Building the WebServices website -------------------------------- 1) Install Ant as desribed below. 2) Install Forrest as desribed below. 3) cd to the ws-site project directory (e.g. /projects/ws-site). 4) Run 'ant'. Installing Ant -------------- 1) Download Ant 1.6.x from and unzip it to your hard drive. 2) Set the ANT_HOME environment variable to the dir where you installed Ant (e.g. /opt/apache-ant-1.6.5). 3) Add /bin to your PATH environment variable. Installing Forrest ------------------ 1) Download Forrest 0.7 from and unzip it to your hard drive 2) Set the FORREST_HOME environment variable to the dir where you installed Forrest (e.g. /opt/apache-forrest-0.7). 3) Add /bin to your PATH environment variable.