* Asset Player Template The Asset Player Template allows new player widgets to be quickly and easily built. It can, by default, handle images, video and audio. However, at present there is no way for the template to differentiate between these. The appropriate tags, if not must be provide in the content_primary or content_secondary files when building a widget from this template. By defaul the template expects to find an tag with the ID "asset". This can be changed to an audio or video tag in the widgets that build on this template (see content_primary.html). ** Features - present multiple albums of assets - play an album of assets in a rolling "slideshow" - move to the next asset - move back to the previous asset - scanning of buttons controlling the player (via the scanning template) ** Use By default the asset player assumes all assets are images it is therefore easiest to display images using this widget. To do this all you need to do is set the albums that should be displayed. This is done by calling the setAlbums(albums) method, where albums is a an object that describes the albums of assets that should be presented to the user. See the assetPlayerTestWidget for a working example. *** Assets other than images To play assets that are not images you will also need to overwrite the content_primary.html file in order to provide the appropriate HTML to render the asset. For example, to play audio files you will use something like:
FIXME: Note that a future version of the player is likely to automaically create the relevant HTML tag for a chosen asset type. ** Configuration *** Parent Templates This template builds upon the following templates and therefore is configurable in any way those templates are: * scanning * twoColumn * base