Welcome to Apache Sandesha

Apache Sandesha is an implementation of the Web Services ReliableMessaging (WS-ReliableMessaging), published by the IBM, Microsoft and BEA as a joint specification, on top of Apache Axis (The Next Generation SOAP). Apache Sandesha provides; An implementation for WS-ReliableMessaging with the support to WS-Policy and WS- Addressing. Interoperability with other WS-ReliableMessaging implementations. Sandesha provides a complete support for WS-ReliableMessaging specification allowing a reliable communication between web services as well as web services and clients. It also provides the INORDER message delivery assurance for the users.



Source Distribution zip

Binary Distribution zip

11 - 06 - 2005
Beta Release
1.0-RC1 Source Distribution zip

Binary Distribution zip
12-07-2005Release Candidate 1 for 1.0
1.0 Source Distribution zip

Binary Distribution zip
29-07-2005Release 1.0