This file contains all changes done on the 1.5 version. Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.5-RC2 ** Bug * [WICKET-2056] - Modal CSS Overflow Auto Bug * [WICKET-3298] - Session may not be replicated if the response page has not be modified * [WICKET-3318] - AjaxLazyLoadPanel doesn't render correctly after form submit * [WICKET-3323] - TreeTable should call attachUpdate javascript on domready event. * [WICKET-3346] - Wicket examples still show a Graduated logo * [WICKET-3348] - Am/pm support in DateTimeField is broken * [WICKET-3349] - Patch to correct a few Findbugs warnings in extensions module * [WICKET-3355] - Devutils breaks applications if session size is not available for any reason * [WICKET-3356] - The password field in Authentication1 wicket example is not visible in html5 browsers * [WICKET-3357] - Resource getResourceStream called twice with single request * [WICKET-3359] - ITab.getPanel() should be able to return Panel or Fragment; not just Panel * [WICKET-3361] - Validation Error on AjaxEditableLabel causes ajax calls in loop on Chrome Browser * [WICKET-3363] - forminput examle: switching locales does not have the desired effect. * [WICKET-3365] - 1.5-RC1 sources seem to be missing in Maven repository * [WICKET-3369] - Compile fails using java version "1.6.0_22" * [WICKET-3372] - XmlReaderTest fail because getClass.getResourceAsStream is not markSupported * [WICKET-3378] - Ajax headercontribution does not handle resourcereference id's * [WICKET-3380] - HttpsMapper and BookmarkablePageLink * [WICKET-3381] - Unable to see source of the spring examle * [WICKET-3387] - Usage of DataTable gives Child component of repeater x has a non-safe child id of $toolbar$n * [WICKET-3396] - MockServletContext should report major, minor version 2.5 instead of 2.3 * [WICKET-3397] - Some i18n xml-s have wrong name * [WICKET-3398] - EnclosureContainer: configure() should be called on the child component before calling isVisible on it * [WICKET-3399] - HttpServletResponse is No Longer Accessible via 1.5 API * [WICKET-3400] - DatePicker renders errorenous JavaScript in AjaxRequest * [WICKET-3403] - Cannot convert 'this.content' to object in Opera * [WICKET-3405] - POST fails if request.getParameter called by ServletFilter * [WICKET-3406] - Invoking getParameter() on HttpServletRequest throws IllegalStateException * [WICKET-3407] - Switching from HttsRequired page to http page with forms in both pages * [WICKET-3412] - RememberMe doesn't remember me * [WICKET-3413] - FLAG_INHERITABLE_MODEL and default model change * [WICKET-3415] - 1.5 equivalant of protected void WebRequestCycle.onRequestTargetSet(IRequestTarget requestTarget) is mising from AbstractRequestCycleListener * [WICKET-3416] - CheckGroupSelector does not inherit "disabled" property from parent form * [WICKET-3423] - org.apache.wicket.request.handler.resource.ResourceStreamRequestHandler equals not Symmetric * [WICKET-3425] - CryptoMapper jumping into directory * [WICKET-3426] - FilterToolbar is broken in 1.5-SNAPSHOT * [WICKET-3427] - Error in wicket-ajax.js when trying to log debug messages to js console * [WICKET-3428] - IRequestCycleListener: RequestCycle.get() is null inside onBeginRequest * [WICKET-3431] - org/apache/wicket/util/tester/ add cookie twice * [WICKET-3436] - OnChangeAjaxBehavior can render javascript before wicket-ajax.js is loaded * [WICKET-3437] - onselect script is not called for AutoCompleteTextField * [WICKET-3439] - org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.AbstractChoice renderer cast in method appendOptionHtml * [WICKET-3440] - org.apache.wicket.util.collections.MostRecentlyUsedMap getRemovedValue method returns Object not V * [WICKET-3442] - setResponsePage() to mounted Page fails to redirect correctly * [WICKET-3444] - ChangeHandler fires in IE on POS1 and END * [WICKET-3454] - Value exchange in a wicket:message throws an exception * [WICKET-3455] - onremove() in RefreshingView.onPopulate ** Improvement * [WICKET-1802] - Propertyresolver could be more informative * [WICKET-3338] - Provide a way to set Link's label/body without using Label child * [WICKET-3350] - Patch to update Hungarian localization * [WICKET-3351] - Add class for span with text in wicket-extensions\treetable * [WICKET-3353] - 'wicket' Maven module brings the other three wicket modules as transitive dependencies * [WICKET-3354] - Improve SerializableChecker message * [WICKET-3362] - Rename WebApplication#mountSharedResource() to #mountResource() * [WICKET-3364] - StatelessLink should not force the model type to Void * [WICKET-3366] - Make all standard validators extend Behavior * [WICKET-3368] - Open IMapperContext to extension * [WICKET-3370] - Extend multiple file handling to IMultipartWebRequest * [WICKET-3382] - JavaDoc: org/ap ache/wicket/util/upload/ * [WICKET-3384] - Comment: org.apache.wicket.util.upload.RequestContext interfsace to interface * [WICKET-3386] - org/ap ache/wicket/util/io/ copy methods return long and/or int * [WICKET-3389] - improve timestamps on resource filename by providing the possibility to add your own filename decorators * [WICKET-3390] - org.apache.wicket.util.convert.converter.AbstractNumberConverter convertToString method * [WICKET-3391] - Extensibility of the Wizard component * [WICKET-3393] - Remove ApplicationContextHolder from SpringComponentInjector * [WICKET-3394] - org.apache.wicket.request.mapper.parameter.PageParameters Comment * [WICKET-3395] - org.apache.wicket.request.RequestHandlerStack Comment * [WICKET-3401] - Patch to add junit tests for MetaInfStaticResourceReference * [WICKET-3408] - Add wicket version to initial page in wicket-examples * [WICKET-3414] - Add break after finding Method in AutoComponentResolver invokeSetter * [WICKET-3419] - org.apache.wicket.util.collection.MultiMap addValue * [WICKET-3421] - org/apache/wicket/protocol/http/mock/ documentation * [WICKET-3429] - org/apache/wicket/util/resource/ uses indexOf * [WICKET-3452] - Remove commons-collections definition from pom and update httpclient to 3.1 * [WICKET-3457] - Add methods to IBehavior to listen for configuration events * [WICKET-3459] - Update jetty to 7.3 and spring to 2.5.6.SEC02 * [WICKET-3460] - Relax BaseWicketTester's dependency on MockServletContext to ServletContext ** New Feature * [WICKET-1386] - Implement the FormComponentFragment Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.5-RC1 ** Sub-task * [WICKET-3137] - error in 1.5-M3 in request mapper example ** Bug * [WICKET-1721] - FormTester doesnt support onSelectionChanged for RadioChoice * [WICKET-1732] - FormTester's DropDownChoice onSelectionChanged() behaviour doesn't reload page * [WICKET-1894] - AjaxFallbackButton: inconsistent submit order * [WICKET-1973] - Messages lost upon session failover with redirect_to_buffer * [WICKET-2264] - Ajax xml response is not validated correct * [WICKET-2467] - FilterForm requires focus-tracker and focus-restore be added as children in the markup * [WICKET-3088] - "split-package" problem for wicket bundles started in an osgi container * [WICKET-3139] - Fix comments for Form.process() to be consistent with method declaration * [WICKET-3141] - On multipart form, sendRedirect() with PageParameters are not working * [WICKET-3148] - Dropped support for Servlet 2.5 inadvertently * [WICKET-3150] - Autolink already rendered problem * [WICKET-3153] - Form Bytes getMaxSize never returns null and does not find maximum * [WICKET-3161] - Can not create cookies * [WICKET-3164] - executeAjaxEvent in WicketTester works although Component is not enabled * [WICKET-3166] - isVisibleInHierarchy() possibly unnecessarily checks children whose parents are invisible? * [WICKET-3168] - No Application in the thread when the web server destroys WicketFilter * [WICKET-3174] - SmartLinkLabel failing to process email with + * [WICKET-3175] - Radio uuid is calculated wrongly for heavy instalations. * [WICKET-3178] - Correctness of tests is order dependent, ThreadContext.detach not always called * [WICKET-3181] - UploadProgressBar does not show up on nested forms * [WICKET-3187] - StringResourceStream has null lastModified time * [WICKET-3191] - UploadProgressBar shows up on the wrong nested form * [WICKET-3194] - IResourceSettings.setUseTimestampOnResources(true) and performance * [WICKET-3196] - UrlValidator failes to validate urls that containt multiple dots in path * [WICKET-3197] - getMarkupId() can be used only if the component's markup is attached * [WICKET-3200] - Form, containing FileUploadField and UploadProgressBar throws an exception when removed from the parent * [WICKET-3201] - icket/markup/html/debug/PageView clearing and possibly sorting empty list * [WICKET-3202] - Form with UploadProgressBar and AjaxButton doesn't submit * [WICKET-3207] - Localizer.substitutePropertyExpressions() is called twice when Localizer.getString() is called * [WICKET-3208] - tests map's size 3 times rather than keySet, entrySet, values size * [WICKET-3209] - WebApplication MostRecentlyUsedMap based upon Key age not Value age * [WICKET-3210] - Wrong text encoding when receiving multipart forms data * [WICKET-3211] - FormTester fails if multipart form is not submitted with a file * [WICKET-3212] - WicketTester can't create new sessions * [WICKET-3213] - YuiLib private constructor but implements IClusterable and has serialVersionUID * [WICKET-3215] - AutoCompleteTextField does not work in an iframe under IE 6, 7 or 8 * [WICKET-3218] - Component#onInitialize is broken for Pages * [WICKET-3222] - AbstractMarkupParser doesn't remove Comments correctly * [WICKET-3223] - OpaqueRegion subtract for-loop does not process all rectangles * [WICKET-3224] - FileCleaner issues * [WICKET-3225] - SelectOptions onPopulate method exception will never be thrown * [WICKET-3229] - Removing Child in IVisitor affects traversal * [WICKET-3231] - In extensions CaptchaImageResource, instance variable challengeIdhashCode is never set * [WICKET-3232] - In extensons CaptchaImageResource render method, while loop does not loop * [WICKET-3239] - for stateless pages wicket complains with "The Buffered response should be handled by BufferedResponseRequestHandler" * [WICKET-3244] - libxml2 splits large CData section. This breaks the processEvaluate js * [WICKET-3249] - DateConverter improperly converts time, causing different results between DateField and DateTimeField * [WICKET-3252] - StalePageException on non-versioned Page in Ajax request does not render ajax-response * [WICKET-3253] - NPE with nested property models * [WICKET-3267] - Error page mappings in web.xml not working in 1.5 * [WICKET-3268] - Can't generate 1.5-SNAPSHOT project with the quickstart command * [WICKET-3270] - NPE in PageParameters toString method * [WICKET-3272] - Set an request parameter on Wicket tester do not add it in the request URL * [WICKET-3278] - DropDownChoice no selection value * [WICKET-3279] - ModalWindow title not visible * [WICKET-3280] - IResponseFilter doesn't work in 1.5 * [WICKET-3287] - Patch to update Hungarian localization * [WICKET-3292] - CreditCardValidator will erroneously mark some exotic card types as invalid * [WICKET-3297] - UrlAttributes are encoded incorrectly when style is null but variation is not * [WICKET-3301] - SimpleDateFormat-s should be created with Locale defined in constructor * [WICKET-3302] - Endless recursion if LoadableDetachableModel.load throws exception * [WICKET-3304] - TextField ingnores convertEmptyInputStringToNull = true property when the String type is set * [WICKET-3306] - OrderByBoder MArkup problem * [WICKET-3307] - UploadProgressbar doesn't work when nested in ModalWindow (using IE 8.0.7600) * [WICKET-3309] - unable to add nodes to an empty rootless Tree (e.g. LinkTree) * [WICKET-3311] - Delete unused IPageSerializer & co from o.a.w.Page class * [WICKET-3312] - Tomcat complains about thread local memory leaking when using wickets XForwardedRequestWrapperFactory * [WICKET-3315] - PackagedTextTemplate should set lastModifiedTime * [WICKET-3316] - Unused private final ThreadLocal variable in DummyRequestLogger? * [WICKET-3319] - AjaxEditableMultilineLabel generates invalid HTML * [WICKET-3321] - Ajax submit link does not show busy indicator under IE * [WICKET-3329] - Quickstart project should depend on slf4j 1.6.1 * [WICKET-3330] - TextField shows HTML entities instead of UTF-8 characters * [WICKET-3331] - DropDownChoice with wantOnSelectionChangedNotifications fails without Form * [WICKET-3333] - Links with multiple parameters are wrongly generated * [WICKET-3336] - NPE when reloading updated markup in development mode * [WICKET-3337] - Url to the home page is not correct when the current base url has only one segment * [WICKET-3339] - Url interception doesn't work if the "intercepting" page is stateless * [WICKET-3343] - Broken links in new Quickstart ** Improvement * [WICKET-1214] - WicketTester#startPanel does not work (correctly) * [WICKET-1358] - Make Application Class More Bean-ish * [WICKET-1382] - Image could be made ajax aware.. * [WICKET-1432] - Detection of ajax transport type * [WICKET-1568] - contribution for wicket 1.5 generics (IConverter) * [WICKET-1735] - Remove hard-coded text from the markup of PagingNavigator * [WICKET-1790] - DatePicker javaScript should be optimized. Currently DatePicker generates 3000 bytes of javascript for each date field. * [WICKET-1945] - make wicket's configuration type an enum * [WICKET-2555] - Replace implementations of StringBuffer with StringBuilder * [WICKET-2693] - improve css/js contributions * [WICKET-2713] - Locate .properties files using the same convention as markup files * [WICKET-2786] - WicketMessageResolver: Render warning if getThrowExceptionOnMissingResource is false like Label does * [WICKET-2798] - Hungarian translation for Multiupload * [WICKET-2816] - Refactor / rework pageability * [WICKET-2829] - Tag attributes values are not escaped properly during writeOutput * [WICKET-2832] - Output wicket attributes even in ajax response * [WICKET-2833] - FileUpload#writeTo copies the stream / a possible rename would be faster * [WICKET-2896] - OrderByLink should support a ASCENDING -> DESCENDING -> NONE cycle * [WICKET-2913] - o.a.w.markup.html.form.upload.FileUpload.writeTo(File) is not optimal * [WICKET-2971] - Refactor AuthenticatedWebSession class, introduce DefaultAuthenticatedWebSession class * [WICKET-2986] - Feedback messages should be Serializable not String * [WICKET-3017] - Add support for forward and error filter mappings * [WICKET-3126] - Improve HomePageMapper to keep "/" as Url after the redirect * [WICKET-3147] - Servlet 3 Annotation @WebFilter is not supported * [WICKET-3149] - Merge DecoratingHeaderResponse to trunk * [WICKET-3152] - Wicket tester should allow testing for enabled/disabled status and for fields being required. * [WICKET-3154] - test for undefined in the same manner throughtout the code. * [WICKET-3158] - DateField, DateTimeField classes available, but no TimeField * [WICKET-3163] - support building wicket offline by resolving DTD references locally * [WICKET-3169] - Parametrize IFilterStateLocator * [WICKET-3170] - ModalWindow moved event (besides resize) * [WICKET-3176] - URLResourceStream loads target content twice. * [WICKET-3177] - Chunk.slice seq.subList(pos, pos) returns empty list so why bother * [WICKET-3184] - Make method getContentId of ModalWindow static * [WICKET-3199] - TextTemplateResourceReference should support Locale and Style * [WICKET-3206] - Refactor IBehavior from interface into a concrete class * [WICKET-3214] - Make IValidator a mixin for Behavior so validators can contribute to head and component tag * [WICKET-3226] - NavigationToolbar has table instance variable but so does base-class AbstractToolbar * [WICKET-3233] - In extensions, Select extends FormComponent but FormComponent has no type parameter * [WICKET-3235] - AutoCompleteBehavior overwrites base class AbstractAutoCompleteBehavior settings variable * [WICKET-3240] - AnnotationsRoleAuthorizationStrategy isInstantiationAuthorized package==false, class==true returns true * [WICKET-3241] - Add support for the new HTML 5 input types * [WICKET-3245] - SpringBeanLocator getBeanNameOfClass move if-test outside of while-loop * [WICKET-3246] - AnnotProxyFieldValueFactory getBeanNameOfClass move if-test outside of while-loop * [WICKET-3254] - Add file name to the exception in case of an error during temp file creation for upload * [WICKET-3257] - Add restartResponseAtSignInPage() Method to AuthenticatedWebApplication * [WICKET-3264] - MetaDataEntry set method traverses metaData even after key is found and data set/cleared * [WICKET-3265] - Component data_remove returns Object which is never used * [WICKET-3266] - introduce varargs for parameters in StringResourceModel * [WICKET-3275] - Log a warn or throw an exception when an AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior is added to an choice component * [WICKET-3286] - DropDownChoice: "data" or "choices?" * [WICKET-3288] - Remove "id" from Toolbar constructors * [WICKET-3289] - Patch to update yui to version 2.8.2r1 from 2.7.0 * [WICKET-3290] - Another patch to update Hungarian localization * [WICKET-3295] - Please use lists instead of arrays * [WICKET-3296] - Url should accept null parameters list * [WICKET-3299] - Please un-deprecate WebApplication.mount * [WICKET-3300] - Redundant test in MountedMapper * [WICKET-3303] - Use "META-INF/resources" (when available) to serve static resources * [WICKET-3313] - WebPage cookiesResource is not used * [WICKET-3324] - Markup NO_MARKUP can not call toString * [WICKET-3342] - Upgrade maven-bundle-plugin * [WICKET-3344] - Upgrade jetty version to 7.2 ** New Feature * [WICKET-701] - Allow wicket filter-mapping to use servlet-name instead of url-pattern * [WICKET-982] - Add accessibility support * [WICKET-1203] - Support JavaScript contributions that will insert includes at the bottom of markup instead of header * [WICKET-1237] - Support for AlternateParent in containers * [WICKET-2874] - Copy attributes from wicket:panel to source tag * [WICKET-3138] - Wicket 1.5 and GAE * [WICKET-3144] - Extra client-side scripting before closing modalwindow * [WICKET-3256] - Use a Provider for IExceptionMapper * [WICKET-3261] - Create wicket-core Maven module that contains wicket + wicket-util + wicket-request * [WICKET-3263] - Allow AjaxRequestTarget.IListeners to be Registered at the WebApplication Level * [WICKET-3314] - Allow any Component to be a "Panel" or "Fragment" via configuration ** Task * [WICKET-715] - rename classes and methods from *Javascript* to *JavaScript* * [WICKET-3283] - Update cglib to 2.2 from 2.1_3 ** Wish * [WICKET-2963] - Add examples for the new request mappers in 1.5 * [WICKET-3015] - add (even more) support for front-end proxies (schema, client ip, ...) * [WICKET-3237] - Exception when calling setOutputMarkupId/PlaceholderTag on wicket:container Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.5-M3 ** Sub-task * [WICKET-2081] - Add optional support for "Setting Markup Head Elements" PLT.12.5.4 * [WICKET-3069] - java.rmi not allowed on GAE * [WICKET-3110] - update migration guide to reflect the narrowing of the usecases for TransparentMarkupContainer * [WICKET-3112] - Fix of issue 2886 breaks all individual implementations of any AbstractTree * [WICKET-3115] - source code link doesn't work in wicket-examples 1.5 - request mappers demo * [WICKET-3130] - update migration guide ** Bug * [WICKET-2888] - Nullpointer when inserting [i.e. moving] a node in a TreeTable (AbstactTree, treeNodesInserted) * [WICKET-2912] - IE 8 gets 404 error after continueToOriginalDestination() when app is at root context * [WICKET-3048] - Redirect page in Ajax callback broken. * [WICKET-3052] - HybridUrlCodingStrategy probably uses wrong url encoding * [WICKET-3053] - WicketTester does not preserve the form component values when submitting with AjaxSubmitLink * [WICKET-3057] - NPE when deleting a TreeNode with visible children * [WICKET-3065] - HomePageMapper ignores request to '/' with query string parameters * [WICKET-3067] - The new mappers ignore single query parameter with empty value * [WICKET-3070] - Method getParameterMap in CryptedUrlWebRequestCodingStrategy.DecodedUrlRequest is broken * [WICKET-3072] - Deleting only child of collapsed tree node doesn't update the node * [WICKET-3074] - CreditCardValidator throws NumberFormatException on non-numeric characters. * [WICKET-3075] - AJAX file upload fails in IE8 due to Wicket.Ajax.handleMultipart() sniffing wicket:body tags as an HTML body element when running Wicket in development mode * [WICKET-3076] - UrlUtils.isRelative returns false if URL parameter contains an absolute URL * [WICKET-3078] - FileUploadException is masked behind WicketRuntimeException and not handled by a Form * [WICKET-3079] - Nested fragments markup not found * [WICKET-3083] - Broken AbstarctCalendar dependency * [WICKET-3084] - CharSetUtil.getEncoding fails with an IndexOutOfBoundsException * [WICKET-3086] - AjaxLink.onClick() -> setResponsePage(...) redirects to wrong url * [WICKET-3087] - Form inside ModalWindow causes 'Submit Button not visible' exception in parent page's form * [WICKET-3095] - Adding AjaxFormSubmitBehavior to Form leads to "Error: too much recursion" JS Error * [WICKET-3097] - isTemporary behavior and ajax behavior together crashes with WicketRuntimeException: Couldn't find component behavior. * [WICKET-3098] - AjaxEventBehavior#onEvent is invoked on disabled behavior * [WICKET-3101] - No exceptionpage on exceptions during ajax * [WICKET-3102] - WicketTester does not handle startPage(ITestPageSource) that contains a redirect/setResponsePage correctly * [WICKET-3103] - RequestCycle logs something, when its intended for servlet container * [WICKET-3106] - Security: Possible Redirection to foreign Page by using BrowserInfoPage's PageParameter * [WICKET-3111] - TransparentWebMarkupContainer appears magically for html elements without 'wicket:id' but with 'href' attribute * [WICKET-3119] - Localizer cache does not include style in cache key when no component is given * [WICKET-3123] - MockSessionStore doesn't bind sessions properly * [WICKET-3127] - Adding node to a collapsed tree node should not cause it to expand * [WICKET-3134] - Commons logging must die * [WICKET-3142] - Adding AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior to dropdownchoice does not work * [WICKET-3143] - No Exception page are rendered when using ajax ** Improvement * [WICKET-385] - Move HTTP caching features out of wicket.Resource * [WICKET-1215] - WicketTester recreates session after setting attributes on it * [WICKET-1244] - Move IResponseFilter and its implementations into a new subfolder / package * [WICKET-1531] - Behaviours cannot change tag name * [WICKET-1779] - Palette component - make image URLs part of CSS * [WICKET-1936] - Client-Side Image Map * [WICKET-2035] - Change naming convention for xml properties files to *.properties.xml instead of *.xml * [WICKET-2776] - Enhancing RadioChoice input items with individual title and css class attributes * [WICKET-2937] - AbstractPropertyModel getObjectClass don't consider nested IObjectClassAwareModel targets * [WICKET-3049] - CompoundPropertyModel constructor allows misuse of model object * [WICKET-3055] - Application fails to start when disk access is denied * [WICKET-3056] - Upgrade pom reference for joda-time from 1.6 to 1.6.2 * [WICKET-3062] - Improve cache keys to be more readable * [WICKET-3071] - Upgrade maven plugins and non-essential dependencies to newest version * [WICKET-3080] - Automatic sizing modal window * [WICKET-3089] - onBeforeRender in NextButton should not be final * [WICKET-3125] - Add IRequestListener interface to allow easier framework extension points * [WICKET-3128] - FormComponentLabel should open open-close tags like Label does ** New Feature * [WICKET-2084] - Integrate Wicket Ajax debug console to Firebug * [WICKET-3082] - Introduce IComponentOnInitializeListener for cross-cutting concerns ** Wish * [WICKET-3008] - clarify purpose of getMarkupSettings().setThrowExceptionOnMissingXmlDeclaration(true) Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.5-M2.1 ** Bug * [WICKET-3039] - WicketServlet failes to initialise with NullPointerException in WebXmlFile.getFilterPath() * [WICKET-3040] - Ajax form submit fails in Wicket 1.4.11/Firefox3.6 * [WICKET-3042] - AjaxLink does not work ** Improvement * [WICKET-1602] - Wicket resources - wicket is requesting resources every 1 hour * [WICKET-2922] - AutoCompleteTextField should allow the generics specification for the getChoices iterator and the type of the model ** Task * [WICKET-3041] - Relative link in JavaScript Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.5-M2 ** Sub-task * [WICKET-777] - See what needs to be done in abstractpageableview * [WICKET-3016] - Port to 1.5 * [WICKET-3028] - remove obsoleted way of achieving this ** Bug * [WICKET-830] - FindBugs static alalyser shows many coding issues/errors * [WICKET-945] - WicketTester requiring itself to be serializable * [WICKET-1094] - Values over-escaped by FormTester * [WICKET-1185] - Wrong message / parse error: "Expected close tag for " * [WICKET-1448] - SubmitLink bypass jquery submit eventhandler * [WICKET-1456] - ImageMap blocks Image functionality * [WICKET-1727] - Prepending JS in AjaxRequestTarget via listener is unusable * [WICKET-1733] - WicketTester doesn't include form submitting component id in form submissions * [WICKET-1928] - Enter key submits form in AjaxEditableMultiLineLabel on Safari * [WICKET-1947] - rc1 generics - LabelTree * [WICKET-1949] - rc1 generics - BaseTree * [WICKET-1985] - AbstractTree breaks on multiple tree model events in the same request * [WICKET-2010] - InspectorPage doesn't show component tree * [WICKET-2115] - Make Component. 'protected List getBehaviors(Class' public * [WICKET-2150] - Wizard executes onSubmit() of wrong nested form * [WICKET-2254] - ModalWindow size may exceed browser viewport making it impossible to close * [WICKET-2262] - The starting of the ajax indicator don't respect AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior preconditionScript * [WICKET-2265] - Drop AbstractHeaderContributor and friends * [WICKET-2324] - ModalWindow iframe CSS to wide * [WICKET-2401] - AJAX indicator turns off when calls overlap * [WICKET-2514] - Encoding issue with wicket Ajax POST form processing * [WICKET-2557] - Component.urlFor( ILinkListener.INTERFACE ) + various url coding strategies produce errorneus behavior * [WICKET-2676] - DataTable defines newCellItem to take IModel but should really do IModel> * [WICKET-2691] - Apply fixes from the named issues to 1.5 when API stabalizes * [WICKET-2728] - Location headers (redirects) should be absolute, not relative URLs * [WICKET-2739] - Throttling breaks AjaxFormSubmitBehavior's precondition check * [WICKET-2765] - MarkupException on unclosed tag * [WICKET-2774] - Form#onSubmit() not called in StatlessForm on pages mounted using WebPage#mountBookmarkablePage(String, Class) * [WICKET-2783] - FormTester.submit does not work with AjaxButtons * [WICKET-2794] - Not all exceptions are properly handled by the WicketFilter -> results in empty response document with unset status code -> seen as HTTP_OK by client * [WICKET-2807] - AjaxSubmitLink not calling the onsubmit event handler * [WICKET-2828] - IndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown in onBeforeRender when tabs is empty. * [WICKET-2848] - Rename yahoo-dom-event folder to something else * [WICKET-2849] - FormComponent.add(IValidator) should probably accept IValidator * [WICKET-2850] - Wicket DateTimeField / DatePicker creates a memory leak on the browser when rerenderd using ajax requests * [WICKET-2851] - Ajax responses do not update DOM correctly on Opera * [WICKET-2852] - Palette nested in a ListView results in a NPE when an error feedback is logged when submitting form * [WICKET-2854] - 'this.document' is null or not an object after quickly opening and closing a modal window (modal.js) * [WICKET-2863] - MockHttpServletResponse does not save Session cookies (maxAge = -1) * [WICKET-2886] - Tree doesn't update correctly * [WICKET-2905] - Select.isSelected fails when Wicket application is using REDIRECT_TO_RENDER render strategy. * [WICKET-2911] - continueToOriginalDestination does not work with mountBookmarkablePage and AjaxLink * [WICKET-2919] - inconsistency in property expression when using . for self reference * [WICKET-2931] - Form#getMaxSize - unsupported in the inner forms * [WICKET-2932] - Modal window titles need to be marked up as such, for accessibility * [WICKET-2933] - Form.MULTIPART_HINT is not cleared correctly with nested forms * [WICKET-2934] - FormTester creates parameters in mock request even for disabled form components * [WICKET-2935] - FormComponent#inputChanged does not properly check enabled/disabled status of the component * [WICKET-2941] - DatePicker fail with "firstDate is undefined" when an out of range date is written in the textfield * [WICKET-2944] - Application addRenderHeadListener causing error * [WICKET-2957] - Closing ModalWindow makes some form fields unclickable * [WICKET-2958] - Success handler not called when redirecting with Ajax * [WICKET-2972] - Some RepeaterView examples are not working * [WICKET-2974] - IFeedback that is child of IFeedback gets added to the FEEDBACK_LIST too late * [WICKET-2977] - AutoComplete onfocus behavior only working on last autocomplete field * [WICKET-2984] - Wicket Quickstart not working * [WICKET-2985] - DropDownChoice onSelectionChanged with setResponsePage causes weird exceptions * [WICKET-2988] - Ajax requests increment page version when they should not * [WICKET-2989] - Add IRequestMapper that can mount all pages in a package * [WICKET-2993] - ClassCastException when requesting for non-page class * [WICKET-2994] - Wicket 1.5M1 tarball is incomplete * [WICKET-2996] - if-modified-since checking is not working in AbstractResource * [WICKET-3001] - AjaxRequestTarget.get returns null within AjaxLink#onClick * [WICKET-3004] - Using RedirectPolicy.NEVER_REDIRECT when redirecting to a page will break URLs * [WICKET-3005] - wicket should keep the url of a page that caused a runtime error * [WICKET-3006] - redeploy in jetty 7 fails * [WICKET-3013] - org.apache.wicket.request.Url.QueryParameter is not Serializable * [WICKET-3014] - unable to launch StartExamples from IDEA (eventually other IDE's as well) * [WICKET-3018] - CheckGroupSelector ignores disabled-state in Check * [WICKET-3022] - All exceptions are handled by RequestCycle and no longer "visible" to WicketTester * [WICKET-3024] - HttpsRequestChecker inadvertently instantiates page when checking for annotation * [WICKET-3025] - DateTextField converter does not honor current locale * [WICKET-3027] - set Content-Type for package resources * [WICKET-3031] - Problem with date headers on error pages * [WICKET-3033] - Stack Overflow in getBeanDefinition()'s of SpringBeanLocator and AnnotProxyFieldValueFactory * [WICKET-3035] - there's something wrong with wicket's BaseTree (or with ajax support) * [WICKET-3038] - Return the possibility to create custom WebRequest/WebResponse per Application ** Improvement * [WICKET-563] - Let Application create error pages * [WICKET-776] - need to distinguish between statechange and hierarchychange * [WICKET-822] - add CPU information to WebClientInfo (or ClientProperties) * [WICKET-1620] - Portlet 2.0 support * [WICKET-1936] - Client-Side Image Map * [WICKET-2947] - IPropertyReflectionAwareModel should extend IModel * [WICKET-2964] - Improve the code that uses copy-list-on-iterate pattern * [WICKET-2978] - Usage of SimpleFormComponentLabel in FormInput example * [WICKET-2981] - Remove HeaderContributor and friends in favor of IHeaderContributor * [WICKET-2982] - IAjaxCallDecorator should receive Component as context * [WICKET-2983] - Make Component and IBehavior directly implement IHeaderContributor to make things simpler * [WICKET-3003] - Form.delegateSubmit: invoke onSubmit() of nested Forms before onSubmit() of enclosing Form * [WICKET-3019] - Add getPath to MarkupExceptions to aid in locatin affected components * [WICKET-3021] - Add timestamp part to resource filenames for better caching * [WICKET-3029] - PageParameters api too verbose, needs to be optimized ** New Feature * [WICKET-206] - Default page map is null, should be set to something more usable * [WICKET-537] - AjaxForm needed for full featured handling * [WICKET-1134] - Multiple abstract/implement tags instead of child/extend * [WICKET-1312] - Generic inter-component event mechanism ** Task * [WICKET-1082] - Check for concurrent access to HashMaps and other data structures * [WICKET-2976] - Remove support for portlets from Wicket 1.5 ** Wish * [WICKET-1883] - Refactor some constants in WebRequestCodingStrategy * [WICKET-2967] - org.apache.wicket.util.value.Count: add decrement method Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.5-M1 Bug WICKET-2021 "When a form is not valid, the textfields become with ""raw input"" and can't change its model on subsequent requests" Bug WICKET-2298 Style and variant resolution is broken Bug WICKET-825 web browser displays empty page when WebPage mounted with HybridUrlCodingStrategy Bug WICKET-2372 Include component does not handle UTF-8 content correctly Bug WICKET-1343 HybridUrlCodingStrategy and StatelessForm ( or StatelessLink ) results in invalid parameter encoding Bug WICKET-2386 JavaDoc: Some JavDoc examples still refer to WicketServlet Bug WICKET-2396 DateField.newDateTextField's parameters should be generified Bug WICKET-2470 Building ThreadTest fails in trunk Bug WICKET-2558 FilterToolbar fails to render in 1.5-SS Bug WICKET-2544 Generified TabbedPanel constructor is too much inflexible Bug WICKET-2499 "in wicket 1.5, rename 1.4-SNAPSHOT to 1.5-SNAPSHOT" Bug WICKET-2569 Inheritance layout excludes XML header from output Bug WICKET-713 AbstractAjaxBehavior can not be reused. Bug WICKET-2839 ajax not working due to bugs in resource handling Bug WICKET-2636 Wicket enclosure cannot find wicket container children when hidden and in an extended page Bug WICKET-2812 Textarea ignores first line in case of blank line Bug WICKET-2956 WebApplication.onSessionDestroyed no longer invoked by anybody Bug WICKET-2426 """Couldn't resolve model type of Model"" for PasswordTextField" Bug WICKET-1029 Get Invalid Content-Length header returned by TCP junction server Bug WICKET-153 FormElement cookies not set when called using AJAX Bug WICKET-1140 Adding WebPage.html after viewing it once requires restart of servlet container for updates in developer mode. Improvement WICKET-96 Mechanism for extensible JS-contributing behaviors Improvement WICKET-1591 let BrowserInfoPage be customizable / extendable Improvement WICKET-2213 Remove FormComponent persistence Improvement WICKET-2280 Remove IComponentBorder in favor of IBehavior Improvement WICKET-2403 org.apache.wicket.markup.html.tree.WicketTreeModel should have a constructor taking a TreeModel Improvement WICKET-2571** Resource related classes don't take 'variation' into account Improvement WICKET-2820 change the Checkbox's onSelectionChanged to have a Boolean as the new selection Improvement WICKET-2924 Duplicated method implementation setDefaultFormProcessing for AbstarctSubmitLink and Button. Improvement WICKET-1238 Improve markup localization to support ajax rendering of dynamically generated components Improvement WICKET-1530 Mount resources by locale Improvement WICKET-2535 Improve consistency of ParseException error messages Improvement WICKET-2588 ExternalLink to take IModel instead of IModel for label Improvement WICKET-2612 create abstraction for content types Improvement WICKET-2398 AjaxFormSubmitBehavior cannot be applied to Form Improvement WICKET-2356 component report more informative message on error loading model object Improvement WICKET-2409 "Widen type-constraint on TextTemplate.interpolate(Map variables)" Improvement WICKET-2408 AjaxEditableLabel: allow starting edit programmatically Improvement WICKET-2450 Performance of ThumbnailImageResource Improvement WICKET-2238 Keep auto-components after rendering Improvement WICKET-2365 "Please support ""autowire-candidate"" attribute of a bean when injecting via @SpringBean" Improvement WICKET-2319 Performance of ThumbnailImageResource Improvement WICKET-2447 AjaxEditableLabel: newPanel - use Component instead of WebComponent for easier subclassing Improvement WICKET-2421 DefaultCssAutocompleteTextField should be renamed Improvement WICKET-2574 Fix some TODOs in 1.5-SNAPSHOT Improvement WICKET-2009 Update Quickstart to use archetype:generate goal instead of archetype:create New Feature WICKET-617 Optimize JavaScript and CSS downloads New Feature WICKET-2953 Implement page versioning in Wicket 1.5 New Feature WICKET-1261 New validator: validating range boundaries Sub-task WICKET-2494 "WICKET-1853 Outside form components problem" Test WICKET-2758 Patches for tests in trunk Wish WICKET-2543 AjaxRequestTarget#addComponent method using varargs Wish WICKET-1511 Control BookmarkablePageLink Parameter's order Wish WICKET-1937 Enclosure with fallback section