******************************************************************************** **************************** Apache Rampart Tomcat Samples ********************* ******************************************************************************** It is strongly recommended to run other samples before trying this. Because it will create the directory structure to expected by the build file. UsernameToken Authentication over HTTPS. Step1: Install Axis2 in Tomcat by reading the Axis2 installation guide available in http://ws.apache.org/axis2/. Then test axis2 in Tomcat. Step2: Copy keystores into Tomcat by giving the following command in this directory. $ant copy.keys Step3: Copy rampart jars and mars into Tomcat by giving the following command in this directory. $ant copy.rampart.to.tomcat Step4: Enable HTTPS on Tomcat. For Tomcat5 uncomment the "SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector". The default HTTPS port for Tomcat is 8443. For more information "http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-5.0-doc/ssl-howto.html" Step5: Add the key store information by adding the following into the Connector element in server.xml. truststoreFile="rampart-sample-keys.jks" truststorePass="apache" truststoreType="JKS" keystoreFile="rampart-sample-keys.jks" keystorePass="apache" Start tomcat and check the service by typing "" in the browser. If you have changed the SSL port then type the correct port number and please change the build.xml's ssl.port accordingly. Step6: The following command will copy the ut-over-https.aar into the ${CATALINA_HOME}/webapps/axis2/WEB-INF/services/ut-over-https.aar $ant create.and.copy.service Step7: Start tomcat. View to see wether the service is available. Step8: The following command will create and run the client. $ant create.and.run.client