This file contains the changes done to the 1.3.x releases sinse 1.3-final. Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.3.1 ** Bug * [WICKET-812] - Submit button, multipart content and UploadProgressBar * [WICKET-989] - DatePicker: NaN if numerical input cannot be parsed * [WICKET-1184] - PageSavingThread keeps running after undeploy * [WICKET-1194] - UploadProgressBar incompatible with submit buttons onSubmit method (in FireFox at least) * [WICKET-1243] - the DatePicker show the same week title in china. * [WICKET-1249] - modal.js conflicts with mootools and possibly other javascript frameworks. + patch fix * [WICKET-1254] - Binding to a BigDecimal don't honor browser locale * [WICKET-1257] - iframe get request done 2x after ajax change in IE * [WICKET-1258] - AjaxFormChoiceComponentUpdatingBehavior assumes Radio/Choice items are a direct child of the group in the client-side DOM * [WICKET-1260] - CheckBox.setRequired() is not picked up in 1.3-final * [WICKET-1262] - Page#readResolve is not called * [WICKET-1263] - Using nested wicket:enclosure throws exception * [WICKET-1264] - assertComponentOnAjaxResponse does not work with WicketTester.clickLink * [WICKET-1270] - NPE in ListMultipleChoice.updateModel() * [WICKET-1271] - Script in RenderHead method of AjaxFormChoiceComponentUpdatingBehavior needs fixing * [WICKET-1274] - Only properties from first panel-implementation loaded when using different implementations of an abstract panel on the same page * [WICKET-1275] - FLAG_HAS_BEEN_RENDERED is set when rendering invisible components * [WICKET-1277] - When no component is focused on AjaxRequestTarget, wicket tries to focus element with id 'null' * [WICKET-1282] - AjaxFormSubmitBehavior doesn't work well with nested forms * [WICKET-1290] - PrependingStringBuffer.equals(Object obj) is not reflexive * [WICKET-1304] - Form processing workflow is broken for FormComponentPanels ** Improvement * [WICKET-1020] - expose configuration of CompoundValidator, NumberValidator * [WICKET-1193] - i18n: Translation of resource files in Korean * [WICKET-1252] - Default start week day based on locale * [WICKET-1272] - Better clustering support for DiskPageStore * [WICKET-1283] - Allow to query component markup id without creating one * [WICKET-1284] - Report last focused element id on ajax request * [WICKET-1293] - Improve SelectOptions: allow customization of created SelectOption objects * [WICKET-1299] - HybridUrlCodingStrategy should throw a PageExpiredException if a RequestListenerInterface is targeted on a non-existent page-id/version * [WICKET-1309] - Properties files translation (_es) * [WICKET-1313] - Created Norwegian translation of