Apache Muse - WSRP Schema Validation Errors During Initialization
When building WSRF-based resources, you may encounter one or more of the following errors during initialization (please refer to the message ID appended to the beginning of each error message):
- [AboveMaximum] - This error was caused because your initialization code (or
the initial values specified in your RMD document) tried to add values to
a property and gone over the limit set by the maxOccurs attribute in your
XML schema. The message provides the property name and the number of values that
you tried to add over the limit. The getter method for this property must always
return a number of values that is within the schema constraints.
- [BelowMinimum] - This error was caused because your initialization code (or
the initial values specified in your RMD document) did not add enough values
to a property to satisfy the minOccurs attribute in your XML schema. The
message provides the property name and the number of values that existed at the time
of validation. The getter method for this property must always return a number of
values that is within the schema constraints.
- [NotNillable] - This error was caused because your initialization code (or
the initial values specified in your RMD document) added a null value to a
property that has the nillable attribute set to false in its
XML schema.
- [PropertyNotInSchema] - This error was caused because your initialization
code tried to set values or apply metadata to a property that is not found in your
WSRP document schema. It might be in your WSDL schema, but if it is not referenced
in your WSRP document element, it will not be part of the WSRP state model.
- [PropertyNotFound] - Slightly different than the previous error, this
message is issued with WSRP InvalidResourcePropertyQNameFault exceptions.
It is caused by calls to WSRP GetResourceProperty for properties not listed in
the WSRP document schema.