# New and Noteworthy: 0.10.0 ## New API key management API Keys are now managed using a text file on the server rather than require database access, allowing an admin to more easily add, comment out or remove API keys. For more information see http://incubator.apache.org/wookie/docs/admin.html ## JSON APIs Most of the Wookie APIs now support JSON; to use JSON either send an Accepts header with the JSON mime type in the request, or append ?format=json to the request URL. ## Improved upload API You can now add widgets to a running Wookie installation by simply POSTing the widget to /widgets with widgetadmin credentials; unlike in 0.9.2 the installation is performed immediately and feedback provided. The Widget's metadata is also returned in a successful response. ## Download API As well as uploading .wgt files, you can download as well! If you send a GET request to /widgets/{widget} using a Accept type of "application/widget" the original .wgt package is returned. ## No JSP UI; new "demo" application In 0.10.0 we no longer have an Admin JSP application or any other required user interface. Instead we have a very simple JQuery demo application for quickly testing widgets. All the administration features that used to be in JSP pages are instead available via REST API or editing configuration files. ## Improved connector framework for Java The Java connector now supports the whole of the Wookie REST API including admin functions, not just creating widget instances. ## OpenAjax Feature There is a new Feature extension for OpenAjax Hub, enabling inter-widget communication in environments that support OpenAjax Managed Hub such as Apache Rave.