apache > ws.apache
Apache Muse

Apache Muse - WSRF Sample Project

This sample project provides a simple WS-resource that exercises all of the WSRF capabilities (properties and operations) that are described in the WSRF 1.2 standard. In order to simulate the creation of resources and modification of service groups, a "factory" resource is created in order to instantiate the WSRF resource type every few seconds. When the WSRF resources are created, they are added to a WSSG service group.

After deploying this sample, you may study the code for the WsrfTestClient to see how many operations you can perform. By default, compiling and running the client will cause it to ping the service group resource (to start the Muse application), wait ten seconds, and then retrieve the contents of the service group. The client will then pick one of the service group members to use for demonstrating the WSRP and WSRL operations.