======================================================================= CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT: o) HOW TO PROVIDE XSL TRANSFORMATIONS AS A WEB SERVICE o) HOW TO INVOKE TRANSLETS FROM A SERVLET o) TIPS FOR RUNNING THE SAMPLE ON TOMCAT ----------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO PROVIDE XSL TRANSFORMATIONS AS A WEB SERVICE With XSLTC, XSL transformations can be run from within a servlet. This sample code demonstrates how that can be implemented. The CompiledEJB and CompiledBrazil sample code demonstrate other aproaches to providing XSL transformations as a web service. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO INVOKE TRANSLETS FROM A SERVLET The CompiledServlet directory contains the example source code: TransformServlet.java This file contains a minimal implementation of an XSL transformation servlet. When you deploy your servlet, make sure that the XSLTC TransformerFactory will be used by either setting the system property "javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory" with the value "org.apache.xalan.xsltc.trax.TransformerFactoryImpl", or by making a file with the name "META-INF/services/javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory" containing the single line org.apache.xalan.xsltc.trax.TransformerFactoryImpl available on your CLASSPATH. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TIPS FOR RUNNING THE SAMPLE ON TOMCAT When compiling the java files supplied with the sample, you need to add xalan.jar, xml-apis.jar, xercesImpl.jar and servlet.jar (in %Tomcat_Home%/common/lib) to the classpath o Copy the latest xalan.jar to %Tomcat_Home%/common/endorsed o Create a JAR file containing your translet classes and a file named META-INF/services/javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory in your JAR file that contains the following line: org.apache.xalan.xsltc.trax.TransformerFactoryImpl o Copy the JAR file, xalan.jar, xercesImpl.jar and xml-apis.jar to your Web_application_context/WEB-INF/lib o Make sure that the value of the "class" parameter is the same as the name of the translet .class or a valid xsl URI o Make sure that the value of the "source" parameter is a valid xml URI o Make sure that the value of the "sheet" parameter is a valid xsl URI o The translet .class generated by CompiledServlet will be placed under %Tomcat_Home%/bin/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- END OF README