The Apache Wicket Community

The Apache Wicket community is very active and helpful. You can join us on our

See the list of committers and contributors to learn more about who are part of the Wicket community.

Mailing Lists

Wicket has several mailing lists each with a different focus:

List Traffic Join Archive Archive
Wicket Users high subscribe Nabble MarkMail
Wicket Developers medium subscribe Nabble MarkMail
Wicket Announcements very low subscribe Nabble MarkMail
Wicket Commits high subscribe not archived not archived
Old, SF-based Wicket Users superseded n/a Nabble not archived

Search across the mailing lists

  • MarkMail - Summary of "org.apache.wicket" messages
  • Nabble - Apache Wicket forum view

List Descriptions

User list

If you have a question regarding how to do something in your application, then typically you should join the user list. There are over 500 subscribers to that list, across different timezones, so probably your question will be answered within a hour or so, sometimes even within minutes.

Development list

If you want to join in the discussions about the future of the framework, or at least keep aprised of the future then you should join the development list.

Announcement list

If you want to learn about special events or releases then you should subscribe to the announcements list. The announcements typically also go to the other lists.

Commit list

If you want to see what is happening in our code base and you enjoy receiving code diffs in your inbox, then the commit list is a match made in heaven.


Several of the core committers are not only very active on the various lists, they also actively participate in the Wicket IRC channel at the freenode servers. You can join us at the following irc channel: (note the double # character).

The IRC channel is very lively and not only discusses Wicket related things, however it is very helpful and also one of the more active Java related channels on freenode.

Committers and PMC members

Wicket has had a steady list of committers from the start of the project, ever since Jonathan Locke made Wicket open source in 2004.

Currently active

Name Timezone email ##wicket nick
Jonathan Locke GMT-8 jonl at apache dot org JonathanLocke
Eelco Hillenius GMT-8 ehillenius at apache dot org chillenious
Johan Compagner GMT+1 jcompagner at apache dot org jcompagner
Martijn Dashorst GMT+1 dashorst at apache dot org dashorst
Juergen Donnerstag GMT+1 jdonnerstag at apache dot org jd
Igor Vaynberg GMT-8 ivaynberg at apache dot org ivaynberg
Gwyn Evans GMT gwynevans at apache dot org gwynevans
Janne Hietamäki GMT+1 janne at apache dot org janne
Matej Knopp GMT+1 knopp at apache dot org matej_k
Frank Bille Jensen GMT+1 frankbille at apache dot org frankbille
Al Maw GMT almaw at apache dot org AlMaw
Jean-Baptiste Quenot GMT+1 jbq at apache dot org jbq
Ate Douma GMT+1 adouma at apache dot org
Jan Blok GMT+1 janblok at apache dot org
Upayavira GMT upayavira at apache dot org upayavira
Gerolf Seitz GMT+1 gseitz at apache dot org gerolf


As with any project, members can find other ways of spending their (free) time. We can only be grateful for the time and effort they have donated to our project. The following members are no longer active on Wicket, but have had a positive impact on the project.

  • Christopher Turner
  • Bertrand Delacretaz
  • Sylvain Wallez

We wish them well and hope to see you back in the future.


Here's a list of people we are grateful to for their contribution and devotion to the Wicket community.

Wouter de Jong Peter Veenendaal Maurice Marrink Gili Tzabari
Martin Fey Cameron Braid Wang Lei Xiaoyz
Andrew de Torres Dan Gould Francois Denommee Timur Mehrvarz
Phil Kulak Jonathan Carlson Anatol Pomozov Jan Mikkelsen
Simon Berriman Ingram Chen Nick Heudecker Andrew Berman
Gert Jan Verhoog Timothy Bennet Niclas Hedhman Ralf Ebert
Joshua Lim Jesper Preuss Nathan Hamblen Thomas Singer
Ryan Sonnek Philip A. Chapman Joni Suominen Jim McLaughlin
Jonathan Cone Ramnivas Laddad Lulian Costan Geertjan Wielenga
Timo Stamm Jesse Sightler Per Ejeklint David Leangen
Ingram Chen Mark Derricutt Ari Suutari Joe Toth
Jan Bares Scott Sauyet Ali Zaid Anwar

Frappr map

We also host a community group on the social mashup with google maps: You can join us on our Frappr map, or see what the looks are of the other geeks enjoying Wicket.

Join us at the the Wicket Frappr map.