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Apache Muse

Apache Muse - Application Deployment for Mini SOAP Engine

WSDL2Java generates an Ant build file (build.xml) that can be used to compile the code we've written and create a deployable J2EE WAR. Simply run ant in the generated project's directory and it will create a WAR file with the latest code and artifacts. The name of the WAR will be that of the directory that holds the project - if you want to change the name of the WAR, you need to change the name of the directory.

If you have Apache Tomcat installed, you can deploy this WAR into Tomcat by copying it to the $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps directory. When the server is started it will unpack the WAR and install the application. That's all there is to it! Other application servers will have similar methods for one-step deployment of WARs via command line or web console.

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