After the committer account is established. For an existing ASF committer added to the PMC, omit the first two paragraphs. ------------------------------------------------------------ To:, Subject: New PMC Member: ###Joe Bloggs Welcome to the Apache Wookie PMC! ####, as you know, the ASF Infrastructure has set up your committer account as the username '####'. Please follow the instructions to set up your SSH, svn password, svn configuration, mail forwarding, etc. Please subscribe to the Wookie Project Management Committee mailing list You have commit access to specific sections of the ASF repository, as follows: Wookie has various resources at: The general "committers" at: As per the documentation mentioned above, you need to 'svn switch" previous checkouts to now use https. If you have any questions during this phase, then please see the following resources: Apache developer's pages: Naturally, if you don't understand anything be sure to ask us on the Wookie dev mailing list. Documentation is maintained by volunteers and hence can be out-of-date and incomplete. One of us will announce you to the dev list soon.