root { // an array XMLErrors { "W_ Start " , "notation '{0}' has already been declared" , "attribute '{0}' has already been declared for element '{1}'" , "encoding '{0}' from XML declaration or manually set contradicts the auto-sensed encoding; ignoring" , "element '{0}' is referenced in a content model but was never declared" , "element '{0}' is referenced in an ATTLIST but was never declared" , "{0}" , "unable to include document '{0}'" , "unable to open text file target '{0}'" , "unable to include resource '{0}'" , "W_ End " , "E_ Start " , "'{0}' is not allowed for the content of simpleType; only list, union, and restriction are allowed" , "globally-defined complex type must have a name" , "globally-declared attribute must have a name" , "attribute declaration must have name or 'ref' attribute" , "element declaration must have name or 'ref' attribute" , "group declaration must have name or a 'ref' attribute" , "attributeGroup declaration must have name or 'ref' attribute" , "anonymous complexType in element '{0}' has name" , "anonymous simpleType in element '{0}' has name" , "content of element declaration must match (annotation?, (simpleType | complexType)?, (unique | key | keyref)*)" , "invalid content in simple type '{0}'; only list, union, and restriction are allowed" , "expected simpleType in list definition for type '{0}'" , "list, union, or restriction content is invalid for type '{0}'" , "invalid content in list definition for type '{0}'" , "expected simpleType in restriction definition for type '{0}'" , "facet '{0}' is already defined" , "expected simpleType in union definition for type '{0}'" , "content in simpleType definition is empty" , "expected restriction or extension in simpleContent definition" , "base attribute must be specified for restriction or extension definition" , "expected restriction or extension in complexContent definition" , "invalid content in 'schema' element" , "invalid content for type '{0}'" , "unknown simpleType '{0}'" , "unknown complexType '{0}'" , "prefix '{0}' can not be resolved to namespace URI" , "referenced element '{0}' not found" , "type '{0}:{1}' not found" , "attribute '{0}' not found" , "invalid element '{0}' in complex type definition" , "base type '{0}' not found" , "unable to create validator for '{0}'" , "invalid element following simpleContent definition in complexType" , "invalid element following complexContent definition in complexType" , "attribute '{0}' cannot have both fixed and default values" , "attribute '{0}' with default value must be optional" , "attribute '{0}' declared more than once in the same scope" , "attribute '{0}' cannot have both 'type' attribute and simpleType definition" , "simpleType '{0}:{1}' for attribute '{2}' not found" , "element '{0}' cannot have both fixed and default values" , "invalid {0} name '{1}'" , "element '{0}' cannot have both 'type' attribute and simpleType/complexType definition" , "element '{0}' has fixed or default value and must have mixed simple or simple content model" , "simpleType '{0}' that '{1}' extends has a value of the final attribute that does not permit extension" , "type '{0}' specified as the base in simpleContent definition must not have complex content" , "type '{0}' is a simple type and cannot be used in derivation by restriction in complexType definition" , "invalid element following restriction or extension definition in simpleContent" , "invalid element following restriction or extension definition in complexContent" , "duplicate annotation in type '{0}'" , "type '{0}' cannot be used in its own union, list, or restriction definition" , "value 'substitution' is already in the final list" , "value 'union' is already in the final list" , "value 'extension' is already in the final list" , "value 'list' is already in the final list" , "value 'restriction' is already in the final list" , "block value '{0}' is invalid" , "final value '{0}' is invalid" , "element '{0}' cannot be part of the substitution group headed by '{1}'" , "element '{0}' has a type which does not derive from the type of the element at the head of the substitution group" , "element '{0}' declared more than once in the same scope" , "value '{0}' invalid for attribute '{1}'" , "attribute '{0}' has both 'ref' attribute and inline simpleType definition or 'form' or 'type' attribute" , "duplicate reference attribute '{0}:{1}' in complexType definition" , "derivation by restriction is forbidden by either base type '{0}' or globally" , "derivation by extension is forbidden by either base type '{0}' or globally" , "base type specified in complexContent definition must be a complex type" , "imported schema '{0}' has different target namespace '{1}'; expected '{2}'" , "'schemaLocation' attribute must be specified in element '{0}'" , "included schema '{0}' has different target namespace '{1}'" , "at most one annotation is allowed" , "content of attribute '{0}' must match (annotation?, simpleType?)" , "attribute '{0}' must appear in global {1} declarations" , "attribute '{0}' must appear in local {1} declarations" , "attribute '{0}' cannot appear in global {1} declarations" , "attribute '{0}' cannot appear in local {1} declarations" , "minOccurs value '{0}' must not be greater than maxOccurs value '{1}'" , "duplicate annotation in anyAttribute declaration" , "global {0} declaration must have name" , "circular definition in '{0}'" , "global type '{0}:{1}' declared more than once or also declared as {2}" , "global {0} '{1}' declared more than once" , "invalid value '{0}' for whiteSpace facet; expected 'collapse'" , "namespace of import declaration must be different from target namespace of importing schema" , "importing schema must have target namespace if namespace in import declaration is not present" , "element '{0}' cannot have value constraint '{1}' if its type is derived from ID" , "element/attribute '{0}' is of NOTATION type" , "element '{0}' has mixed content type and the content type's particle must be emptiable" , "complexType definition has empty content but base type is not empty or does not have emptiable particle" , "content types of base type '{0}' and derived type '{1}' must both be mixed or element-only" , "derived content type is not a valid restriction of base content type" , "derivation by extension or restriction is forbidden by either base type '{0}' or globally" , "item type definition must have variety of atomic or union where all member types must be atomic" , "group '{0}' must contain all, choice, or sequence compositor" , "content of attributeGroup '{0}' must match (annotation?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?))" , "top-level compositor in a group must not have 'minOccurs' or 'maxOccurs' attribute" , "{0} '{1}:{2}' not found" , "group with the all compositor must only appear as content type of a complex type" , "group with the all compositor constituting the content type of a complex type must have both minOccurs and maxOccurs equal 1" , "element declaration in the all compositor must have minOccurs and maxOccurs equal 0 or 1" , "attribute '{0}' is already defined in base" , "intensional intersection of attribute wildcards must be expressible" , "base type does not have any attributes" , "attribute '{0}' has incompatible use value in the base" , "type of attribute '{0}' must be derived by restriction from type of the corresponding attribute in the base" , "attribute '{0}' does not have a fixed value or has a different fixed value from that of the base" , "attribute '{0}' has invalid target namespace with respect to the base wildcard constraint or base has no wildcard" , "attribute wildcard is present in the derived type but not in the base" , "attribute wildcard in the derived type is not a valid subset of that in the base" , "attribute '{0}' cannot have different use value in the derived type if the base attribute use value is 'prohibited'" , "attribute wildcard in the derived type must be identical to or stricter than the one in the base" , "unexpected '{0}' in the content of the all compositor; only elements are allowed" , "redefined schema '{0}' has a different target namespace '{1}'" , "simpleType in redefine must have a restriction definition" , "simpleType base attribute in redefine must reference the original type with the same name" , "complexType in redefine must have a restriction or extension definition" , "complexType base attribute in redefine must reference the original type with the same name" , "group '{0}' must have minOccurs and maxOccurs equal 1" , "unable to find declaration in the schema being redefined corresponding to '{0}'" , "group declaration in redefine may only contain one reference to itself" , "attributeGroup declaration in redefine may only contain one reference to itself" , "redefine declaration cannot contain '{0}'" , "notation declaration '{0}:{1}' not found" , "more than one identity constraint has name '{0}'" , "identity constraint declaration must match (annotation?, selector, field+)" , "key reference declaration '{0}' refers to unknown key '{1}'" , "field cardinalities for keyref '{0}' and key '{1}' must match" , "XPath expression is missing or empty" , "fixed value in attribute reference is not set or differs from the fixed value of '{0}'" , "attribute '{0}' is of ID type or type derived from ID and cannot have default/fixed value constraint" , "attribute '{0}' is a subsequent attribute in this complex type with a type derived from ID" , "attribute '{0}' is a subsequent attribute in this attribute group with a type derived from ID" , "empty value illegal for 'targetNamespace' attribute; target namespace must be absent or contain non-empty value" , "{0}" , "'{0}' has already been included or redefined" , "namespace '{0}' is referenced without import declaration" , "all compositor that is part of a complex type definition must constitute the entire content of the definition" , "annotation can only contain appinfo and documentation declarations" , "invalid facet name '{0}'" , "root element name of XML Schema document must be 'schema'" , "circular substitution group in element '{0}'" , "element '{0}' must be from the XML Schema namespace" , "target namespace of attribute '{0}' cannot be" , "invalid namespace declaration" , "namespace fix-up cannot be performed on DOM Level 1 node" , "E_ End " , "F_ Start " , "parser has encountered more than '{0}' entity expansions in the document; this is the limit imposed by the application" , "expected comment or CDATA section" , "attribute name expected" , "notation name expected" , "illegal repetition of elements in mixed content model" , "default attribute declaration expected" , "equal sign expected" , "element name expected" , "comment must start with