The following steps are the rough guide to making a release. Please update it if you find something inaccurate/missing. NOTE by Boris: A lot of things *are* wrong in this guide. 1. Update the release information in the following files: projects/Win32/VC6/xerces-all/XercesLib/XercesLib.dsp projects/Win32/VC6/xerces-all/XercesLib/XercesLib.mak projects/Win32/VC7.1/xerces-all/XercesLib/XercesLib.vcproj projects/Win32/VC8/xerces-all/XercesLib/XercesLib.vcproj scripts/ src/xercesc/ src/xercesc/util/XercesVersion.hpp src/xercesc/util/MsgLoaders/ICU/ICUMsgLoader.cpp src/xercesc/util/MsgLoaders/ICU/resources/res-file-list-unix.txt src/xercesc/util/MsgLoaders/ICU/resources/res-file-list-wins.txt src/xercesc/util/MsgLoaders/ICU/resources/res-file-list.txt version.incl xerces-c.spec doc/Doxyfile doc/style/dtd/entities.ent 2. Update the release documentation in the following files: doc/migration.xml doc/migration_archive.xml credits.txt web/doc/releases.xml web/doc/releases_archive.xml web/doc/feedback.xml 3. Build and test the release on the platforms that binaries are being produced for. The source packages should be named In order for rpm to work correctly the actual directory containing the source that will be zipped/tarred up should be xerces-c-x.y.z. The binary packages should be named xerces-c-x.y.z-{arch}-{os}-{compiler}.zip/tar.gz. 4. Generate PGP/GNUPG signatures for dist binaries and source packages. That is, add public key to the SVN KEYS file if necessary and make sure public key is on a key server or two. You will also need to update the KEYS file on the website: scp KEYS 5. Upload the binaries and signatures to the dist section of the website, from the directory containing the binaries: scp * 6. Upload the source packages and signatures to the dist section of the website, from the directory containing the sources: scp * 7. Logon to minotaur. ssh 8. Generate md5 signatures for dist binaries and sources on minotaur using: md5 -r xerces-c_x_y_z.tar.gz > xerces-c_x_y_z.tar.gz.md5 9. Make sure the packages have the correct permissions (chmod 664*). 10. Remove the previous release source and binaries (double checked that they are archived) in the source and binaries directories. Remove the links in the /www/ directory (*current* that were pointing at the old sources in the source directory). 11. Create the new links for the source (do for each file including asc and md5): ln -s ./source/ 12. Go to the archive, /www/ and create a directory for the previous release (xerces-c-x.y.z). Move over the contents of the source and binaries directories to this new directory. Remove the *current* links. 13. Update the archive. cd /www/ cp -R * /www/ 14. Verify that the downloads are available. Note that it can take up to 24 hours to for the mirrors to be updated. 15. Update the website by taking a binary package and extracting the doc/html directories. The web pages are stored in /www/ You will also need to update the documentation pdf in the pdf directory (which has both a pdf and pdf.tar.gz). Recommend copying the new documentation over the existing files. Be sure to change the permissions on the files and directories: find . -type f -exec chmod 664 {} ; find . -type d -exec chmod 775 {} ; If the binaries are for different platforms you may also need to update the download.html file to point to the new binaries. Verify that the website is updated (may take a while to be refreshed on the real webserver). 16. Send out an announcement e-mail to the and mailing lists and cc the and mailing lists. 17. Update the list of versions in Jira for xerces-c. 18. Tag the release in SVN (tags for releases usually have the form Xerces-C_x_y_z where x.y.z is the Xerces-C release number) by doing: svn copy \ -m "Tagging the Xercesc x.y release" For more information on tagging see