# This file contains error and warning messages related to XPath Error Handling. # Many of the messages are referenced by integer value (to avoid more strings in the # class files) and the string keys formed at runtime. In the case where the key is an # integer, the constant reference (that would be used in the code) is listed in a comment # above the tuple. # ER_ROR0000 ER0000={0} # ER_CURRENT_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_MATCH ER0001=The current() function is not allowed in a match pattern! # ER_CURRENT_TAKES_NO_ARGS ER0002=The current() function does not accept arguments! # ER_DOCUMENT_REPLACED ER0003=document() function implementation has been replaced by org.apache.xalan.xslt.FuncDocument! # ER_CONTEXT_HAS_NO_OWNERDOC ER0004=context does not have an owner document! # ER_LOCALNAME_HAS_TOO_MANY_ARGS ER0005=local-name() has too many arguments. # ER_NAMESPACEURI_HAS_TOO_MANY_ARGS ER0006=namespace-uri() has too many arguments. # ER_NORMALIZESPACE_HAS_TOO_MANY_ARGS ER0007=normalize-space() has too many arguments. # ER_NUMBER_HAS_TOO_MANY_ARGS ER0008=number() has too many arguments. # ER_NAME_HAS_TOO_MANY_ARGS ER0009=name() has too many arguments. # ER_STRING_HAS_TOO_MANY_ARGS ER0010=string() has too many arguments. # ER_STRINGLENGTH_HAS_TOO_MANY_ARGS ER0011=string-length() has too many arguments. # ER_TRANSLATE_TAKES_3_ARGS ER0012=The translate() function takes three arguments! # ER_UNPARSEDENTITYURI_TAKES_1_ARG ER0013=The unparsed-entity-uri function should take one argument! # ER_NAMESPACEAXIS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED ER0014=namespace axis not implemented yet! # ER_UNKNOWN_AXIS ER0015=unknown axis\u003a {0} # ER_UNKNOWN_MATCH_OPERATION ER0016=unknown match operation! # ER_INCORRECT_ARG_LENGTH ER0017=Arg length of processing-instruction() node test is incorrect! # ER_CANT_CONVERT_TO_NUMBER ER0018=Can not convert {0} to a number # ER_CANT_CONVERT_TO_NODELIST ER0019=Can not convert {0} to a NodeList! # ER_CANT_CONVERT_TO_MUTABLENODELIST ER0020=Can not convert {0} to a NodeSetDTM! # ER_CANT_CONVERT_TO_TYPE ER0021=Can not convert {0} to a type\u0023{1} # ER_EXPECTED_MATCH_PATTERN ER0022=Expected match pattern in getMatchScore! # ER_COULDNOT_GET_VAR_NAMED ER0023=Could not get variable named {0} # ER_UNKNOWN_OPCODE ER0024=ERROR! Unknown op code\u003a {0} # ER_EXTRA_ILLEGAL_TOKENS ER0025=Extra illegal tokens\u003a {0} # ER_EXPECTED_DOUBLE_QUOTE ER0026=misquoted literal... expected double quote! # ER_EXPECTED_SINGLE_QUOTE ER0027=misquoted literal... expected single quote! # ER_EMPTY_EXPRESSION ER0028=Empty expression! # ER_EXPECTED_BUT_FOUND ER0029=Expected {0}, but found\u003a {1} # ER_INCORRECT_PROGRAMMER_ASSERTION ER0030=Programmer assertion is incorrect! - {0} # ER_BOOLEAN_ARG_NO_LONGER_OPTIONAL ER0031=boolean(...) argument is no longer optional with 19990709 XPath draft. # ER_FOUND_COMMA_BUT_NO_PRECEDING_ARG ER0032=Found ',' but no preceding argument! # ER_FOUND_COMMA_BUT_NO_FOLLOWING_ARG ER0033=Found ',' but no following argument! # ER_PREDICATE_ILLEGAL_SYNTAX ER0034='..[predicate]' or '.[predicate]' is illegal syntax. Use 'self\u003a\u003anode()[predicate]' instead. # ER_ILLEGAL_AXIS_NAME ER0035=illegal axis name\u003a {0} # ER_UNKNOWN_NODETYPE ER0036=Unknown nodetype\u003a {0} # ER_PATTERN_LITERAL_NEEDS_BE_QUOTED ER0037=Pattern literal ({0}) needs to be quoted! # ER_COULDNOT_BE_FORMATTED_TO_NUMBER ER0038={0} could not be formatted to a number! # ER_COULDNOT_CREATE_XMLPROCESSORLIAISON ER0039=Could not create XML TransformerFactory Liaison\u003a {0} # ER_DIDNOT_FIND_XPATH_SELECT_EXP ER0040=Error! Did not find xpath select expression (-select). # ER_COULDNOT_FIND_ENDOP_AFTER_OPLOCATIONPATH ER0041=ERROR! Could not find ENDOP after OP_LOCATIONPATH # ER_ERROR_OCCURED ER0042=Error occured! # ER_ILLEGAL_VARIABLE_REFERENCE ER0043=VariableReference given for variable out of context or without definition! Name \u003d {0} # ER_AXES_NOT_ALLOWED ER0044=Only child\u003a\u003a and attribute\u003a\u003a axes are allowed in match patterns! Offending axes \u003d {0} # ER_KEY_HAS_TOO_MANY_ARGS ER0045=key() has an incorrect number of arguments. # ER_COUNT_TAKES_1_ARG ER0046=The count function should take one argument! # ER_COULDNOT_FIND_FUNCTION ER0047=Could not find function\u003a {0} # ER_UNSUPPORTED_ENCODING ER0048=Unsupported encoding\u003a {0} # ER_PROBLEM_IN_DTM_NEXTSIBLING ER0049=Problem occured in DTM in getNextSibling... trying to recover # ER_CANNOT_WRITE_TO_EMPTYNODELISTIMPL ER0050=Programmer error\u003a EmptyNodeList can not be written to. # ER_SETDOMFACTORY_NOT_SUPPORTED ER0051=setDOMFactory is not supported by XPathContext! # ER_PREFIX_MUST_RESOLVE ER0052=Prefix must resolve to a namespace\u003a {0} # ER_PARSE_NOT_SUPPORTED ER0053=parse (InputSource source) not supported in XPathContext! Can not open {0} # ER_CREATEDOCUMENT_NOT_SUPPORTED ER0054=createDocument() not supported in XPathContext! # ER_CHILD_HAS_NO_OWNER_DOCUMENT ER0055=Attribute child does not have an owner document! # ER_CHILD_HAS_NO_OWNER_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT ER0056=Attribute child does not have an owner document element! # ER_SAX_API_NOT_HANDLED ER0057=SAX API characters(char ch[]... not handled by the DTM! # ER_IGNORABLE_WHITESPACE_NOT_HANDLED ER0058=ignorableWhitespace(char ch[]... not handled by the DTM! # ER_DTM_CANNOT_HANDLE_NODES ER0059=DTMLiaison can not handle nodes of type {0} # ER_XERCES_CANNOT_HANDLE_NODES ER0060=DOM2Helper can not handle nodes of type {0} # ER_XERCES_PARSE_ERROR_DETAILS ER0061=DOM2Helper.parse error\u003a SystemID - {0} line - {1} # ER_XERCES_PARSE_ERROR ER0062=DOM2Helper.parse error # ER_CANT_OUTPUT_TEXT_BEFORE_DOC ER0063=Warning\u003a can't output text before document element! Ignoring... # ER_CANT_HAVE_MORE_THAN_ONE_ROOT ER0064=Can't have more than one root on a DOM! # ER_INVALID_UTF16_SURROGATE ER0065=Invalid UTF-16 surrogate detected\u003a {0} ? # ER_OIERROR ER0066=IO error # ER_CANNOT_CREATE_URL ER0067=Cannot create url for\u003a {0} # ER_XPATH_READOBJECT ER0068=In XPath.readObject\u003a {0} # ER_FUNCTION_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND ER0069=function token not found. # ER_ARG_LOCALNAME_NULL ER0070=Argument 'localName' is null # ER_CANNOT_DEAL_XPATH_TYPE ER0071=Can not deal with XPath type\u003a {0} # ER_NODESET_NOT_MUTABLE ER0072=This NodeSet is not mutable # ER_NODESETDTM_NOT_MUTABLE ER0073=This NodeSetDTM is not mutable # ER_VAR_NOT_RESOLVABLE ER0074=Variable not resolvable\u003a {0} # ER_NULL_ERROR_HANDLER ER0075=Null error handler # ER_PROG_ASSERT_UNKNOWN_OPCODE ER0076=Programmer's assertion\u003a unknown opcode\u003a {0} # ER_ZERO_OR_ONE ER0077=0 or 1 # ER_RTF_NOT_SUPPORTED_XRTREEFRAGSELECTWRAPPER ER0078=rtf() not supported by XRTreeFragSelectWrapper # ER_ASNODEITERATOR_NOT_SUPPORTED_XRTREEFRAGSELECTWRAPPER ER0079=asNodeIterator() not supported by XRTreeFragSelectWrapper # ER_FSB_NOT_SUPPORTED_XSTRINGFORCHARS ER0080=fsb() not supported for XStringForChars # ER_COULD_NOT_FIND_VAR ER0081=Could not find variable with the name of {0} # ER_XSTRINGFORCHARS_CANNOT_TAKE_STRING ER0082=XStringForChars can not take a string for an argument # ER_FASTSTRINGBUFFER_CANNOT_BE_NULL ER0083=The FastStringBuffer argument can not be null # ER_TWO_OR_THREE ER0084=2 or 3 # ER_VARIABLE_ACCESSED_BEFORE_BIND ER0085=Variable accessed before it is bound! # ER_FSB_CANNOT_TAKE_STRING ER0086=XStringForFSB can not take a string for an argument! # ER_SETTING_WALKER_ROOT_T)_NULL ER0087=\n !!!! Error! Setting the root of a walker to null!!! # ER_NODESETDTM_CANNOT_ITERATE ER0088=This NodeSetDTM can not iterate to a previous node! # ER_NODESET_CANNOT_ITERATE ER0089=This NodeSet can not iterate to a previous node! # ER_NODESETDTM_CANNOT_INDEX ER0090=This NodeSetDTM can not do indexing or counting functions! # ER_NODESET_CANNOT_INDEX ER0091=This NodeSet can not do indexing or counting functions! # ER_CANNOT_CALL_SETSHOULDCACHENODE ER0092=Can not call setShouldCacheNodes after nextNode has been called! # ER_ONLY_ALLOWS ER0093={0} only allows {1} arguments # ER_UNKNOWN_STEP ER0094=Programmer's assertion in getNextStepPos: unknown stepType: {0} # ER_EXPECTED_REL_LOC_PATH ER0095=A relative location path was expected following the '/' or '//' token. # ER_EXPECTED_LOC_PATH ER0096=A location path was expected, but the following token was encountered\u003a {0} # ER_EXPECTED_LOC_STEP ER0097=A location step was expected following the '/' or '//' token. # ER_EXPECTED_NODE_TEST ER0098=A node test that matches either NCName:* or QName was expected. # ER_EXPECTED_STEP_PATTERN ER0099=A step pattern was expected, but '/' was encountered. # ER_EXPECTED_REL_PATH_PATTERN ER0100=A relative path pattern was expected. # ER_ARG_LOCALNAME_INVALID ER0101= Localname in QNAME should be a valid NCName # ER_ARG_PREFIX_INVALID ER0102=Prefix in QNAME should be a valid NCName # WG_LOCALE_NAME_NOT_HANDLED WR0001=locale name in the format-number function not yet handled! # WG_PROPERTY_NOT_SUPPORTED WR0002=XSL Property not supported\u003a {0} # WG_DONT_DO_ANYTHING_WITH_NS WR0003=Do not currently do anything with namespace {0} in property\u003a {1} # WG_SECURITY_EXCEPTION WR0004=SecurityException when trying to access XSL system property\u003a {0} # WG_QUO_NO_LONGER_DEFINED WR0005=Old syntax\u003a quo(...) is no longer defined in XPath. # WG_NEED_DERIVED_OBJECT_TO_IMPLEMENT_NODETEST WR0006=XPath needs a derived object to implement nodeTest! # WG_FUNCTION_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND WR0007=function token not found. # WG_COULDNOT_FIND_FUNCTION WR0008=Could not find function\u003a {0} # WG_CANNOT_MAKE_URL_FROM WR0009=Can not make URL from\u003a {0} # WG_EXPAND_ENTITIES_NOT_SUPPORTED WR0010=-E option not supported for DTM parser # WG_ILLEGAL_VARIABLE_REFERENCE WR0011=VariableReference given for variable out of context or without definition! Name \u003d {0} # WG_UNSUPPORTED_ENCODING WR0012=Unsupported encoding\u003a {0} ui_language=en help_language=en language=en BAD_CODE=Parameter to createMessage was out of bounds FORMAT_FAILED=Exception thrown during messageFormat call version=>>>>>>> Xalan Version version2=<<<<<<< yes=yes line=Line \u0023 column=Column \u0023 xsldone=XSLProcessor\u003a done xpath_option=xpath options\u003a optionIN= [-in inputXMLURL] optionSelect= [-select xpath expression] optionMatch= [-match match pattern (for match diagnostics)] optionAnyExpr=Or just an xpath expression will do a diagnostic dump noParsermsg1=XSL Process was not successful. noParsermsg2=** Could not find parser ** noParsermsg3=Please check your classpath. noParsermsg4=If you don't have IBM's XML Parser for Java, you can download it from noParsermsg5=IBM's AlphaWorks\u003a http\u003a//www.alphaworks.ibm.com/formula/xml gtone=>1 zero=0 one=1 two=2 three=3