A Wicket Diary (atom_1.0)
(Stuff concerning Wicket, jWebUnit and Maven.)
Beverly Hills 90210 now Wicket enabled (Nov 29, 2006 15:11)
Hibernate 3.1-something performance problems cont'd (Nov 28, 2006 03:57)
Hibernate 3.1-something performance problems (Nov 27, 2006 03:53)
List of OS X apps necessary on reinstall (Nov 26, 2006 12:22)
Mac Zealotism (Nov 22, 2006 12:04)

Chillenious! (atom_0.3)
(Scratchpad on Wicket, programming and stuff)
Ask confirmation on link clicks with Wicket (Nov 30, 2006 15:26)
An often asked question is how to show a confirmation dialog before ‘comitting’ a link. The easiest way to do that is something like this: Link remove = new Link("removeFieldLink") { @Override public void onClick() { FieldDefinition definition = (FieldDefinition) item.getModelObject(); programService.deleteFieldDefinition(definition); } }; remove.add(new SimpleAttributeModifier( [...]
Added Russian locale (Nov 26, 2006 21:25)
And… thanks to Dmitry Kandalo, we now have a Russian version of the FormInput example (and the default validators). Keep ‘em coming!
Wicket now supports resource bundles in XML format (Nov 13, 2006 07:57)
Since a few days, Wicket (2.0) supports loading properties in the XML format that Java supports since version 5. The great advantage of this is that you can maintain your localized messages in any encoding you like, without having to do ugly things like using the unicode escpace codes. As a bonus I converted Wicket 2.0’s [...]
Added Thai to FormInput example (Nov 13, 2006 02:05)
And the latest translation for the form input example is Thai. Thanks for giving the translations Tor Sampaongern!
Chinese Wicket book available now (Nov 03, 2006 10:19)
We just got a message on the wicket-user list that Wang Lei finished his Chinese book on Wicket. Very cool indeed! I tried to learn Chinese for a couple of months when I worked in China (another profession, long time ago), but I didn’t get much further then a couple of scentences, trying to get the [...]

Jonathan Locke (atom_1.0)
(Jonathan Locke's Blog)
TrafficGauge on Cell Phones (Sep 18, 2006 23:12)
Wicket MVC in Three Lines (Jun 05, 2006 01:43)
Eclipse 3.2 RC6 (May 30, 2006 23:15)
Wicket + Voicetribe = Sign In (May 20, 2006 12:55)
Joined-Subclass Hibernate Heck (May 12, 2006 18:04)