# Use org.apache.qetest.xsl.ConformanceTest test with this properties # file to iterate over all the 'conf' tests # This file includes descriptive comments for most major options # Most other xml-xalan\test tests use similar options #---- Choose locations: where to find files, where to log to # testDir is where root of test xml/xsl files are inputDir=tests\\conf # goldDir is where the 'gold' files to check against live goldDir=tests\\conf-gold # outDir is where we put the actual output files and any logs or error dumps outputDir=results-conf # All test output will be saved in this file logFile=results-conf\\ConformanceTest.xml #---- Choose processor: flavors supported: xalan|trax|other... flavor=trax #---- Choose tests: Filter to only run specific sets of tests # Set category to run only the single named directory #category=Atrs #---- Specify files that have the xsl embedded in them. embedded=embed01.xsl;embed02.xsl;embed07.xsl # Set up to use latest XML diff checker fileChecker=org.apache.qetest.xsl.XHTFileCheckService # Set excludes to exclude specific tests: foo.xsl;bar.xsl;goo.xsl excludes=extendx07.xsl;extendx13.xsl;processorinfo03.xsl;attribset40.xsl;attribset42.xsl;attribset43.xsl;impincl18.xsl;impincl12.xsl;lre02.xsl;lre03.xsl;lre07.xsl;lre10.xsl;lre12.xsl;lre21.xsl # Run a specific list of files in the named file (see XLDirectoryIterator.java) #fileList=myListOfFiles.txt # Uncomment noErrTest to skip running any ./err subdir tests noErrTest=true #---- Choose output: How much/what kinds of info should we log # Choose output: How much logging info is saved: between 0 (very little) and 99 (lots) loggingLevel=99 # If we should save performance-oriented info in the logfile perfLogging=true # Set debug for advanced debugging of the tests themselves #debug=true #---- Choose a liaison: only valid with flavor=xalan # XDTM Xalan-J 1.x/Xerces DTM -default- (uses xerces.jar) #liaison=org.apache.xalan.xpath.dtm.DTMLiaison # XDOM Xalan-J 1.x/Xerces DOM (uses xerces.jar) #liaison=org.apache.xalan.xpath.xdom.XercesLiaison