This file contains the changes done to the 1.3.x releases since 1.3-final. Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.3.6 ** Bug * [WICKET-693] - What to do with the wicket dtd? * [WICKET-1403] - Reinjection fails after Server restart * [WICKET-1483] - Unusual ClassCastException (SimpleAttributeModifier to IBehaviorListener) processing onError. * [WICKET-1504] - AutoCompleteTextField - javascript error "type mismatch" in line 227 in IE * [WICKET-1567] - AutoLinkResolver does not work with Internal link * [WICKET-1605] - onclick is null or not an object in IE6, IE7; Form.appendDefaultButtonField * [WICKET-1619] - PagingNavigator.setEnabled(false) doesn't work * [WICKET-1689] - style resources not looked up correctly in markup inheritance * [WICKET-1781] - ParentResourceEscapePathTest fails on OS X using cmd line maven * [WICKET-1855] - Using an AjaxSubmitLink outside of a Form does not set the form property * [WICKET-1864] - MockHttpServletRequest does not support absolute redirection URLs. * [WICKET-1868] - i18n package resource resolving depends too much on available locale * [WICKET-1871] - org.apache.wicket.util.string.Strings#stripJSessionId StringIndexOutOfBoundsException * [WICKET-1886] - WicketTester Cookie handling * [WICKET-1890] - Palette.onBeforeRender() throws IllegalArgumentException in cases when Palette is invisible. * [WICKET-1901] - Spelling error in fonts list in CaptchaImageResource * [WICKET-1903] - RadioChoice disable certain choice bug * [WICKET-1904] - CheckBox incorrectly converts its model value when a custom Boolean converter is installed - again * [WICKET-1906] - AutocompleteTextField throws javascript error Object Required * [WICKET-1909] - Wrong translation for StringValidator.range in * [WICKET-1914] - Form.appendDefaultButtonField produces invalid JavaScript if Ajax is disabled * [WICKET-1915] - wicket:message sometimes broken * [WICKET-1930] - FileUpload.writeToTempFile uses field Id as filename - Windows doesn't support some characters * [WICKET-1943] - Wicket is changing the HTML within an input tag, autocomplete attribute from off to false * [WICKET-1955] - Error about misplaced very uninformative and incorrect * [WICKET-1959] - PropertyResolver causes memory leaks with proxies * [WICKET-1970] - package goal does not work , com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.enums.EnumMapConverter issue * [WICKET-1998] - setResponsePage redirects to wrong url * [WICKET-2006] - The page set by setReponsePage does not process its own response. * [WICKET-2037] - Should adding AJAX behaviour to a page make it stateful? * [WICKET-2038] - Missing redirects in AjaxPagingNavigationLink and AjaxPagingNavigationIncrementLink * [WICKET-2048] - HtmlProblemFinder documentation bug * [WICKET-2077] - SerializationChecker issue * [WICKET-2079] - Component Use Check always fails for visible components inside an invisible border body * [WICKET-2087] - typo in * [WICKET-2091] - Error feedback is hidden by lower level messages * [WICKET-2095] - error in modal.js wrong use of typeof * [WICKET-2096] - MultiFileUploadField.js can't find file input when serving pages as XHTML * [WICKET-2100] - DynamicImageResouce blocks loading of AjaxLazyLoadPanel * [WICKET-2109] - IResourceStream.close is not called by ResourceStreamRequestTarget * [WICKET-2130] - Pages stored in Session.touchedPages aren't detached when part of ModalWindow * [WICKET-2131] - RequestCycle.urlFor does not escape & properly * [WICKET-2140] - FormComponentPanel should not add a name attribute * [WICKET-2142] - Getting live sessions from RequestLogger results in NPE * [WICKET-2150] - Wizard executes onSubmit() of wrong nested form * [WICKET-2151] - WicketSessionFilter doesn't takes into account WebApplication#getSessionAttributePrefix(WebRequest) * [WICKET-2154] - ServletWebRequest#getURL does not return relative URLs * [WICKET-2156] - StringResourceModel's Localizer cannot be overwritten * [WICKET-2191] - WebApplication is not thread-safe * [WICKET-2234] - typo in pom.xml * [WICKET-2236] - Palette problem in IE7 Problem * [WICKET-2243] - WicketSessionFilter assumes that the WicketFilter has already been inited ** Improvement * [WICKET-1895] - AjaxButton should have a constructor to set the label * [WICKET-1921] - Add an extension of AutoCompleteTextField which includes default css * [WICKET-1965] - Remove final from MarkupCache#clear() * [WICKET-1984] - MarkupContainer's add(final Component child) does not initially check for a child null reference * [WICKET-1986] - MarkupContainer's addOrReplace(final Component child) does not initially check for a child null reference * [WICKET-2072] - Allow for maps in the widgetProperties * [WICKET-2090] - Need reliable hook for storing/restoring data to/from page metadata that is tes compatbile * [WICKET-2111] - Ability to generate markup ids in alternate fashion * [WICKET-2160] - is outdated ** New Feature * [WICKET-1900] - Implement isEscapeLabalMarkup for RadioChoice Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.3.5 ** Sub-task * [WICKET-1580] - StatelessForm doesn't work if GET method on form is used * [WICKET-1805] - Allow to change charset in StringRequestTarget: change CharSet used by the OutStream as well ** Bug * [WICKET-406] - form fields are reset when a file upload fails * [WICKET-431] - Modal window can not be closed after session timeout * [WICKET-622] - Component.toString() is unsafe * [WICKET-625] - Wicket doesn't clean up properly when hot-deploying; hangs onto Class references. * [WICKET-847] - setResponsePage redirects to wrong url * [WICKET-861] - NumberFormatException with UrlCompressingWebRequestProcessor in WicketTester * [WICKET-928] - Exception when clicking two times rapidly on the "next" button in a wizard * [WICKET-1003] - Modal Window Does Not Close When Using IndicatingAjaxButton * [WICKET-1104] - Modal window sticks to cursor on resize * [WICKET-1120] - Problem closing a ModalWindow when used through an IFrame * [WICKET-1161] - DiskPageStore should write the sessions index file to disk on destroy (from WicketFilter.destroy()) * [WICKET-1205] - Relative path calculations for inline paths in non-bookmarkable pages are incorrect on Tomcat. * [WICKET-1346] - Generated HTML page contains incorrect content when "WicketMessage: No get method defined for class" * [WICKET-1376] - Using AbstractAjaxTimerBehavior and mounting that page gives exception * [WICKET-1413] - RequestUtils.toAbsolutePath() has a bug regarding to UTF-8 encoded page parameter. * [WICKET-1425] - appendToInit() method is not called in class DatePicker * [WICKET-1437] - Pagemap lock calculates timeout wrong * [WICKET-1449] - './' appended to URL causes HTTP 404 in Internet Explorer (using root context) * [WICKET-1450] - Ajax Re-render does not work after AbstractRestartResponseException() * [WICKET-1471] - FeedbackPanel does not work properly in clustered environment * [WICKET-1478] - AbortWithWebErrorCodeException in onBeforeRender causes WicketRuntimeException * [WICKET-1494] - IntegerConvert cannot handle locale specific input/output * [WICKET-1496] - DataTable.html does not validate (HTML 4.01/XHTML-Strict) * [WICKET-1520] - JavaScriptStripper breaks prototype.js * [WICKET-1535] - ExternalLink JavaScript not working in FF 3 * [WICKET-1577] - Int based PropertyModel throws convertion error * [WICKET-1582] - WicketTester executeAjaxEvent onclick generating non-AJAX response * [WICKET-1634] - ClassName needs conversion from Path to dotted notation in AutoLinkResolver * [WICKET-1636] - WebPage.onAfterRender compares configurationType String using == operator, not equals method * [WICKET-1648] - AbstractRequestTargetUrlCodingStrategy(line 174) throws confusing exception. It would be better redirect to 404-page in this case. * [WICKET-1652] - Hard-coded quotes in xml prologue * [WICKET-1664] - WebPage ERROR message * [WICKET-1679] - Memory leak in DiskPageStore * [WICKET-1704] - ResourceStreamRequestTarget.configure set wrong ContentLength for non-ascii characters * [WICKET-1713] - ModalWindow JavaScript does not restore tabIndexes correctly on IE 6 * [WICKET-1714] - PackagedTextTemplate does not load resource from application resource stream locator * [WICKET-1719] - StringResourceModel may fail to format numbers using MessageFormat * [WICKET-1724] - Clicking on AjaxLink (when used on a page mounted through QueryStringUrlCodingStrategy) after session-expiry throws a NullPointerException in IE and Safari (i.e. in BookmarkableListenerInterfaceRequestTarget.processEvents) * [WICKET-1728] - remove obsolete check from LocalizedImageResource * [WICKET-1730] - RfcCompliantEmailAddressValidator accepts whitespace and tab * [WICKET-1731] - When used in inherited markup, tries to load a class with an illegal name * [WICKET-1736] - Allow Access to AutoCompleteTextField AutoCompleteBehavior * [WICKET-1737] - wicketTester does not find HTML mark-up if custom location is used. * [WICKET-1740] - RequestCycle.urlFor modifies page parameters * [WICKET-1746] - gecko: ajax javascript reference rendering problem * [WICKET-1755] - In html Include component isAbsolute method returns false for an absolute path in unix-like systems * [WICKET-1759] - Typo in method name: AttributeModifier#replaceAttibuteValue * [WICKET-1765] - Extending from org.apache.wicket.Page causes StackOverflowError * [WICKET-1769] - AjaxPagingNavigation usare results in AjaxPaginNavigator not found exception * [WICKET-1773] - DiskPageStore-FileNotFoundException * [WICKET-1777] - Overflow when setting Expires header in WebResource * [WICKET-1780] - NPE in feedback panel * [WICKET-1787] - AjaxSubmitLink in Internet Explorer does not work with Wicket's automatically genreated id's * [WICKET-1788] - "Invalid procedure call or argument" on AJAX call with IE7 * [WICKET-1789] - Border fails to render if its contents are not visible by default * [WICKET-1792] - wicket-1.3.x uses class from java 1.5, therefore doesn't compile on java 1.4 as it should * [WICKET-1793] - Problem with submit * [WICKET-1797] - Bug with default RadioChoice "for" attribute on label generation. * [WICKET-1799] - wicket-extensions has unused reference to commons-collections.jar * [WICKET-1806] - JavascriptStripper ignores context when looking for multiline comments * [WICKET-1809] - wicket does not compile for 1.3.x because of method usage > jdk 1.4 * [WICKET-1816] - Wicket 1.3.4 violates servlet standard, Glassfish spews warnings * [WICKET-1818] - wicket:id attribute with a value containing spaces generates invalid markup * [WICKET-1820] - Embedded forms do not support multipart * [WICKET-1827] - AutoCompleteTextField shows completion list even if focus is not in the text field anymore * [WICKET-1829] - MarkupComponentBorder skips first tag in MarkupStream * [WICKET-1834] - Invalid Cookie Names for persistence used according to RFC (doesn't work in tomcat 6.x) * [WICKET-1839] - IAjaxIndicatorAware/WicketAjaxIndicatorAppender with AutoCompleteTextField doesn't work * [WICKET-1843] - Disabling RadioGroup via authorization strategy does not disable contained Radio buttons * [WICKET-1846] - Dutch text message for NumberValidator incorrect * [WICKET-1857] - Unfound markup information is not entirely cached even in deployment mode * [WICKET-1867] - BrowserInfoForm markup has reference to non existent component ** Improvement * [WICKET-1502] - Slow opening of ModalWindow for complex pages * [WICKET-1622] - expose the IItemFactory in RefreshingView * [WICKET-1638] - Wickets unique IDs cause problems for automated testing * [WICKET-1692] - on Java 6+ DatePicker.localize should use DateFormatSymbols.getInstance(Locale) instead of new DateFormatSymbols(Locale) to support DateFormatSymbolsProviders * [WICKET-1748] - 304 Last Modified responses should include an Expires header * [WICKET-1770] - PagingNavigation's javadoc contains malformed html snippet * [WICKET-1782] - Protection against CSRF (cross-site request forgery) attacks * [WICKET-1786] - Adding SVG support detection to ClientProperties * [WICKET-1795] - Make it possible for to encode unicode strings in component * [WICKET-1801] - Make AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior.findIndicatorId() protected * [WICKET-1802] - Propertyresolver could be more informative * [WICKET-1810] - StringRequestTarget is bloated and needs some care * [WICKET-1830] - Include Component Path in Generated Markup * [WICKET-1840] - Defaults to ReloadingWicketFilter in maven's archetype and quickstart * [WICKET-1844] - Wizard button implementations should not be final ** New Feature * [WICKET-1716] - make autocompleter more customizable * [WICKET-1720] - Add clearLocalizerCache to Application JMX bean ** Wish * [WICKET-399] - Make RestartResponseAtInterceptPageException with a SignIn-type page work correctly from AjaxFallbackLink * [WICKET-1460] - Move JavaScript function killEvent from wicketautocomplete.js to wicket-event.js * [WICKET-1758] - Make DiskPageStore#getSessionFolder protected (rather than private) Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.3.4 ** Bug * [WICKET-613] - Prototype scoped Spring beans * [WICKET-1152] - MetaDataRoleAuthorizationStrategy.unauthorize() doesn't work * [WICKET-1188] - bug when located as first level son of a non transparent border * [WICKET-1292] - WicketTester continueToOriginalDestination() uses application home page instead of original redictor * [WICKET-1366] - "ava.lang.IllegalStateException: No Page found for component" when collapsing nodes in a LinkTree * [WICKET-1409] - RequestLogger counts active requests wrong * [WICKET-1418] - org.apache.wicket.MarkupContainer swallows AbortException * [WICKET-1453] - WicketServlet does not set content type on fallback() * [WICKET-1473] - BaseWicketTester.isComponentOnAjaxResponse() test is too strong * [WICKET-1476] - Referencing Page may cause StackOverflowError * [WICKET-1499] - AjaxEditableMultiLineLabel + race condition / * [WICKET-1501] - MarkupCache.putIntoCache doesn't behave correctly!! * [WICKET-1504] - AutoCompleteTextField - javascript error "type mismatch" in line 227 in IE * [WICKET-1507] - MarkupCache style/variation/locale support broken * [WICKET-1510] - FormDispatcherRequest creates invalid parameter map * [WICKET-1521] - ClassCastException in MixedUrlCodingStrategy * [WICKET-1527] - WicketTester can not deal with null values in page parameters * [WICKET-1536] - Enclosure permanently hides direct children after it has been itself hidden once * [WICKET-1537] - SelectOption generates non xhtml compliant markup * [WICKET-1541] - PopupSettings' windowName fixes for IE * [WICKET-1544] - Update Javadoc for AbstractValidator * [WICKET-1547] - Add getterfor IPageable to PagingNavigation * [WICKET-1548] - PagingNavigator calls factory methods from constructor * [WICKET-1549] - Memory leak with PropertyResolver (in running test suites) * [WICKET-1551] - javascript status variable hides the window.status variable because it is not declared as a far in wicket-ajax.js * [WICKET-1556] - Non-existant package resources lazily added to pool * [WICKET-1558] - WicketTester.startPage(page) throws "No requestCycle is currently set" * [WICKET-1560] - MarkupFragmentFinder fails on transparent resolvers within Repeaters * [WICKET-1569] - AjaxButton break form data when IRequestSettings.#getResponseRequestEncoding is not UTF-8. * [WICKET-1570] - We should mark session dirty when at least one page is touched * [WICKET-1575] - AjaxEventBehavior does not check for component.isEnableAllowed before adding the ajax event to the tag * [WICKET-1598] - Typos in JavaDoc of * [WICKET-1607] - addDomReadyEvent unreliable for Safari * [WICKET-1626] - Typo in src/main/java/org/apache/wicket/protocol/http/ * [WICKET-1632] - IE bug causes wicket problems when id auto generation is active * [WICKET-1635] - Stripping javascript comments and whitespace breaks application when using prototype library * [WICKET-1645] - Syntactic errors in the manifest OSGi headers * [WICKET-1646] - AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior not working correctly when using IE 7 * [WICKET-1649] - Manifests use incorrect Dynamic-ImportPackage header * [WICKET-1658] - WicketTester#clickLink doesn't update lastRenderedPage * [WICKET-1659] - Prolem with 'mouseactive' in wicket-autocomplete.js when AutoCompleteBehaviour is added (twice) during Ajax roundtrip * [WICKET-1667] - Memory leak in Localizer * [WICKET-1669] - TimeFrame.equals(Object) does not work as expected * [WICKET-1670] - Time.valueOf() does not clear miliseconds * [WICKET-1682] - HtmlHandler can't handle tags not requiring closed tags if the tag names are uppercase * [WICKET-1697] - Bad caching in tag for the same key in same markup structure * [WICKET-1701] - org.apache.wicket.markup.html.CompressedPackageResource$CompressingResourceStream.cache needs to avoid being serialized * [WICKET-1705] - GuiceComponentInjector mishandles static fields * [WICKET-1706] - org.apache.wicket.util.lang.Objects.convertValue returns null if it cannot convert the value ** Improvement * [WICKET-1492] - Allow form to specify prefix for formcomponent names * [WICKET-1524] - Disable javadoc plugin in regular build to make it faster * [WICKET-1590] - AjaxEditableChoiceLabel ignores ChoiceRenderer in newLabel(...) * [WICKET-1592] - html.form.Form object should have method to obtain all FormValidator objects associated with * [WICKET-1595] - AutoCompleteTextField: Scrolling down the Choice Menu Only When the Bottom of the Menu Is Reached * [WICKET-1608] - make AutoCompleteBehavior's configuration more flexible * [WICKET-1618] - Localizer API should be enhanced so that the cache implementation can be overwritten * [WICKET-1668] - (added translations) * [WICKET-1708] - Allow the module init parameter to contain multiple class names * [WICKET-1709] - Allow configuration of the guice Stage for GuiceWebApplicationFactory * [WICKET-1711] - Improve Locale fallback in BundleStringResourceLoader ** New Feature * [WICKET-1322] - NormalUrlCodingStrategy: It does not append / to the end of the url before the parameters * [WICKET-1428] - AutoLinkResolver and Parent-Relative (../) Links * [WICKET-1609] - add RedirectToExternalException * [WICKET-1641] - provide OSGi metadata ** Wish * [WICKET-1562] - Autocomplete should display the selection list even if the input field is empty Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.3.3 ** Bug * [WICKET-310] - AutoCompleteTextField does not invoke post call handlers * [WICKET-860] - GoAndClearFilter doesn't reset filter form fields * [WICKET-932] - BaseWicketTester support for SubmitLink * [WICKET-1105] - Missing javascript header referencies when there are no body or head tags. * [WICKET-1265] - Close ModalWindow in IE with scrollbars scrolls to bottom * [WICKET-1268] - Form inside VelocityPanel throws WicketRuntimeException: Unable to find the markup for the component. * [WICKET-1280] - Autocomplete onchange event gets fired twice when selecting with mouse click * [WICKET-1329] - AutoCompleteTextField's suggestion list *disappeared* when it is used inside a ModalWindow * [WICKET-1332] - AjaxFormChoiceComponentUpdatingBehavior just updates the group "grandchildren" * [WICKET-1350] - AutoCompleteTextField's *scrollable* suggestion list disappeared when a mouse pointing to the scroll bar in IE6/7 * [WICKET-1372] - Input field with autocomplete behavior does not submit the form via enter key in some cases * [WICKET-1391] - bug: setObject(null) called for excplicitly invisible fields in a non-visible enclosure * [WICKET-1408] - ComponentFeedbackMessageFilter should use equals() method to determine equality * [WICKET-1411] - FormTester doesn't initialise values for RadioGroups * [WICKET-1414] - findSubmittingButton will fail when button without form is added before form * [WICKET-1415] - BundleStringResourceLoader throws NPE if component is null * [WICKET-1416] - WIcket Filter ignoring query parameters on redirect * [WICKET-1417] - AjaxFormChoiceComponentUpdatingBehavior does not iterate over immediate children * [WICKET-1423] - AuthenticatedWebApplication uses deprecated constructor of AuthenticatedWebSession * [WICKET-1430] - Form processing throws NPE if button.onsubmit() moves the button or its parents out of the component hierarchy * [WICKET-1433] - MarkupCache NPEs when null (never cache) cacheKey is returned from IMarkupCacheKeyProvider * [WICKET-1434] - WicketTester.startPage(Class) does not trigger WebRequestCycle.onBeginRequest * [WICKET-1435] - WicketTester.clickLink(String) only triggers the WebRequestCycle.onEndRequest * [WICKET-1438] - detach behavior * [WICKET-1440] - AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior doesn't work when added directly to page * [WICKET-1442] - nested forms inside a multipart form can't be submitted via ajax * [WICKET-1444] - AbstractDecimalConverter has a numberFormats fields that holds NumberFormats, But those are not thread save... * [WICKET-1445] - StreamCorruptedException/PageStore/Serialization broken because ObjectOutputStream was not flushed * [WICKET-1446] - Lazy registration in SharedResourceRequestTarget fails * [WICKET-1452] - Error in javadoc class description in MySignInPage * [WICKET-1454] - Enter in AutoCompleteTextField with AjaxFormSubmitBehavior on change-event submits form multiple times * [WICKET-1455] - Session. requestDetached() does not replicate dirty pages to session in some situations, breaking application clustering * [WICKET-1457] - modalwindow with panel doesn't resize properly on IE * [WICKET-1458] - Changing tag name and expanding open-close to open-body-close prints old tag name * [WICKET-1462] - Problem with ajax form submission inside model window in IE and Safari * [WICKET-1467] - StringResourceModel should implement IComponentAssignedModel * [WICKET-1470] - DiskPageStore may cause memory leaks when the files can't be written ** Improvement * [WICKET-1288] - Make Cookie-Detection possible without JavaScript * [WICKET-1338] - enclosures on nested components within wicket:extends * [WICKET-1351] - AutoCompleteTextField's *scrollable* suggestion list can be better if it can be scrolled using KEY_UP and KEY_DOWN * [WICKET-1406] - CheckGroupSelector should implement ILabelProvider * [WICKET-1410] - WicketTester and temporary sessions * [WICKET-1420] - Allow to change charset in StringRequestTarget * [WICKET-1421] - DecimalConverter with grouping disabled needed * [WICKET-1422] - request to make RadioChoice getPrefix() and getSuffix() non-final * [WICKET-1461] - Javadoc error with parent in constructor style * [WICKET-1464] - Stop dumping stack trace in PropertyResolver when a field or set method is not found * [WICKET-1465] - AjaxRequestTarget shouldn't throw exception when component is already removed from page (but log warning) * [WICKET-1472] - JavaDoc enhancements in FileUpload API ** New Feature * [WICKET-1428] - AutoLinkResolver and Parent-Relative (../) Links Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.3.2 ** Bug * [WICKET-1038] - Setting UnexpectedExceptionDisplay to IExceptionSettings.SHOW_NO_EXCEPTION_PAGE doesn't throw Servlet Exception * [WICKET-1239] - java.lang.IllegalAccessError when changing AjaxEditableLabel * [WICKET-1278] - Uncaught checked exceptions in page constructor * [WICKET-1294] - PrependingStringBuffer.hashCode() doesn't meet its contract * [WICKET-1305] - AbstractTextComponent requires itself to be rendered before conversion happens * [WICKET-1307] - autolinked resources have locale appended * [WICKET-1308] - TextArea trims content when saved * [WICKET-1314] - DateTimeField does not correct the timezone properly * [WICKET-1319] - StringResourceModel incorrectly escapes ' characters in choice formats * [WICKET-1321] - Javadoc error in QueryStringUrlCodingStrategy * [WICKET-1323] - AbstractPageableView has transient cachedItemCount, but doesn't set it to -1 on deserialization. * [WICKET-1330] - ComponentTag#setNamespace() only modifies the opening tag * [WICKET-1340] - Bogus LocalizedImageResource#isStateless() * [WICKET-1342] - Inline documentation * [WICKET-1353] - Typo in palette.html * [WICKET-1356] - When no request target is found for url we should let other filters/servers process the url instead of trying to serve the resource * [WICKET-1361] - Localizer doesn't honor style when caching property lookups * [WICKET-1364] - BaseWicketTester.isVisible() doesn't check Component.isRenderAllowed() * [WICKET-1365] - Having instance variables referencing pages causes memory leaks, StackOverflowErrors and ClassCastExceptions * [WICKET-1370] - MarkupCache can "leak" memory * [WICKET-1377] - AbstractCalendar use the wrong resources path * [WICKET-1383] - MiniMap IndexOutOfBoundsException when empty * [WICKET-1387] - Cookie Path of persistent FormElements wrong * [WICKET-1388] - "charset=UTF-8" is appended to Content-Type of DynamicWebResources * [WICKET-1395] - BigDecimalConverter does not work with space - eg, French or Russian Locales. * [WICKET-1397] - AjaxSubmitLink doesn't always find enclosing form properly * [WICKET-1398] - AjaxFallbackButton not getting form * [WICKET-1400] - FormComponent.error(ivalidationerror) error needs to show tried resource keys * [WICKET-1401] - StyleDateConverter does not use the components Locale when formatting. * [WICKET-1402] - External JAvascript references not included ** Improvement * [WICKET-194] - Enhance CheckBoxSelector to Select CheckBox-es in CheckGroup on Server Side * [WICKET-1166] - add sanity check on form submit for request method * [WICKET-1269] - Page.checkRendering() should log with level info or debug instead of warn in case a transparent container was found * [WICKET-1297] - PasswordTextField.onComponentTag helpful if not final * [WICKET-1302] - Make substitutePropertyExpressions() in Localizer overridable * [WICKET-1317] - web.xml context-param is non-unique * [WICKET-1336] - NumberValidator.POSITIVE gives an intimidating error message * [WICKET-1341] - Make markup id available at any point in component's lifecycle rather than only during and after first render * [WICKET-1359] - org.apache.wicket.Application's javadoc refers to getSessionFactory() which is deprecated * [WICKET-1363] - Support RestartResponseAtInterceptPageException/continueToOriginalDestination() with Ajax requests * [WICKET-1378] - Improved Dutch IConverter strings * [WICKET-1381] - Do not silently fail when ajax precondition script fails * [WICKET-1396] - Add more explicit exception for NPE in ** Task * [WICKET-1326] - remove final from AjaxRequestTarget.addComponent(Component) * [WICKET-1334] - README in wicket-examples confusing Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.3.1 ** Bug * [WICKET-812] - Submit button, multipart content and UploadProgressBar * [WICKET-989] - DatePicker: NaN if numerical input cannot be parsed * [WICKET-1184] - PageSavingThread keeps running after undeploy * [WICKET-1194] - UploadProgressBar incompatible with submit buttons onSubmit method (in FireFox at least) * [WICKET-1243] - the DatePicker show the same week title in china. * [WICKET-1249] - modal.js conflicts with mootools and possibly other javascript frameworks. + patch fix * [WICKET-1254] - Binding to a BigDecimal don't honor browser locale * [WICKET-1257] - iframe get request done 2x after ajax change in IE * [WICKET-1258] - AjaxFormChoiceComponentUpdatingBehavior assumes Radio/Choice items are a direct child of the group in the client-side DOM * [WICKET-1260] - CheckBox.setRequired() is not picked up in 1.3-final * [WICKET-1262] - Page#readResolve is not called * [WICKET-1263] - Using nested wicket:enclosure throws exception * [WICKET-1264] - assertComponentOnAjaxResponse does not work with WicketTester.clickLink * [WICKET-1270] - NPE in ListMultipleChoice.updateModel() * [WICKET-1271] - Script in RenderHead method of AjaxFormChoiceComponentUpdatingBehavior needs fixing * [WICKET-1274] - Only properties from first panel-implementation loaded when using different implementations of an abstract panel on the same page * [WICKET-1275] - FLAG_HAS_BEEN_RENDERED is set when rendering invisible components * [WICKET-1277] - When no component is focused on AjaxRequestTarget, wicket tries to focus element with id 'null' * [WICKET-1282] - AjaxFormSubmitBehavior doesn't work well with nested forms * [WICKET-1290] - PrependingStringBuffer.equals(Object obj) is not reflexive * [WICKET-1304] - Form processing workflow is broken for FormComponentPanels ** Improvement * [WICKET-1020] - expose configuration of CompoundValidator, NumberValidator * [WICKET-1193] - i18n: Translation of resource files in Korean * [WICKET-1252] - Default start week day based on locale * [WICKET-1272] - Better clustering support for DiskPageStore * [WICKET-1283] - Allow to query component markup id without creating one * [WICKET-1284] - Report last focused element id on ajax request * [WICKET-1293] - Improve SelectOptions: allow customization of created SelectOption objects * [WICKET-1299] - HybridUrlCodingStrategy should throw a PageExpiredException if a RequestListenerInterface is targeted on a non-existent page-id/version * [WICKET-1309] - Properties files translation (_es) * [WICKET-1313] - Created Norwegian translation of