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Apache Muse

Apache Muse


[ March 27, 2007 ] Apache Muse 2.2.0 is now available! This version provides support for the J2ME Foundation Profile and fixes all bugs reported against version 2.1.0.

[ December 14, 2006 ] Apache Muse 2.1.0 is now available!

[ September 29, 2006 ] Apache Muse 2.0.0 is now available!


The Apache Muse Project is a Java-based implementation of the WS-ResourceFramework (WSRF), WS-BaseNotification (WSN), and WS-DistributedManagement (WSDM) specifications. It is a framework upon which users can build web service interfaces for manageable resources without having to implement all of the "plumbing" described by the aforementioned standards. Applications built with Muse can be deployed in both Apache Axis2 and OSGi environments, and the project includes a set of command line tools that can generate the proper artifacts for your deployment scenario.


Apache Muse 2.2.0 includes:

  • Implementation of all WSRF 1.2, WSN 1.3, WSDM 1.1, and WS-MetadataExchange port types.
  • A small, standalone implementation of the WSDM Event Format 1.1.
  • Compliance with WS-Addressing 1.0 and SOAP 1.2.
  • Deployment within J2EE and OSGi-based platforms.
  • Ability to run on constrained devices with the J2ME Foundation Profile.
  • Common programming model for definition of resource types across the different host platforms.
  • Separate packaging of APIs and implementations; this allows alternate implementations of Muse interfaces (for WS-* portTypes and concepts) to be loaded without including unused code.
  • Aggregation of Java bean classes into a single state model for WSRF (no XML serialization on your part).
  • Lots of utility APIs for common tasks associated with resource properties, service groups, relationships, publish-subscribe scenarios, and resource introspection.
  • A persistence API so that users can recover the state of a WS-resource after shutdown of the host.
  • A WSDL-to-Java client generation tool.
  • Complete WSDL-to-Java tooling that parses WSDL and creates both service and client-side code and artifacts.
  • Continued dedication to 100% compliance with ratified standards!

Your feedback is welcome and should be sent to the user mailing list.