$quote " $set 1 2 Notation '{0}' has already been declared 3 Attribute '{0}' has already been declared for element '{1}' 4 Encoding ({0}, from XMLDecl or manually set) contradicts the auto-sensed encoding, ignoring it 5 Element '{0}' was referenced in a content model but never declared 6 Element '{0}' was referenced in an attlist but never declared 7 {0} 8 Unable to include document '{0}' 9 Cannot open text file target '{0}' 10 Unable to include resource '{0}' 13 '{0}' is not allowed for the content of a simpleType. Only list, union and restriction are allowed. 14 Globally-declared complex type must have a name 15 Globally-declared attribute must have a name 16 Attribute must have a name or a ref 17 Element must have a name or a ref attribute 18 must have a name or a ref attribute 19 must have a name or a ref attribute 20 Anonymous complexType in element '{0}' has a name attribute 21 Anonymous simpleType in element '{0}' has a name attribute 22 The content of an element information item does not match (annotation?, (simpleType | complexType)?, (unique | key | keyref)*) 23 Invalid content in simple type '{0}'. Only allowed one of (restriction | list | union). 24 Expected simpleType in 'list' declaration for '{0}' 25 List | Union | Restriction content is invalid for type '{0}' 26 Error in content of derivation by list for '{0}' 27 Expected simpleType in 'restriction' declaration for '{0}' 28 Facet '{0}' already defined 29 Expected simpleType in 'union' declaration for '{0}' 30 SimpleType content is empty 31 The content of the simpleContent element is invalid. The content must be RESTRICTION or EXTENSION 32 The BASE attribute must be specified for the RESTRICTION or EXTENSION element 33 The content of the complexContent element is invalid. The content must be RESTRICTION or EXTENSION 34 Error in content of element information item 35 Content (annotation?,..) is incorrect for type '{0}' 36 Unknown simpleType: '{0}' 37 Unknown complexType: '{0}' 38 Prefix: '{0}' can not be resolved to a URI 39 Ref element '{0}' not found in the Schema 40 Type not found in '{0}:{1}' 41 Could not find top level attribute: '{0}' 42 Invalid child '{0}' in the complex type 43 Base type could not be found: '{0}' 44 Unable to create datatype validator '{0}' 45 Invalid child following the simpleContent child in the complexType 46 Invalid child following the complexContent child in the complexType 47 Attribute '{0}={1}' cannot have both 'fixed' and 'default' present at the same time. 48 For attribute '{0}={1}' default and use are both present so use must have the value 'optional'. 49 Attribute '{0}' declared more than once in the same scope 50 Attribute '{0}' may not contain both a type and a simpleType declaration. 51 SimpleType ({0}:{1}) for attribute: '{2}' not found 52 Element '{0}' cannot have both 'fixed' and 'default' present at the same time. 53 Invalid {0} name:'{1}' 54 Element '{0}' cannot have both a type attribute and a simpleType/complexType type child 55 Element '{0}' has a fixed or default value and must have a mixed simple or simple content model 56 The simpleType '{0}' that '{1}' uses has a value of 'final' which does not permit extension 57 The type '{0}' specified as the base in the simpleContent element must not have complexContent 58 The type '{0}' is a simple type. It cannot be used in a derivation by RESTRICTION for a complexType 59 Invalid child following the RESTRICTION or EXTENSION element in the simpleContent definition 60 Invalid child following the RESTRICTION or EXTENSION element in the complexContent definition 61 Annotation can only appear once: type '{0}' 62 The base type '{0}' does not allow itself to be used as the base for a restriction and/or as a type in a list and/or union 63 The value 'substitution' already in the list 64 The value 'union' is already in the list 65 The value 'extension' is already in the list 66 The value 'list' is already in the list 67 The value 'restriction' is already in the list 68 Invalid block value: '{0}' 69 Invalid final value: '{0}' 70 Element '{0}' cannot be part of the substitution group headed by '{1}' 71 Element '{0}' has a type which does not derive from the type of the element at the head of the substitution group 72 Duplicate element decl in the same scope: '{0}' 73 Invalid value '{0}' for attribute: '{1}'. 74 Ref is present, and simpleType/form/type found for attribute '{0}={1}' 75 Duplicate reference attribute '{0}:{1}' in complexType 76 Derivation by restriction is forbidden by either the base type '{0}' or the schema 77 Derivation by extension is forbidden by either the base type '{0}' or the schema 78 The base type specified in the complexContent element must be a complexType 79 Imported schema '{0}' has a different targetNameSpace '{1}' from what's declared '{2}' 80 A schemaLocation attribute must be specified on '{0}' element. 81 Included schema '{0}' has a different targetNameSpace '{1}' 82 At most one element is expected in the content. 83 The content must be (annotation?, simpleType?) for attribute '{0}={1}' 84 Attribute '{0}' must appear in global <{1}> declarations 85 Attribute '{0}' must appear in local <{1}> declarations 86 Attribute '{0}' cannot appear in global <{1}> declarations 87 Attribute '{0}' cannot appear in local <{1}> declarations 88 Value of minOccurs '{0}' must not be greater than value of maxOccurs '{1}' 89 'anyAttribute' elements can contain at most one 'annotation' element in their children 90 Global <{0}> must have a name 91 No circular definitions are allowed: '{0}' 92 Global '{0}:{1}' declared more than once or also declared as '{2}' 93 Global '{0}:{1}' declared more than once 94 Invalid value '{0}' for facet 'whiteSpace'. Value should be 'collapse'. 95 The namespace of an element must be different from the targetNamespace of the ing schema 96 If the namespace on an element is not present, the ing schema must have a targetNamespace 97 Element '{0}' must not have a value constraint:'{1}' as its type is derived from ID 98 It is an error for NOTATION to be used directly in a schema in element/attribute '{0}' 99 For element '{0}', the {content type} is mixed, then the {content type}'s particle must be emptiable 100 The content of complexType is EMPTY, but base is not empty or does not have emptiable particle. 101 The content type of the base type:'{0}' and derived type:'{1}' must both be mixed or element-only. 102 The content type is not a valid restriction of the content type of the base. 103 Derivation by extension or restriction is forbidden by either the base type '{0}' or the schema 104 The {item type definition} must have {variety} of atomic or union (where all member types must be atomic) 105 The group:'{0}' must contain (all | choice | sequence) 106 The attributeGroup:'{0}' must match (annotation?. ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?)) 107 The child of a model group definition must not specify either the minOccurs or maxOccurs attribute. 108 The {0} '{1}:{2}' not found in the schema 109 A group whose content is 'all' must only appear as the content type of a complex type definition. 110 When a model group has {compositor} 'all' which constitutes the {content type} of a complex type, minOccurs=maxOccurs=1 111 In an 'all' schema component, the value of minOccurs/maxOccurs of an element must be '0' or '1'. 112 Attribute '{0}' already defined in base and should not appear in derivation by extension. 113 The intensional intersection of {attributes wildcard}s must be expressible 114 Base type definition does not have any attributes 115 Attribute '{0}' has an inconsistent REQUIRED setting with that of the base 116 Type of attribute '{0}' must be validly derived from type of attribute in base 117 Attribute '{0}' is either not fixed, or has a different value from that of the base 118 Attribute '{0}' has invalid target namespace with respect to a base wildcard constraint or, base has no wildcard 119 An attribute wildcard is present in the derived type, but not in the base 120 The attribute wildcard in the derived type is not a valid subset of that in the base 121 Attribute '{0}' cannot modify the 'use' attribute in a derived type, if base attribute use is prohibited 122 The wildcard attribute in the derived type must be identical to or stronger than the one in the base. 123 Content of is restricted to elements only. '{0}' encountered and ignored. 124 Redefined schema '{0}' has a different targetNameSpace '{1}'. 125 A simpleType child of a must have a restriction element as a child 126 The base attribute of the restriction child of a simpleType, must be the same as the redefine simpleType's name attribute 127 A complexType child of a must have a restriction or extension element as a grandchild 128 The base attribute of a restriction/extension must be the same as the complexType's name attribute in 129 The group '{0}' which contains a reference to a group being redefined must have minOccurs = maxOccurs = 1 130 Could not find a declaration in the schema to be redefined corresponding to '{0}' 131 If a group child of a element contains a group ref'ing itself, it must have exactly 1 reference. 132 If an attributeGroup of a element contains a reference to itself, such reference must be exactly 1 133 A element cannot contain a child of type '{0}' 134 The notation declaration '{0}:{1}' is not found 135 More than one identity constraint named '{0}'. 136 The content of an identity constraint must match (annotation?, selector, field+) 137 Key reference declaration '{0}' refers to unknown key with name '{1}'. 138 Cardinality of fields for keyref '{0}' and key '{1}' must match. 139 Xpath expression is either missing or empty 140 The {value constraint} of an attribute ref is not fixed or different from the fixed {value constraint} of '{0}' 141 The {type definition} for attribute '{0}={1}' is or is derived from ID, and must not have {value constraint} 142 More than one attribute derived from type ID cannot appear in the same complex type - '{0}' ignored 143 More than one attribute derived from type ID cannot appear in the same attribute group - '{0}' ignored 144 '' is not a legal value for the targetNamespace attribute; the attribute must be absent or contain a nonempty value 145 {0} 146 Invalid Redefine: '{0}' has already been included or redefined 147 Schema Representation Constraint: Namespace '{0}' is referenced without declaration 148 An 'all' model group that's part of a complex type definition must constitute the entire content type of the definition 149 An can only contain and elements 150 Invalid facet name: '{0}' 151 The root element name of an XML Schema should be 'schema'. 152 Circular substitution groups are disallowed for element '{0}'. 153 The namespace of element '{0}' must be from the schema namespace. 154 The {target namespace} of '{0}' must not match 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'. 155 The namespace declaration is invalid. 156 Namespace fixup cannot be performed on a DOM Level 1 Node. 159 The parser has encountered more than '{0}' entity expansions in this document; this is the limit imposed by the application. 160 Expected comment or CDATA 161 Expected an attribute name 162 Expected a notation name 163 Repetition of individual elements is not legal for mixed content models 164 Expected default attribute declaration, assuming #IMPLIED 165 Expected equal sign 166 Expected an element name 167 Comments must start with