@widget.shortname@ Icon @widget.shortname@



This widget was built using the "settings" template from Apache Wookie (Incubating).

It demonstrates settings handling in a widget using HTML5 forms. The settings form is auto generated in the settingsService.getsettingDefinitions(group) method. To create your own settings simply edit this method. If your widget needs a large number of different settings you can group settings together. Simply pass in the required group parameter to retrieve the desired group of settings.

Groups can be used to describe related sets of settings. When the settings page is requested the user will be presented with a list of links to individual settings pages for each group. If no groups are defined then all settings will be displayed on a single settings page. Groups are defined in the SettingsService.getGroups() method.

To view the settings page click the widget icon in the top left of the header, or call the Controller.showSettings() method. If you are using groups and you want to create a link directly to a specific group of settings pass the group name as a parameter to the Controller.showSettings("contact") method.

This paragraph will be replaced by the settings form which is created dynamically by SettingsService.createForm(group)