default is 2. -time nnn Total time to run, in seconds. Default is forever. -parses nnn Run for nnn parses instead of time. Default is to use time -dump Dump DOM tree on error. -mem Read files into memory once only, and parse them from there. -gc Enable grammar caching (i.e. grammar cached and used in subsequent parses). Defaults to off. -init Perform an initial parse of the file(s) before starting up the individual threads.