Apache Wink 1.3.0 Release Notes 1. Overview This is the third major release of Apache Wink project. Apache Wink is a framework that helps you to produce and consume RESTful Web Services. Apache Wink aims to be a TCK compliant implementation of the JAX-RS v1.1 specification. The project also introduces Java API for writing clients that consume HTTP-based RESTful Web Services. The project website is currently at: http://wink.apache.org/ 2. Runtime and dependencies \dist folder contains the main Apache Wink runtime JARs. * wink-common-.jar Contains common runtime code required by the client and the server. * wink-client-.jar Contains client specific runtime code. To work with the client runtime, use wink-client-.jar and wink-common-.jar * wink-server-.jar Contains server specific runtime code. To work with the server runtime, use wink-server-.jar and wink-common-.jar \ext folder contains optional Apache Wink features For convenience, a combination of the core runtime and the most used optional features is provided in the \dist folder: * wink-.jar Includes: * wink-common-.jar * wink-server-.jar * wink-client-.jar * wink-webdav-.jar * wink-spring-support-.jar * wink-client-apache-httpclient-.jar \lib folder of this archive contains all Apache Wink runtime dependencies. NOTICE #1: The following dependencies are required for Java 5 only: * activation-.jar * jaxb-api-.jar * jaxb-impl-.jar * stax-api-.jar NOTICE #2: Apache Wink uses SLF4J logging framework, and by default is shipped with a simple SLF4J binding (slf4j-simple-1.5.11.jar). Application that uses another logging framework (e.g. LOG4J), must replace default binding with relevant one. For example, application that uses LOG4J will replace slf4j-simple-1.5.11.jar with slf4j-log4j12-1.5.11.jar For more details about SLF4J configuration, refer to http://www.slf4j.org/ 3. Building the Examples Building the examples included in the binary distribution is easy. Change to the examples directory and follow the build instructions in the readme.txt file. 4. Reporting Problems If you have any problems or want to send feedback of any kind, please e-mail the wink users list, wink-user@incubator.apache.org. You can also file issues in JIRA at: http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WINK 5. Documentation Documentation is included in the docs/ folder. The latest version of the documentation and other Apache Wink information is at: http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/WINK