# This is the port in which client side listener listens. CLIENT_LISTENER_PORT = 9090 # This is the SimpleAxisServerImpl running port. Only for testing purposes. SIMPLE_AXIS_SERVER_PORT = 8080 #Any number of handlers can be included as shown below for the Incoming path of the #client side sender. E.g. messages are the synchronous acks. #Need to use the same names as shown with increasing parameter number. #value of the parameter is split at the first colon and the first part #is used as the option name for the parameter and the latter is the value. #ClientINHandler1 = org.test.ClientINHandler #ClientINHandler1Param1 = param1:AB #ClientINHandler1Param2 = param2:CD ClientINHandler1 = org.apache.axis.message.addressing.handler.AddressingHandler ClientINHandler2 = org.apache.sandesha.ws.rm.handlers.RMServerRequestHandler # If there are additional handlers that needs to be included in the Client side Senders OUT path # then use the following configuration. #ClientOUTHandler1 = org.test.ClientOUTHandler #ClientOUTHandler1Param1 = param1:EF #ClientOUTHandler1Param2 = param2:GH #Configure handlers for the IN path of the Server side Sender. #Note that this is not for the server in path. Server In handlers should be configured #in server-config.wsdd, and this is ONLY for the in path of the server side sender. #E.g. messages are the synchronus acks for responses. #ServerINHandler1 = org.test.ServerINHandler #ServerINHandler1Param1 = param1:XX #ServerINHandler1Param2 = param2:YY #Configure handlers for the OUT path of the server side sender. #ServerOUTHandler1 = org.testsec.ServerOUTHandler #ServerOUTHandler1Param1 = param1:BBBB #ServerOUTHandler1Param2 = param2:CCCC # These are the handlers for the Listener's IN path. Listener's IN path is used to # retrieve asynchronous responses and other RM protocol messages and hence the handlers we put here # should be the RESPONSE handlers with respect to normal invocation. #ListenerINHandler1 = org.test.ClientINHandler #ListenerINHandler1Param1 = param1:IJ #ListenerINHandler1Param2 = param2:KL ListenerINHandler1 = org.apache.axis.message.addressing.handler.AddressingHandler ListenerINHandler2 = org.apache.sandesha.ws.rm.handlers.RMServerRequestHandler #Configure Listener's OUT path as follows. #E.g. messages are the synchronous acks from the client side. #ListenerOUTHandler1 = org.test.ClientOUTHandler #ListenerOUTHandler1Param1 = param1:MN #ListenerOUTHandler1Param2 = param2:OP # Define the strategy for executing web service invokes. # This impl uses the apache axis thread pool and configures # it to the given size. invokeStrategy=org.apache.sandesha.server.ThreadPoolInvokeStrategy:threadPoolSize=10 # Define the invoke handler that will execute the web service invokes. # This impl simply delegates to the handler specified by the "invoker" param. invokeHandler=org.apache.sandesha.server.DelegateInvokeHandler:invoker=org.apache.axis.providers.java.RPCProvider