
This page shows you a generated roadmap based on our issue tracking system. Therefore please keep in mind that the roadmap is a moving target and will change in time.


Open issues: 0 issues

ASF JIRA (4 issues)
Summary T Status
Modal Window always creates new cookies Bug ResolvedResolved
Removing comments from markup can fail Bug ResolvedResolved
Header contribution is sometimes not rendered after the request Bug ResolvedResolved
replace & with &amp in ExternalLink Bug ResolvedResolved


Open issues: 0 issues

ASF JIRA (0 issues)
Summary T Status


Open issues: 0 issues

ASF JIRA (157 issues)
Summary T Status
set session locale when constructing session object Improvement ResolvedResolved
AjaxFormSubmitBehavior: method onSubmit and method onError are called both on submit Bug ResolvedResolved
Improve Javadoc for IDataProvider Improvement ResolvedResolved
IBehavior#rendered() is called twice when a component that has that behavior is rendered via AJAX Bug ResolvedResolved
refactor storing pages and versions Bug ResolvedResolved
Use Wicket filter instead of servlet in documentation, quickstart and examples Improvement ResolvedResolved
Sanity checks in ListMultipleChoice Improvement ResolvedResolved
Modal Window always creates new cookies Bug ResolvedResolved
Removing comments from markup can fail Bug ResolvedResolved
Calls to enabled and visibleInHierarchy should not be done in component resolving. Bug ResolvedResolved
Create a build script for all core projects Improvement ResolvedResolved
Palette tries to initialize values in constructor Bug ResolvedResolved
Strip whitespace and commens from javascript resources New Feature ResolvedResolved
SelectMultiple cannot be used with SelectOption Bug ResolvedResolved
Allow to pass a custom ServletContext to WicketTester Improvement ResolvedResolved variable bugs Bug ResolvedResolved
Set Request Cycle in ThreadLocal New Feature ResolvedResolved
EmailAddressPatternValidator does not correctly identify TLDs with more than 3 letters Bug ResolvedResolved
mounted URLs fail if filterPath is blank Bug ResolvedResolved
Create wicket-parent build for wicket 2.0 Improvement ResolvedResolved
CaptchaImageResource ICLA Task ResolvedResolved
WicketFilter fails for filter mapping /* and non-root context Bug ResolvedResolved
http://foo/app/ doesn't work, but http://foo/app does, with WicketFilter. Bug ResolvedResolved
Problems with Wickets way of searching all resource files Bug ResolvedResolved
remove all maven 1 dependencies Improvement ResolvedResolved
RenderedLabel with Apache License Task ResolvedResolved
How to set TABPanels'titel to EscapeModel(false) New Feature ResolvedResolved
deadlock contention for sessions Bug ResolvedResolved
Add a default css for the palette component Improvement ResolvedResolved
Ajax Tabbed Panel doesnt work Bug ResolvedResolved
wicket-xhtml1-strict.dtd missing from distribution archive Bug ResolvedResolved
Wrong source paths in build.xml Bug ResolvedResolved
javascript error in wicket-ajax.js: Wicket.Log.Error is not a function Bug ResolvedResolved
append AjaxTimerBehavior script to component markup Improvement ResolvedResolved
RadioChoice produces invalid XHTML Bug ResolvedResolved
mount and IndexedParamUrlCodingStrategy severe malfunctions Bug ResolvedResolved
Add an option to turn off beans check in SpringBeanLocator New Feature ResolvedResolved
Variation of JavaScriptHeaderContributor: ExternalJavaScriptHeaderContributor New Feature ResolvedResolved
Check/Radio fail in a GridView with item reuse strategy Bug ResolvedResolved
Remove PageMap from session metadata Bug ResolvedResolved
FormComponents should not have the name "submit" Improvement ResolvedResolved
Wicket generates invalid XHTML for <link> tag Bug ResolvedResolved
refactor/ damage control IRequestCycleProcessor Improvement ResolvedResolved
Optimize markupid generation Improvement ResolvedResolved
WebRequestCodingStrategyTest failing Bug ResolvedResolved
Lazy-registration fails for mounted resources. Bug ResolvedResolved
Ability to specify the MBean Server in which to register the Wicket MBeans Improvement ResolvedResolved
extract IPageMap interface from PageMap Improvement ResolvedResolved
HeaderContributor CSS should let you set the media type. Improvement ResolvedResolved
Remove RequiredTextField from 2.0 Improvement ResolvedResolved
When compressWhitespace is set, whitespace in <pre> blocks is also compressed Bug ResolvedResolved
Detach is not called on page at end of Ajax request Bug ResolvedResolved
RadioGroup/CheckGroup should support embedded RadioGroups/CheckGroups Improvement ResolvedResolved
ContainerFeedbackMessageFilter filters out messages for container Bug ResolvedResolved
Add FormComponentPanel to the core project. New Feature ResolvedResolved
Change StringValueConversionException to Unchecked Improvement ResolvedResolved
Remove DEBUG/FATAL feedback message levels Improvement ResolvedResolved
Add Icelandic translation (attached) Improvement ResolvedResolved
AjaxRequestTarget should render components in the order specifyed by the target.add(Componnet) calls Improvement ResolvedResolved
wrong handling of exceptions for Resource#respond and ComponentResourceRequestTarget#respond Bug ResolvedResolved
[PATCH]Re-render a table element via AjaxRequestTarget under IE does not works Bug ResolvedResolved
Move the wicket-extension's repeater package to core Task ResolvedResolved
FileUpload testing helper Improvement ResolvedResolved
Default code for popups should always try to bring the popped up window to the top (focus) Improvement ResolvedResolved
Access to init parameters through getServletContext.getInitParameter() not working Improvement ResolvedResolved
DiffUtil overwrites files when system property wicket.replace.expected.results=false Bug ResolvedResolved
FeedbackPanel is not updated when using AjaxSubmitButton and/or AjaxFormValidatingBehavior Bug ResolvedResolved
trying to use an component that had no OutputMarkupId via AJAX should give an exception Improvement ResolvedResolved
pom.xml wicket-parent issue Task ResolvedResolved
table background="foo" url prefixing Improvement ResolvedResolved
BookmarkablePageLink only sets the target attribute when it exists in the markup Bug ResolvedResolved
<wicket:link broken? Bug ResolvedResolved
ListView should not call getModelObject when not visible in hierarchy Bug ResolvedResolved
Make RestartResponseException & Co faster Improvement ResolvedResolved
The Wicket javascript global "Class" should be in the Wicket namespace Bug ResolvedResolved
new MixedUrlEncoding New Feature ResolvedResolved
Better separate new event handling from ajax Improvement ResolvedResolved
Improve diagnostics on serialization exceptions Improvement ResolvedResolved
NPE in Bug ResolvedResolved
MockWebApplication initializes application twice Bug ResolvedResolved
DateTextField New Feature ResolvedResolved
Problem in generation of the html code of the page Bug ResolvedResolved
[Patch] Adding Listener to AjaxRequestTarget New Feature ResolvedResolved
Add window width and height to client properties and detection New Feature ResolvedResolved
pallete: " is missing in HTML Bug ResolvedResolved
Remove IRequestTarget.getLock and the synchronize blocks using it Improvement ResolvedResolved
Header contribution is sometimes not rendered after the request Bug ResolvedResolved
replace & with &amp in ExternalLink Bug ResolvedResolved
ICLA from Nathan Hamblen - RenderedLabel Sub-task ResolvedResolved
return immutable parameter map or a copy of parameters Bug ResolvedResolved
create servlet filter class in wicket.protocol.http.portlet package Improvement ResolvedResolved
Use standard exception handling in AjaxRequestTarget Improvement ResolvedResolved
ICLA from Joshua Perlow - CaptchaImageResource Sub-task ResolvedResolved
ICLA from Ingram Chen - wicket.util.tester package Sub-task ResolvedResolved
ICLA from Stefan Kanev - DateTextField Sub-task ResolvedResolved
FormTester doesn't pass form components default values Bug ResolvedResolved
While testing with FormTester: onSelectionChanged is not being invoked if DropDownChoice is enabled for notifications Bug ResolvedResolved
IndexedParamUrlCodingStrategy does not decode PageParameters Bug ResolvedResolved
[Patch] Unexpected NPE in MapVariableInterpolator Bug ResolvedResolved
Properly decode URLs Bug ResolvedResolved
XmlPullParser does not respect the XML NCName syntax Bug ResolvedResolved
Download link does not set Content-Type and Content-Length headers Improvement ResolvedResolved
New features in WicketTester New Feature ResolvedResolved
[Patch] Allow to access html resources if they are not associated with a java class Improvement ResolvedResolved
Cannot execute tests from within wicket-parent Bug ResolvedResolved
Reload Java Classes for Improved Developer Experience New Feature ResolvedResolved
remove the displaytag examples from wicket-examples Task ClosedClosed
create more examples that displays easy custom components Wish ClosedClosed
Wicket uses trivial encryption if com.sun.crypto.provider.SunJCE is not available Bug ClosedClosed
Clusterable instead of Serializable Improvement ClosedClosed
Export the official Apache Wicket site docs from SVN to our webspace ( Sub-task ClosedClosed
creating a mountBookmarkablePage with PageMap Bug ClosedClosed
combine the examples projects into one Improvement ClosedClosed
Deprecated example in wicket.util.convert.Converter Bug ClosedClosed
spanish ApplicationProperties file Improvement ClosedClosed
Add event to DataTable.setCurrentPage(int) Wish ClosedClosed
IBehavior.onBeginRender() Improvement ClosedClosed
missing base64/ URL encoding Bug ClosedClosed
WicketTester doesn't pass PageParameters to bookmarkable pages Bug ClosedClosed
Form's handleMultiPart() method needs to be overridable to allow custom processing of multi-part streams New Feature ClosedClosed
delete and move links from ListView with reuseItems = true don't re-rerender rows properly Bug ClosedClosed
Rewrite src/main/java/wicket/protocol/http/ Sub-task ClosedClosed
Create checkstyle/junit check for compliance Sub-task ClosedClosed
Extra clarification on changing rendering of ListView Improvement ClosedClosed
Adding the CreditCardValidator New Feature ClosedClosed
Replace wicket.util.concurrent with JDK1.5 Sub-task ClosedClosed
Support case insensitive mount paths Improvement ClosedClosed
Remove final from Component#add(IBehavior) Wish ClosedClosed
new window/tab in internet explorer keeps the history of the previous window/tab, then new window check doesn't work when going back Bug ClosedClosed
potential concurrency problem with DateConverter Bug ClosedClosed
BrowserInfoPage yields incorrect offset Bug ClosedClosed
onDetach in HtmlHeaderContainer isn't being called -> wicket.response.StringResponse Bug ClosedClosed
setNullValid method in AbstractSingleSelectChoice returns void Improvement ClosedClosed
Application_ru.xml Improvement ClosedClosed
Example using RefreshingView in a form: contacts editor Task ClosedClosed
Debug settings / serialize session attributes option not working Bug ClosedClosed
problem with RenderedDynamicImageResource not using the overridable methods Bug ClosedClosed
wicket:fragment tag not handled properly when used with markup inheritance Bug ClosedClosed
get the last modified date from the jar file if it is a JarUrlConnections. Improvement ClosedClosed
ListChoice doesn't set the default max rows for every constructor. Bug ClosedClosed
Add setMethod to Form New Feature ClosedClosed
Implement FormComponentPanel for 2.0 Sub-task ClosedClosed
Component reAttach and versioning Bug ClosedClosed
Patch to make wicket-portlet-examples from 1.x compile and run (somewhat) for wicket-2.0 Improvement ClosedClosed
rememberMe is broken Bug ClosedClosed
WicketServlet deprecation and WicketFilter Bug ClosedClosed
ajax requests increment page version Bug ClosedClosed
Support <script> src attribute by Link (TextTemplateLink) Bug ClosedClosed
Get rid of the test serialization in HttpSessionStore Improvement ClosedClosed
compress javascript and css contributions done by HeaderContributor Improvement ClosedClosed
included AJAX JavaScript not exists, exception is thrown Bug ClosedClosed
rewrite wicket.examples.upload.UploadPage so that it doesn't has a reference to uploadfolder Bug ClosedClosed
toString needs to be overriden in PortletRequest Bug ClosedClosed
don't keep references to Font and Color in DefaultButtonImageResource Improvement ClosedClosed
ConcurrentModificationException in RequestLogger Bug ClosedClosed
NPE in RequestLogger? Bug ClosedClosed
change license for nl.openedge.util.jetty package Sub-task ClosedClosed