--------------------- Wicket Parent project --------------------- Martijn Dashorst --------------------- Introduction This is the Wicket parent project, creating default settings for all Wicket projects. The defaults entail plug-in settings, versioning of the Wicket projects, managing the various dependencies and more. For more information on the project structure, please read the 'Better Builds With Maven' book which has a detailed description on how to structure a maintainable, enterprise ready build. The book is available for free from the Mergere website. Building Here's a list of the projects: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * wicket * wicket-extensions * wicket-examples * wicket-quickstart * wicket-spring * wicket-spring-examples * wicket-portlet-examples * wicket-auth-roles * wicket-auth-roles-examples * wicket-spring-annot * wicket-spring-annot-examples --------------------------------------------------------------------------- To build the projects, make sure you have downloaded and installed all projects in one directory structure, each project a subdirectory next to one another. If you want to get it all in one sweep, then use subversion to checkout the whole project structure in one go. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- svn co https://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/wicket/tags/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- substituting the part with "WICKET_X_Y_Z", where X, Y and Z are the major, minor and bugfix version. So for Wicket-2.0 you would check out: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- svn co https://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/wicket/tags/WICKET_2_0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the root of the wicket-parent project do the following to build all Wicket projects: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- mvn compile <- compiles the projects mvn package <- creates the jar files in the target/ subdirectories mvn install <- installs the jar files in your local repository --------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can just run the install target, as Maven will build the previous stages automatically.