# Walkthrough Walk through is a HTML app / widget that presents a series of linked questions. Adiitional links in the question text are used to add items to a list of actions to be carried out. Some of the actions contain links to external web pages and some to internal notes (both open in a new tab). The Actions list can be download as text and internal notes are included. The questions are provided in a XML document and so can be easily changed. Questions are in HTML (using suitable escaping in the XML doc). Notes are formated using the Creole wiki markup. Walkthrough is a W3C widget and designed to be used with the Wookie widget server. It is completely client side and so requires a modern browser with Javascript enabled. Becuase of current browser restricted access to local files the Save feature simply displays text to be copied by the operator. # Notes: * Questions can be referenced by id in a URI such as index.html#q6 * Notes can be referenced by id in a URI such as noteviewer.html#n1 * WAI ARIA roles have been used but not HTML5 landmark elements # Creating a custom widget from the walkthrough template ## Building a widget to be built by the template system See the wookie widget template system readme ({wookie.root}/widgets/templates/readme.txt) for general notes. You'll need a minimum of the following (assuming we're creating a widget called 'walkabout') + workspace + widgets build.xml + walkabout widget.properties widget.properties contains something like * template.name=walkthrough * widget.shortname=Walkabout * widget.name=Walkabout * widget.description=Provides a way to explore information information and track actions to be performed. To build the walkabout widget run "ant generate-all-widgets" from within your widgets directory # Defining and accessing question sets ## Providing a set of questions to be baked into the widget Place your question set in 'widgets/walkabout/xml/questions.xml and build the widget. The DTD (format) and an example can be found in walkthrough template's xml folder + workspace + widgets build.xml + walkabout widget.properties + xml questions.xml You may like to add a comment header section to the questions that contains your copyright notice. ## Accessing other questions It is possible to access other question sets by URL. This is done by specifying questions=URL in the querystring part of the URL used to invoke the widget. The URL can be relative for questions included in the widget or absolute for questions located anywhere. e.g. http://wookie.server/wookie/deploy/wookie.apache.org/widgets/walkabout/ index.html?questions=xml/more_questions.xml # Using the widget You can use the widget .wgt file by deploying it to a Apache Wookie server or another environment like Opera that can use them. Alternatively you can unzip the archive (eg by renaming as *.zip or using 7Zip) and deploy the individual files to a web server.