This file contains all changes done on the 1.4 version. Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.4.2 ** Bug * [WICKET-2393] - Passwords should not be trimmed * [WICKET-2430] - Malformed \uxxxx encoding in * [WICKET-2433] - Ajax support for multipart forms broken in a nested form * [WICKET-2434] - RequestCycle urlFor ignores existing parameters when appending provided params * [WICKET-2436] - invalid DataTable markup breaks table layout * [WICKET-2438] - AjaxEventBehavior not working on feedback message components * [WICKET-2453] - Form.findForm(Component c) bug. When form is part of Border and form component like TextField is inside another Border , component cannot resolve its form. * [WICKET-2456] - DateTextField cannot work with default converter (or javadoc wrong) * [WICKET-2457] - Flash/ExternalInterface does not work in IE if movie is fetched via Wicket/Ajax * [WICKET-2458] - JavascriptUtils.escapeQuotes() misses escaping double quotes * [WICKET-2461] - AjaxPagingNavigationIncrementLink does not work without AjaxPagingNavigator component * [WICKET-2463] - Ajax miltipart form submitting ignores setDefaultFormProcessing(false) * [WICKET-2466] - javadoc the CryptedUrlWebRequestCodingStrategy needs to be update/corrected to reflect the usage of session-id for encryption and hence URLs which were bookmarkable before will NOT remain bookmarkable. * [WICKET-2475] - NPE after application hot redeployment * [WICKET-2477] - AjaxEditableChoiceLabel does not detach choices model * [WICKET-2478] - TabbedPanel rendering bug * [WICKET-2485] - IComponentResolvers are not supported inside wicket:enclosure * [WICKET-2488] - QuickFix proposal WicketTesterHelper.assertEquals(final Collection> expects, final Collection> actuals) should compare list sizes ** Improvement * [WICKET-626] - profile Wicket for 1.4.0 * [WICKET-2435] - TabbedPanel extract factory method for tabs-container * [WICKET-2439] - Improve MixedParamUrlCodingStrategy, introduce Hybrid * [WICKET-2444] - Internal Spring beans should be ignored * [WICKET-2445] - needs the validators updated. * [WICKET-2449] - Fix javadoc biggest mistakes - mainly @Deprecated tags * [WICKET-2454] - IE8: be more verbose if ajax refresh fails * [WICKET-2469] - Allow using a different FileItemFactory by extracting a method in MultipartServletWebRequest class * [WICKET-2492] - path ** New Feature * [WICKET-2395] - add MixedParamHybridUrlCodingStrategy * [WICKET-2483] - Access to WizardModel.conditions ** Wish * [WICKET-2120] - widen visibiliy of GuiceProxyTargetLocator and findBindingAnnotation * [WICKET-2462] - Would it possible add chinese resource label for WizardButton eg. CancelButton, NextButton and PreviousButton etc. * [WICKET-2489] - need to know if a component has been added to the AjaxRequestTarget Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.4.1 ** Bug * [WICKET-2316] - Form generates invalid html in appendDefaultButtonField * [WICKET-2378] - FormTester should call detach * [WICKET-2397] - text fields do not honor isrequired() * [WICKET-2402] - SetRowsPerPage with AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable * [WICKET-2406] - Palette component breaks XHTML validation * [WICKET-2407] - AbstractOptions of Palette may cause an HTML error with illegal chars * [WICKET-2415] - Estonian translation for StringValidator.minimum contains ${mimimum} instead of ${minimum} * [WICKET-2418] - NPE in ResourceReference * [WICKET-2422] - DefaultDataTable hides NavigationToolbar once and forever * [WICKET-2423] - Not all "domready" events are called when two wicket-event.js files are added to the page ** Improvement * [WICKET-2020] - Callback after detaching the page but before the PageMap lock is released * [WICKET-2290] - upgrade pom reference for joda-time to 1.6 * [WICKET-2374] - Model's factory methods are inconsistent * [WICKET-2410] - AjaxRequestTarget could skip component when its ancestor is added too * [WICKET-2413] - Better error handling when filterName attribute of WicketSessionFilter is misconfigured * [WICKET-2417] - FilterToolbar, FilterForm conformity to XHTML strict ** New Feature * [WICKET-2412] - Add dev time check for empty src="" attribute that can cause problems * [WICKET-2420] - Ajax support for multipart forms Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.4.0 ** Bug * [WICKET-2350] - Localization messages stops working with validators since 1.4-rc2 * [WICKET-2363] - Two minor quick-to-fix quality bugs in WicketTester * [WICKET-2366] - Refactor: org.apache.wicket.util.string.Strings#fromEscapedUnicode(String escapedUnicodeString) * [WICKET-2367] - ApacheLicenceHeaderTest fails checking non-project file * [WICKET-2368] - Page.checkRendering fails after setting BorderBodyContainer visiblity to false * [WICKET-2381] - IModel parameters of StringResourceModel not getting detached * [WICKET-2382] - Stateless problems * [WICKET-2384] - OutOfMemoryError occur for memory leak on FeedbackPanel & FeedbackMessages * [WICKET-2386] - JavaDoc: Some JavDoc examples still refer to WicketServlet * [WICKET-2391] - Tag '
'has a mismatched close tag at '' * [WICKET-2392] - MarkupComponentBorder fails to close stream (?) * [WICKET-2394] - KittenCaptcha example broken ** Improvement * [WICKET-2362] - Update hungarian localization Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.4-RC7 ** Bug * [WICKET-2337] - IndexOutOfBoundsException when PropertyResolver is using an invalid list index * [WICKET-2346] - Problem with displaying expired page. * [WICKET-2354] - PropertyModel does not support index only property ("[0]") * [WICKET-2358] - EmailAddressValidator property has a typo in French version ** Improvement * [WICKET-2351] - Make TimeFrame, Duration, Time and related classes Serializable. * [WICKET-2360] - Checkbox: Make setters fluid Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.4-RC6 ** Bug * [WICKET-1897] - StatelessForm submitted to the wrong page * [WICKET-2127] - Javascript function Wicket.replaceAll is unbearably slow * [WICKET-2202] - Form gets submitted using AjaxSubmitBehavior when sub-form has error's * [WICKET-2268] - NullPointerException NPE in DiskPageStore after Session Timeout * [WICKET-2284] - German translation for NumberValidator.minimum is wrong * [WICKET-2294] - CryptedUrlWebRequestCodingStrategy fails while decoding parameters after the app has been up and running for quite some time. * [WICKET-2325] - IChoiceRenderer generic type parameters are wrong throughout the AbstractChoice class hierarchy * [WICKET-2330] - AjaxFormSubmitBehavior throws an NullPointerException when getForm() is overridden * [WICKET-2333] - RatingPanel doesn't "wrap" models * [WICKET-2334] - DebugBar throws an java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError when Tomcat is restarted * [WICKET-2335] - JavaDoc inconsistent to the code * [WICKET-2336] - JavaDoc, point out the need of a super call. * [WICKET-2341] - AbstractSingleSelectChoice nullValid javadocs are misleading. * [WICKET-2345] - ModalWindow.setResizable(false) does not work after 1.4-rc4 * [WICKET-2349] - Time.valueOf(TimeOfDay) needs to use 24 hour clock ** Improvement * [WICKET-2321] - create a Component#onRemove() method * [WICKET-2332] - Open up Markup ctor and MarkupContainer#renderNext * [WICKET-2340] - Make ModificationWatcher replacable * [WICKET-2342] - Cryptic error "WicketMessage: Tag Expected" when wicket:panel tags are missing * [WICKET-2343] - Link: PopupSettings - overriding getPopupSettings has no effect ** New Feature * [WICKET-2306] - Extension for WicketTester to easily get AjaxLazyLoadPanel's to render their contents ** Task * [WICKET-2338] - Find and fix errata in 1.4 JavaDoc ** Wish * [WICKET-2314] - Custom css for Wizard Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.4-RC5 ** Bug * [WICKET-1912] - StatelessForm problems with query string * [WICKET-1922] - AbstractTree - setting root to null causes NullPointerException * [WICKET-2033] - & instead of & in javascript * [WICKET-2123] - org.apache.wicket.util.convert.converters.SqlTimestampConverter only renders the time part of the timestamp * [WICKET-2133] - DatePicker inserts incorrect format date * [WICKET-2188] - PropertyResolver$ArrayPropertyGetSet does not call setAccessible(true) on method * [WICKET-2245] - PageParameters always non-empty * [WICKET-2259] - The JavaDoc for IPageLink still holds a reference to PageLink which is deprecated * [WICKET-2261] - wicketTester.executeAjaxEvent(combo, "onchange"); works with 1.4-rc1 but not anymore with 1.4-rc2 * [WICKET-2270] - GET/POST mismatch with stateless page/form. * [WICKET-2272] - open/close div tags are rendered erroneously * [WICKET-2273] - wicket-devutils is missing in wicket-assembly-all.xml and not mentioned in README * [WICKET-2274] - WicketTester.executeAjaxEvent(AjaxButton, "onclick"); results in clicking of another submit button if its model value is not null. * [WICKET-2276] - isComponent in BaseWicketTester contains possible nullpointer exception * [WICKET-2277] - Radio#onComponentTag uses Objects.equal instead of model comparator * [WICKET-2278] - StatelessChecker is always offended * [WICKET-2281] - MockHttpServletRequest is broken when used with CryptedUrlWebRequestCodingStrategy * [WICKET-2286] - proper onBeforeRender() for NavigationToolbar * [WICKET-2292] - TabbedPanel uses too much generics (revert WICKET-2153) * [WICKET-2301] - When injecting more than one parm in a method, an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown * [WICKET-2303] - [devutils] LiveSessionsPage is broken * [WICKET-2304] - [devutils] RequestsPage is broken * [WICKET-2305] - [devutils] Can only inspect pages in same pagemap as the inspector * [WICKET-2308] - Append lastmodified to Resources shouldnt append when the resource is a directory (ends with /) * [WICKET-2309] - ClassCastException in SqlDateConverter * [WICKET-2310] - FormTester.setValue should throw exception if not FormComponent ** Improvement * [WICKET-1837] - DiskPageStore: 32k directory entries. * [WICKET-2240] - Ability to enter ${...} like literals in property values * [WICKET-2271] - Make navigator ADA friendly * [WICKET-2293] - Form loadPersistentFormComponentValues condition fix * [WICKET-2307] - Throw specific RuntimeException in WebRequestCodingStrategy.decode ** New Feature * [WICKET-2260] - NavigatorLabel should support PageableListView ** Task * [WICKET-2287] - change JavaDoc of NumberValidator to point to newly created Validators Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.4-RC4 ** Bug * [WICKET-1960] - AutoCompleteTextField - gives a type mismatch error on IE - version wicket-1.4-rc1 * [WICKET-2241] - Guice integration doesn't honour optional bindings * [WICKET-2250] - IOptionRenderer getModel(Object value) should change to getModel(T value) * [WICKET-2251] - LoadableDeatachableModel onDetach() invoked after nulling the model ** New Feature * [WICKET-2255] - Simple changes for datepicker/datefield Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.4-RC3 ** Bug * [WICKET-1673] - Toggling visibility on nested Borders breaks page markup * [WICKET-1861] - Inevitable UnknownSizeException with HTTPS * [WICKET-2000] - AjaxRequestTarget escapes ] to ]^ * [WICKET-2005] - pb to access to this on event onchange on the AutoCompleteTextField * [WICKET-2015] - Empty File Upload field breaks validation of other fields in WicketTester. * [WICKET-2022] - wicket fails on WebLogic 9.2 clustered * [WICKET-2024] - AutoComplete ShowListOnFocusGain not working * [WICKET-2049] - beforeRender not called for behaviour added to ComponentTag * [WICKET-2060] - Invalid javascript when setStripJavascriptCommentsAndWhitespace is enabled * [WICKET-2061] - interceptContinuationURL with umlauts not encoded * [WICKET-2071] - Wicket-Examples Nested example fails with a NPE * [WICKET-2077] - SerializationChecker issue * [WICKET-2079] - Component Use Check always fails for visible components inside an invisible border body * [WICKET-2083] - NPE when clearing DateTimeField * [WICKET-2086] - setOutputMarkupContainerClassName() ... and wrong render mode in IE7 * [WICKET-2087] - typo in * [WICKET-2088] - ApacheLicenceHeaderTests fail after projects' metadata created by Eclipse * [WICKET-2091] - Error feedback is hidden by lower level messages * [WICKET-2092] - SignInPanel IllegalArgumentException exception * [WICKET-2093] - SubmitLink.onSubmit() is not called for submit links outside the form * [WICKET-2094] - Incorrect parameter name in SpringWebApplicationFactory's javadocs * [WICKET-2095] - error in modal.js wrong use of typeof * [WICKET-2096] - MultiFileUploadField.js can't find file input when serving pages as XHTML * [WICKET-2100] - DynamicImageResouce blocks loading of AjaxLazyLoadPanel * [WICKET-2102] - Localizer never caches resources when component is not given * [WICKET-2103] - SignInPanel.onSignInSucceeded call the correct method on IPageFactory * [WICKET-2104] - FormTester does not toggle selected values when using selectMultiple * [WICKET-2105] - Stripping comments causes StackOverflowError in XmlPullParser * [WICKET-2107] - Misplaced IllegalStateExceptions when accessing stateful URL with different session * [WICKET-2109] - IResourceStream.close is not called by ResourceStreamRequestTarget * [WICKET-2114] - WicketTester fails to execute AjaxBehavior (onclick) due to old requestCycle (this bug is caused by bugfix WICKET-254) * [WICKET-2124] - FormTester.setValue should throw excecption if the component does not exist * [WICKET-2130] - Pages stored in Session.touchedPages aren't detached when part of ModalWindow * [WICKET-2134] - Conversion Exception Thrown for Submitting A Page with Multiple Forms within A Border * [WICKET-2135] - PackagedTextTemplate uses default ResourceStreamLocator first * [WICKET-2140] - FormComponentPanel should not add a name attribute * [WICKET-2142] - Getting live sessions from RequestLogger results in NPE * [WICKET-2147] - Missing final semicolon in onclick JS for Link * [WICKET-2148] - AttributeModifier doesn't escape markup in model strings * [WICKET-2151] - WicketSessionFilter doesn't takes into account WebApplication#getSessionAttributePrefix(WebRequest) * [WICKET-2156] - StringResourceModel's Localizer cannot be overwritten * [WICKET-2159] - Resource key for validation message lookup is not the same as the component name. * [WICKET-2161] - DropDownChoice NO_SELECTION_VALUE static field is final * [WICKET-2163] - Make Palette's "Choices" Model More Generics Friendly * [WICKET-2166] - Invalid nested form tag name when the form is not visible and setoutputmarkupplaceholdertag(true) has been called * [WICKET-2167] - UrlValidator property is duplicated in * [WICKET-2171] - Base64UrlSafe claims to be RFC 3548 compliant, but isn't * [WICKET-2172] - PageParameters construced with keyValuePairs does not handle array values * [WICKET-2173] - quickstart archetype adds invalid maven-compiler-plugin configuration * [WICKET-2174] - Form#getMaxSize() -> no custom format * [WICKET-2175] - onBeforeRender() set visibility of NavigationToolbar prevents it from showing again * [WICKET-2179] - JavascriptResourceReference / CompressedResourceReference is "broken" * [WICKET-2180] - WicketSessionFilter assumes that the WicketFilter has already been inited * [WICKET-2181] - Bounds error in PageableListView#getCurrentPage() * [WICKET-2183] - Fix API documentation for DataTable * [WICKET-2185] - WicketServlet fallback() code should ignore query string params when resolving resources. * [WICKET-2189] - Generics for AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable * [WICKET-2191] - WebApplication is not thread-safe * [WICKET-2195] - DefaultObjectStreamFactory needs Application during deserialization * [WICKET-2196] - still doesn't seem to work - AjaxEditableChoiceLabel ignores ChoiceRenderer in newLabel(...) * [WICKET-2197] - BaseWicketTester should not hardcode UTF-8 in isComponentOnAjaxResponse * [WICKET-2199] - org.apache.wicket.settings.Settings#addStringResourceLoader(final IStringResourceLoader loader) does not conform to its JavaDoc * [WICKET-2200] - Unexpected RuntimeException: RestartResponseException in onBeforeRender of cached page * [WICKET-2202] - Form gets submitted using AjaxSubmitBehavior when sub-form has error's * [WICKET-2203] - WicketTester clickLink on submitLink fails with conversion error * [WICKET-2210] - AjaxButton and > * [WICKET-2211] - MetaPattern.PERCENT matches an empty string * [WICKET-2215] - WebClientInfo does not set browerMajorVersion for IE8 * [WICKET-2218] - DatePicker pick up wrong word when we use LOCALE_WEEKDAYS with 1char in chinese. * [WICKET-2220] - YUI library used by Wicket Extensions - DateTime isn't IE8 compatible * [WICKET-2223] - DiskPageStore::convertToPage cleanup * [WICKET-2231] - DatePicker doesn't work when CryptedUrlWebRequestCodingStrategy is in effect * [WICKET-2233] - getPageSettings().setAutomaticMultiWindowSupport(true); is said to be enabled by default in its javadoc but isn't * [WICKET-2234] - typo in pom.xml * [WICKET-2236] - Palette problem in IE7 Problem * [WICKET-2237] - DateTimeField throws NPE if date is cleared * [WICKET-2239] - AbstractColumn::isSortable() doesn't know about overrided getSortProperty() * [WICKET-2241] - Guice integration doesn't honour optional bindings * [WICKET-2242] - java.sql.Timestamp converter bug ** Improvement * [WICKET-1571] - Add a simple boolean datepicker.contributeDependencies() that a user can then override and return false. * [WICKET-2029] - AutoComplete - KEY_TAB should work like KEY_ENTER * [WICKET-2036] - Map getParameterMap() returns Map (no generics). * [WICKET-2072] - Allow for maps in the widgetProperties * [WICKET-2074] - Should the QuickStart archetype generated HomePage.html inlude the Wicket namespace in the html tag? * [WICKET-2076] - Need a way to programmaticaly configure the location of the temp directory for file uploads and the size of the chunk buffer * [WICKET-2082] - Conditional rendering for open-close tags of tag. * [WICKET-2085] - DateTimeField.HoursValidator relies on deprecated NumberValidator * [WICKET-2090] - Need reliable hook for storing/restoring data to/from page metadata that is tes compatbile * [WICKET-2101] - PageLink is inherently non extendable * [WICKET-2113] - Fix Compenent#setModelObject API documentation (or fix/remove call to checkHierarchyChange?) * [WICKET-2117] - Polish translations for wicket-extensions properties * [WICKET-2118] - Application adds a ComponentInstantiationListener that I don't want and can't remove * [WICKET-2137] - Synchronize generics between ListView and DropDownChoice * [WICKET-2139] - RequestLogger change - include Page Parameters for BookmarkablePages * [WICKET-2144] - Russian messages for file uploads * [WICKET-2153] - TabbedPanel accepts only ITab(s) * [WICKET-2160] - is outdated * [WICKET-2165] - Improve the API's Consistency and Flexibility With Respect to Generics and Collections * [WICKET-2168] - TableTree.html is not XHTML valid * [WICKET-2169] - Left-align text in Wicket Ajax Debug Window * [WICKET-2184] - Check component id against invalid chars ':' and empty IDs * [WICKET-2186] - PatternValidator could allow reverse matches * [WICKET-2187] - less dynamic or missing toString( ) methods in Component class * [WICKET-2205] - typo in ApplicationContextMock.putBean() exception message: "alredy" * [WICKET-2209] - IFormValidator and > * [WICKET-2212] - Resource lookup/caching in OSGI environment spams errors for gone resources * [WICKET-2216] - DatePicker should not need to be extended to set a property * [WICKET-2217] - Add MD5 checksum to FileUpload component for uploaded files * [WICKET-2219] - More detailed error messages in wicket-ajax.js * [WICKET-2230] - Nested directory support for ZipResourceStream ** New Feature * [WICKET-2089] - Perform authorization for links based on the page annotations they refer to. * [WICKET-2170] - @StatelessComponent contribution by Marat Radchenko * [WICKET-2229] - Introduce Http/Https switcing support into core ** Wish * [WICKET-2073] - mvn deploy -DaltDeploymentRepository=... fails * [WICKET-2176] - i18n: German Translation of MultiFileUploadField * [WICKET-2222] - MixedParamUrlCodingStrategy constructor should be variadic Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.4-RC2 ** Sub-task * [WICKET-1678] - integrate code into extensions * [WICKET-1875] - create javadoc for existing portal imeplementation * [WICKET-2058] - Upgrade Wicket Portlet Support to only use native Portlet API 2.0 ** Bug * [WICKET-693] - What to do with the wicket dtd? * [WICKET-1314] - DateTimeField does not correct the timezone properly * [WICKET-1360] - Wrong path separator in reloading classloader patterns * [WICKET-1403] - Reinjection fails after Server restart * [WICKET-1483] - Unusual ClassCastException (SimpleAttributeModifier to IBehaviorListener) processing onError. * [WICKET-1504] - AutoCompleteTextField - javascript error "type mismatch" in line 227 in IE * [WICKET-1513] - "input" tag with type="image" results in null pointer exception in AutoLinkResolver * [WICKET-1605] - onclick is null or not an object in IE6, IE7; Form.appendDefaultButtonField * [WICKET-1619] - PagingNavigator.setEnabled(false) doesn't work * [WICKET-1621] - Misleading example works despite error * [WICKET-1647] - SqlTimestampConverter drops the date portion of a Timestamp * [WICKET-1663] - Wicket tries to decode servlet path that already has been decoded by servlet container * [WICKET-1677] - AjaxFormChoiceComponentUpdatingBehavior affects checkboxes even if component uses radios and vice-versa * [WICKET-1689] - style resources not looked up correctly in markup inheritance * [WICKET-1691] - StringResourceModel honors container's key (rather than its own) * [WICKET-1718] - WebPage#onAfterRender erroneously reports missing header * [WICKET-1750] - Inconsisting Handling of id mismatch on wicket:container * [WICKET-1781] - ParentResourceEscapePathTest fails on OS X using cmd line maven * [WICKET-1794] - WicketTester.clickLink and IndexedParamUrlCodingStrategy don't work together * [WICKET-1812] - Header contributions occur even though rendering is not allowed by authorization strategy * [WICKET-1851] - Default lookup keys don't work when UseDefaultOnMissingResource is false * [WICKET-1855] - Using an AjaxSubmitLink outside of a Form does not set the form property * [WICKET-1863] - DateTimeField: small bugs * [WICKET-1864] - MockHttpServletRequest does not support absolute redirection URLs. * [WICKET-1868] - i18n package resource resolving depends too much on available locale * [WICKET-1871] - org.apache.wicket.util.string.Strings#stripJSessionId StringIndexOutOfBoundsException * [WICKET-1876] - RequestUtils.decodeParameters(String, ValueMap) doesn't follow the Servlet spec * [WICKET-1879] - Generics in DateTextField * [WICKET-1881] - RequestCycle.urlFor modifies page's parameters * [WICKET-1886] - WicketTester Cookie handling * [WICKET-1890] - Palette.onBeforeRender() throws IllegalArgumentException in cases when Palette is invisible. * [WICKET-1898] - WebRequestCycleProcessor.resolveHomePageTarget for empty path with enforceMounts=true provokes 403 - "Direct access not allowed for mounted targets" * [WICKET-1906] - AutocompleteTextField throws javascript error Object Required * [WICKET-1908] - ResourceNameIterator problem with files with undescore in name * [WICKET-1909] - Wrong translation for StringValidator.range in * [WICKET-1914] - Form.appendDefaultButtonField produces invalid JavaScript if Ajax is disabled * [WICKET-1915] - wicket:message sometimes broken * [WICKET-1916] - setResponsePage(Application#getHomePage()) mounted as / (default) vs. ajax requests * [WICKET-1919] - MarkupContainer.setEnabled() doesn't enable/disable child components * [WICKET-1920] - Settings mounts as case insensitive causes 404 errors if case is included when mounting pages. * [WICKET-1923] - use of replaceComponentTagBody in onComponentTag MarkupException: Tag expected * [WICKET-1925] - SubmitLink javadoc is wrong. It states the javascript will be used in the href attribute of the tab, but it is actually in the onclick attribute. * [WICKET-1926] - UrlValidator doesn't working when using a hostname in the url * [WICKET-1927] - WicketTester.assertErrorMessages uses wrong encoding * [WICKET-1930] - FileUpload.writeToTempFile uses field Id as filename - Windows doesn't support some characters * [WICKET-1931] - FormTester doesn't correctly submit a form when a FileUploadField was not set (which is not required) * [WICKET-1934] - Hard coded size=8 attribute in DateTimeField.html is too small * [WICKET-1935] - SignInPanel_ja.html doesn't close span tag * [WICKET-1939] - ChoiceFilteredPropertyColumn forces column type parameter and choice type parameter to be the same * [WICKET-1944] - Wicket-autocomplete.js does not invoke invokePostCallHandlers() when input string is 0 lenght or null * [WICKET-1948] - rc1 generics - RatingPanel * [WICKET-1953] - isEnabled called even if component is not Visible * [WICKET-1955] - Error about misplaced