Failed to validate correctly when schema has <xsd:extension> and the base has an attribute Problem with recursive and derived elements minInclusive factet validation alters value maxOccurs="0" is considered an error Model group 'All' with minOccurs='0' reports an error Schema ID validation can fail depending on declaration ordering Validator doesn't enforce xsd:key data from CDATA section is not passed for validation Empty complex type definition is always non-mixed even if declaration says otherwise failure to load grammar if an abstract element is in substitutionGroup of another abstract element References to attributeGroup/group definition are not allowed to have annotations Cyclic import doesn't correctly handle type restrictions The type of an element should depend also on the substitutionGroup attribute xsi:type for union types with pattern facet doesn't work xs:unique is used like xs:key Schema length validation error in unions Regular expressions in schema should allow unescaped '-' Identity constraint is not enforced on xs:anySimpleType Regular expressions in schema should allow unescaped '-' Bad XS:pattern interpretation for XSD length, maxLength, and minLength facets are applied to item instead of list when value specific via default/fixed Mishandling of recursive definition on complex content restriction Namespace handling is wrong in schema validation The type reference will fail when importing a no-namespace schema Using 'list' or 'union' for finalDefault in schema element causes incorrect validation errors xerces-c reports "Base type definition does not have any attributes" for a valid complex type restriction Invalid anonymous type definition with the name attribute is not caught in some situations Inheritance by restriction does not detect a missing type from an imported schema Bug in schema processing (using the "xsd:extension" for an another file) since v2.8.0 Restriction checking code resolves an element from a wrong schema grammar Wildcard namespace prefixes in XPath are not reported as errors