This file contains a listing of all Jira tickets that have been closed for a given release. Portions of this report were generated using the ReleaseNotes facility in Jira. Release 1.5.4 ============= ** Bug * [WSS-51] - Incorrect test for null in WSHandler * [WSS-52] - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if certs.length > 1 * [WSS-54] - UsernameTokenProcessor not processing unhashed UsernameToken * [WSS-56] - WSS4j statically inserts Bouncycastle and Juice in list of JCE providers * [WSS-66] - Possible security hole when PasswordDigest is used by client. * [WSS-68] - No way to create a UsernameToken with absent element * [WSS-70] - WSHandler checkReceiverResults causes security problem * [WSS-82] - Add the ability to use a custom-loaded JCE provider instance instead of using the system-provided one * [WSS-89] - Error in verifying the signature with encrypted key * [WSS-93] - xmlsec NPE on Reference URI and ValueType attributes * [WSS-95] - Missing NOTICE file in WSS4J release * [WSS-96] - Error when making a signature when containing a WSSecTimestamp * [WSS-97] - Merlin passes invalid OID to getExtensionValue * [WSS-100] - Bug in wsse11 element creation * [WSS-101] - Bug in Encrypted SOAP Header creation * [WSS-103] - BinarySecurityToken processor does not allow for custom token types * [WSS-105] - Make WSS4J compliant with X.509 1.1 specification * [WSS-106] - Certs are expired in wss4j.keystore * [WSS-108] - Some work on KeyIdentifiers * [WSS-109] - Review of error handling messages * [WSS-112] - DerivedKeyProcessor is overwritten if more derivedkeys are present in a Soap Message. * [WSS-113] - Bug in WSHandler#getPassword * [WSS-114] - Some test reports are deleted by intermediate tasks in the ant build * [WSS-116] - EncryptedKeyProcessor fails to record QName of decrypted element * [WSS-119] - Error in Singature Processor ** Improvement * [WSS-37] - Make it easier to set key-stores programmatically * [WSS-38] - Make it easier to set key-stores programmatically * [WSS-74] - Allow Actions and Processors to be customizable * [WSS-80] - Doc fixes to main WSS4J page * [WSS-88] - SecureRandom.getInstance("SHA1PRNG") is slow on IBM JDK 1.4.2 (And perhaps others) * [WSS-92] - Support for Encrypted Header * [WSS-104] - Reference List processor should provide more information * [WSS-107] - contains Bouncy Castle JCE copyright code Version prior to 1.5.4 ====================== no record